Relationship Between EsN0 and SNR

The relationship between EsN0 and SNR, both expressed in dB, is as follows:

Es/N0(dB)=10log10(Tsym/Tsamp)+SNR​(dB)   for complex input signalsEs/N0(dB)=10log10(0.5Tsym/Tsamp)+SNR​(dB) for real input signals

where Tsym is the symbol period of the

signal and Tsamp is the sampling period of the


For a complex baseband signal oversampled by a factor of 4, the EsN0 exceeds the

corresponding SNR by 10 log10(4).

Derivation for Complex Input Signals.You can derive the relationship between EsN0 and SNR for complex input signals as




S = Input signal power, in watts

N = Noise power, in watts

Bn = Noise bandwidth, in Hertz =

Fs =


Fs = Sampling frequency, in


Behavior for Real and Complex Input Signals.These figures illustrate the difference between the real and complex cases by

showing the noise power spectral densities of a real bandpass white noise process and

its complex lowpass equivalent.

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