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I am compiling u-boot for beagle bone black as per the steps mentioned on this link


and getting the following error.

cc1: error: bad value (armv5) for -march= switch

can anyone help me in finding the reason for this error? I guess this is because of gcc not supporting armv7-a still not sure.

thanks, sumit

cross-compiling u-boot beagleboneblack
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edited May 27 '14 at 5:31


asked May 26 '14 at 14:02


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1 Answer


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If you type the exact command shown on eewiki.net page, there would be a problem if you do not have env var CC set. I prefer the following, it assumes you have reasonably current install of arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc as your cross toolchain (adjust if you have something different)

export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi-
export ARCH=arm
make am335x_evm_config

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