
In response to the Cambridge Analytica fiasco and the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Facebook has started making it easier for people to control who and what can see and use your data on Facebook. Let’s take a look at what you can do to protect your privacy.

为了应对Cambridge Analytica的惨败和新的欧盟通用数据保护法规(GDPR),Facebook已开始使人们更容易控制在Facebook上可以看到和使用您的数据的人员和对象。 让我们看看您可以采取哪些措施来保护自己的隐私。

使用Facebook的新隐私工具 (Use Facebook’s New Privacy Tools)

The GDPR has forced Facebook to introduce new privacy options and they’ve decided to roll them out world wide. At some point in the next couple of months you’ll get a pop up asking you to make some choices about:

GDPR迫使Facebook引入新的隐私选项,并决定将它们推广到全球。 在接下来的几个月中的某个时候,您会弹出一个对话框,要求您做出以下选择:

  • Ads based on data from Facebook’s partners.广告基于Facebook合作伙伴的数据。
  • Information—like relationship status and religion—that you are currently sharing on your profile.您当前在个人资料上共享的信息,例如关系状态和宗教信仰。
  • Whether or not you want to allow Facebook to use facial recognition.是否要允许Facebook使用面部识别。

When you get the pop up asking you to review them, do it straight away. That doesn’t, however, mean there’s nothing you can do now.

当弹出窗口要求您查看它们时,请立即进行操作。 但这并不意味着您现在无能为力。

完成隐私检查 (Complete a Privacy Check-up)

Facebook’s mobile app has a handy Privacy Check-up that walks you through some important privacy settings. For some reason, it’s not available through the website. Head to the Settings > Settings and Privacy > Privacy Shortcuts > Privacy Check-up.

Facebook的移动应用程序具有便捷的“隐私检查”功能,可引导您完成一些重要的隐私设置。 由于某些原因,该网站无法提供。 转到设置>设置和隐私>隐私快捷方式>隐私检查。

There are three separate steps. First, you select the default setting for who can see your posts when you share them—Public, Friends, Friends Except, and Only Me. Of course, whatever default you set here, you can override when you make an actual post. For example, if your default is to only share posts with friends, you could still share a particular post publicly if you wanted to.

有三个单独的步骤。 首先,您选择共享时可以看到您的人的默认设置,即“公开”,“朋友”,“除我以外的朋友”和“只有我”。 当然,无论您在此处设置的默认值是多少,都可以在发布实际帖子时覆盖。 例如,如果您的默认设置是仅与朋友共享帖子,则您仍然可以根据需要公开共享特定帖子。

Next, you’ll see a list of all the information on your profile and who it’s currently shared with. I didn’t realize so many of my old email addresses were visible to any of my 1500 friends, so I changed a few of them to Only Me.

接下来,您将看到个人资料中所有信息以及当前与谁共享的列表。 我没有意识到我的这么多旧电子邮件地址对我的1500个朋友都可见,因此我将其中一些更改为“只有我”。

Finally, you will see a list of all the apps and websites you’ve given permission to access your data. You can change who can see your activity in those apps on Facebook and, if you want, delete an app and block it from accessing your data again. To do that, tap the “X” and then tap the “Delete app” button. This is how Cambridge Analytica (and many, many other companies) got data from millions of Facebook users, so it’s worth going through and removing any apps you don’t use just in case.

最后,您将看到已获得访问数据权限的所有应用程序和网站的列表。 您可以更改哪些人可以在Facebook上的这些应用程序中查看您的活动,并且,如果需要,可以删除一个应用程序并阻止其再次访问您的数据。 为此,请点击“ X”,然后点击“删除应用”按钮。 这就是Cambridge Analytica(以及许多其他公司)从数百万Facebook用户那里获取数据的方式,因此值得一去并删除所有您不使用的应用程序,以防万一。

It’s also worth noting that you can clean up your Facebook apps on the website; there just isn’t a simple wizard like there is in the mobile app.

还值得注意的是,您可以在网站上清理Facebook应用程序 ; 只是没有像移动应用程序中那样简单的向导。

想想您发布的内容 (Think About What You Post)

This one probably goes without saying, but you should consider carefully what you post on Facebook. It’s easy to let personal information slip out. For example, a photo of a college acceptance letter could give away things like your address, date of birth, and SSN. A photo outside the front of your house combined with regular check-ins nearby could reveal where you live.

也许不用说,但是您应该仔细考虑在Facebook上发布的内容。 让个人信息泄露很容易。 例如,一张大学录取通知书的照片可能会泄露您的地址,出生日期和SSN等信息。 屋子外面的一张照片加上附近的定期入住可以显示您的住处。

While it can feel like you only interact with your closest friends on Facebook, you’re probably also friends with a load of casual acquaintances. If you wouldn’t tell them where you live or give them your phone number when you see them, you should make sure that you don’t accidentally give it to them on Facebook.

虽然感觉就像您只与Facebook上最亲密的朋友互动,但您也可能是经常结识的朋友。 如果您不愿告诉他们您的住所或在看到他们时给他们电话号码,则应确保不要在Facebook上不小心将其提供给他们。

取消与您不认识或不喜欢的人的朋友或封锁 (Unfriend or Block People You Don’t Know or Like)

On the subject of large friends lists, if there are a lot of people you don’t know—or don’t like—on yours, you should go through and unfriend them. If you really don’t like them and think they might wish you ill, you should block them too.

在大朋友列表的主题上,如果有很多您不认识或不喜欢的人,您应该仔细研究并取消对他们的友谊。 如果您真的不喜欢他们,并认为他们可能希望您生病,也应该阻止他们 。

While you can limit your Facebook posts to certain people, if you have no intention of speaking to a person again, it’s pointless to remain friends with them. Why share personal details with people you don’t know or like?

虽然您可以将Facebook帖子限制在特定的人中,但是如果您不想再与某个人讲话,那么与他们保持朋友关系就没有意义了。 为什么要与您不认识或不喜欢的人分享个人详细信息?

限制或删除您过去的帖子 (Limit or Delete Your Past Posts)

Facebook has been around for over a decade. I know I’ve changed a lot in the last ten years and that there are some very embarrassing posts in my history. I’ve been using Facebook’s On This Day feature to slowly remove the worst of them but if you’ve got some potentially personal or compromising posts in your history, you should go through and remove them. If there’s more than one or two, you can change the privacy on all your past posts quickly or use a Chrome extension to delete them fully.

Facebook已经存在了十多年。 我知道我在过去十年中发生了很大的变化,并且在我的历史中有一些非常令人尴尬的帖子。 我一直在使用Facebook的“今日活动”功能来缓慢删除最糟糕的消息,但是如果您的历史记录中有一些潜在的个人或有损个人信息的帖子,则应仔细阅读并删除它们。 如果有一两个以上,则可以快速更改所有过去帖子的隐私,或使用Chrome扩展程序将其完全删除 。

You should also un-tag yourself from any bad photos. It won’t get rid of them, but it will stop people from finding them through your profile.

您还应该取消对任何不良照片的标记 。 它不会摆脱它们,但会阻止人们通过您的个人资料找到他们。

Facebook’s privacy settings have historically been an absolute nightmare. The good news is that they’re apparently committed to making things easier for everyone. Rest assured, whenever Facebook rolls out a new way to protect your privacy, we’ll update you on how to use it.

从历史上看, Facebook的隐私设置绝对是一场噩梦 。 好消息是,他们显然致力于使每个人都更轻松 。 放心,每当Facebook推出保护您隐私的新方法时,我们都会为您更新使用方法。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/349659/how-to-protect-your-privacy-on-facebook/



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