1. popen的应用场景


2. popen的实现







FILE *popen(const char *command, const char *type);
int pclose(FILE *stream);

3. pclose操作



/* Copyright (C) 2004       Manuel Novoa III    <mjn3@codepoet.org>* Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Erik Andersen <andersen@uclibc.org>** Licensed under the LGPL v2.1, see the file COPYING.LIB in this tarball.** Dedicated to Toni.  See uClibc/DEDICATION.mjn3 for details.*//* Jan 1, 2004** Rewrite popen for SUSv3 compliance.*   Added a list of popen()'d to store pids and use waitpid() in pclose().*   Loop on waitpid() failure due to EINTR as required.*   Close parent's popen()'d FILEs in the {v}fork()'d child.*   Fix failure exit code for failed execve().*/#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <bits/uClibc_mutex.h>#ifdef __UCLIBC_MJN3_ONLY__
#warning "hmm... susv3 says Pipe streams are byte-oriented."
#endif /* __UCLIBC_MJN3_ONLY__ *//* uClinux-2.0 has vfork, but Linux 2.0 doesn't */
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#if ! defined __NR_vfork
# define vfork fork
# define VFORK_LOCK     ((void) 0)
# define VFORK_UNLOCK       ((void) 0)
#endif#ifndef VFORK_LOCK
# define VFORK_LOCK     __UCLIBC_MUTEX_LOCK(mylock)
# define VFORK_UNLOCK       __UCLIBC_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mylock)
#endifstruct popen_list_item {struct popen_list_item *next;FILE *f;pid_t pid;
};static struct popen_list_item *popen_list /* = NULL (bss initialized) */;FILE *popen(const char *command, const char *modes)
{FILE *fp;struct popen_list_item *pi;struct popen_list_item *po;int pipe_fd[2];int parent_fd;int child_fd;int child_writing;            /* Doubles as the desired child fildes. */pid_t pid;child_writing = 0;         /* Assume child is writing. */if (modes[0] != 'w') {     /* Parent not writing... */++child_writing;       /* so child must be writing. */if (modes[0] != 'r') {    /* Oops!  Parent not reading either! */__set_errno(EINVAL);goto RET_NULL;}}if (!(pi = malloc(sizeof(struct popen_list_item)))) {goto RET_NULL;}// 打开一个pipe,管道是单向。故数据流只能单向流动。if (pipe(pipe_fd)) {goto FREE_PI;}//下面两个描述符就是管道的两端的描述,一个为读一个为写。child_fd = pipe_fd[child_writing]; parent_fd = pipe_fd[1-child_writing]; //fdopen就是打开一个描述,fd相同模式或者字集的方式打开。意思就是把一个已找打开的流与一个文件描述符相关联,且//这个文件描述是唯一的,这样也就可以保证这个函数接口的可重入性。如果设计的不可重入性,也就没必要再做一次fdopen了。if (!(fp = fdopen(parent_fd, modes))) {close(parent_fd);close(child_fd);goto FREE_PI;}VFORK_LOCK;//再这里创建一个子进程,然后执行 shell命令。这里最重的两步就是用pipe的两个描述替换标准输入或者输出。if ((pid = vfork()) == 0) {    /* Child of vfork... */close(parent_fd);if (child_fd != child_writing) {dup2(child_fd, child_writing); //用child_fd来代替标准输入或输出。close(child_fd);}/* SUSv3 requires that any previously popen()'d streams in the* parent shall be closed in the child. *///关闭不必要的资源。for (po = popen_list ; po ; po = po->next) {close(po->f->__filedes);}//执行exec shell,这个时候标准输入/输出就变为pipe管道的一端了。//这里只能实现单向的功能。要么读要么写。execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", command, (char *)0);/* SUSv3 mandates an exit code of 127 for the child if the* command interpreter can not be invoked. */_exit(127);}VFORK_UNLOCK;/* We need to close the child filedes whether vfork failed or* it succeeded and we're in the parent. */close(child_fd);//将当前的信息保存到全局链表。为了是pclose可以找到对的子进程与通信文件描述。if (pid > 0) {                /* Parent of vfork... */pi->pid = pid;pi->f = fp;VFORK_LOCK;pi->next = popen_list;popen_list = pi;VFORK_UNLOCK;return fp;}/* If we get here, vfork failed. */fclose(fp);                   /* Will close parent_fd. */FREE_PI:free(pi);RET_NULL:return NULL;
}#warning is pclose correct wrt the new mutex semantics?int pclose(FILE *stream)
{struct popen_list_item *p;int stat;pid_t pid;/* First, find the list entry corresponding to stream and remove it* from the list.  Set p to the list item (NULL if not found). */VFORK_LOCK;if ((p = popen_list) != NULL) {if (p->f == stream) {// 找到stream对应的popen结点。popen_list = p->next;} else {struct popen_list_item *t;do {t = p;if (!(p = t->next)) {__set_errno(EINVAL); /* Not required by SUSv3. */break;}if (p->f == stream) {t->next = p->next;break;}} while (1);}}VFORK_UNLOCK;if (p) {pid = p->pid;          /* Save the pid we need */free(p);              /* and free the list item. */fclose(stream);    /* The SUSv3 example code ignores the return. *//* SUSv3 specificly requires that pclose not return before the child* terminates, in order to disallow pclose from returning on EINTR. */do {if (waitpid(pid, &stat, 0) >= 0) { //等待子进程返回。获取返回值。return stat;}if (errno != EINTR) {break;}} while (1);}return -1;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>int main()
{FILE *fp = NULL;char buf[1024] = "";fp = popen("ls -al", "r");if(fp == NULL){perror("popen error\n");return -1;}while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != 0){printf("%s\n", buf);memset(buf, 0x0, sizeof(buf));}pclose(fp);return 0;


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