​ 1. 奶油色系3D模型动物

A cute white bear wearing shorts, standing naturally and full-faced, Bubble Mart style, clean and simple design, IP image, high-grade natural color matching, bright and harmonious, cute and colorful, detailed character design, behance, Shanghai style, Organic sculpture, C4D style, 3D animation style character design, cartoon realism, fun character setting, ray tracing, children's book illustration style --niji 5 --style expressive

2. 旧漫少女头像

【1990s】 anime, a girl 【with black "Curly hair." 】and 【pink Big bow】, in the style of 【Janpan manga style】, 【big eyes, smiling face, High Cold Beauty】, animated gifs, intense 【close-up】, light 【red and black】, depictions of aristocracy, iconic pop culture references, uhd image. --ar 1:1 --niji 5

3. 浪漫氛围欧美漫画职业

Super cute teacher girl, glasses, black suit, white shirt, holding some books and a rouler, IP by pop martDisney style,Pixar style,Scenes in white room,pastel color, surrounded by roses bloom,fine luster,clean background, gentered composition,3D render, Soft focus, oc,blender, IP best quality,16K,golden or purple hair,dressed beautiful and cutest,soft background color --v 5.1

4. 美式复古黑发女孩

anime girl with long black hair, in the style of celebrity portraits, retro visuals, Teardrop,Retro,yellow and bronze, 32k uhd, sailor moon manga style, poster art, realist detail --niji 5 --ar 1:1 --style expressive

5. 水下锦鲤男孩女孩

Pov view, a cute Girl and red fish, dreamy, watery eyes, front view, makoto shinkai, underwater, in the style of Otomo Katsuhiro, look up, red fish surreal the boy, in a realistic hyper detailed render style, glow, yellow, blue, brush, hyper - realistic oil, exaggerated perspective, Tyndall effect, water drops, mother - of - pearl iridescence, Holographic white, green background --ar 1:1

6. 情侣头像

Drinking carbonated drinks with each other, a 3 year old little girl with black hair, a 3 year old little boy with black hair, smiling, wearing a cute T-shirt, Drinking carbonated drinks with each other, on the street, 1990 style, Ghiblistyle, Miyazakistyle, 8K resolution --aspect 2:1

7. 动物玩水头像,可指定具体品种

A cute welsh corgi pembroke sliding dow, happy excited, 16mm lens in front, we see his excitement and scared in the eye, vibrant colors, water splashing onthelens --s 1000 --q 2 --ar 1:1 --v 5.2

8. 西装浣熊壁纸

anthropomorphic racoon, in a suit, rolling eyes, lightroom, hdr, raw, intricate, soothing tones, intricate details, low contrast, cinematic, high quality --version 5.2 --ar 9:16

9. 熊猫堆,可替换为猫狗等

an image of a pile of cute PANDA, bamboo, in the style of piles/stacks, dusty piles, Pixar, high details, high quality --ar 9:16 --niji 5 --stylize 1000

10. 气球猫

Cute cat, fluffy cat, cute cat in cute clothes, cat has long fur, cat clothes are colorful, cat is playing on the grass with a lot of flowers, cat catching helium balloons, cat is holding Balloons, the background of blue sky and white clouds, the sky is rainbow, high saturation, blurred background, close-up shooting, colorful balloons, super cute big-eyed cat, colorful light, colorful pictures, beautiful photos, cute photos, super details, Shocking pictures, beautiful pictures, ultra-rich details, rich pictures, dreamy, cute and fun, super high-definition, high-definition pictures, realistic, three-dimensional, real pictures. 1080p --ar 9:16 --v 5.2

11. 水下熊猫

Panda cub swimming under water in a crystal clear river, playful and cute, Wildlife photography, National Geographic, Sharp focus, beautiful colors --v 5 --ar 9:16

12. 兔兔吃冰淇淋

a baby bunny eating a pink ice cream --ar 9:16 --v 5.2

13. 摇滚考拉

a koala dressed as rock musician playing bass guitar on stage , by Annie Leibovitz ar 9:16 --v 5.2


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