
重点 (Top highlight)

Do you like minimalism? Do you think that it’s something we should achieve when we design the next big thing? You are probably right, and as a designer — because of the same reason — sometimes it can hurt to expand your palette with new colors, but even if it feels right to go forward with one main tone you should probably rethink the main direction.

你喜欢简约? 您认为这是我们在设计下一件大事时应该实现的目标吗? 您可能是正确的,并且由于相同的原因,作为一名设计师,有时使用新的颜色扩展调色板可能会受到伤害,但是即使觉得以一种主要色调前进是正确的,您也可能应该重新考虑主要方向。

The problem is not with aesthetics. The issue is mainly our cognition, how our brain detects and uses information well.

问题不在于美学。 问题主要是我们的认知,即我们的大脑如何很好地检测和使用信息。

最佳工作记忆 (Working memory at its best)

First of all, we all have special skills that we use daily to filter out unnecessary information and try to keep the important ones. To find out what these are, we have a strategy to store and recall items, which can be easily got under a blockade because of the limitations of our working memory. This, by chance, can store a maximum of 7 items up to 30 seconds and after this magical time limit, your recalling performance getting worse and worse until the information won’t reach the level of consciousness anymore (so yes, you forgot the given thing).

首先,我们每个人都有特殊的技能,我们每天都会使用这些技能来过滤掉不必要的信息并设法保留重要的信息。 为了找出这些是什么,我们有一种存储和调用项目的策略,由于工作记忆的局限性,可以很容易地对其进行封锁。 偶然地,这最多可以存储7个项目,最多30秒,并且在这个不可思议的时间限制后,您的召回性能会越来越差,直到信息不再达到意识水平为止(是的,您忘记了给定的事情)。

It doesn’t mean that everyone in this world has a horrible memory, it means that even when we consciously try to learn something, we will forget the information because of our already limited capacity. But, of course, several factors can enhance or decrease our memorization even more, but we should always keep in mind this ground rule to help the users’ information processes. We shouldn’t forget either that in the case of a landing page or application content they won’t be motivated to memorize the given information.

这并不意味着这个世界上的每个人都有可怕的记忆,这意味着 即使我们有意识地尝试学习一些东西,由于我们本已有限的能力,我们也会忘记信息 。 但是,当然,有几个因素可以进一步增强或减少我们的记忆力,但是我们应始终牢记这一基本原则,以帮助用户进行信息处理。 我们不应忘记,在登录页面或应用程序内容的情况下,他们不会被动机记住给定的信息。

Will anyone try to learn our site or application content on purpose? Probably not.

有人会试图故意学习我们的网站或应用程序内容吗? 可能不是。

We are starting in a worse position to get across a great deal of information. When you show a very simple design with poorly separated UI elements you share more information all the time than the users can handle. But –and this is the good news for all of us– when you show the same amount of data in groups, it will equal more items that can be recalled successfully.

我们开始处于劣势,无法获得大量信息。 当您显示一个非常简单的设计且UI元素分离不良时,您始终共享比用户处理更多的信息。 但是,这对我们所有人都是一个好消息,当您在组中显示相同数量的数据时,它将等于可以成功调用的更多项目。

“A” is a great example of showing 7 different items (which represent information) to the users that will reach their cognitive limitations, while “B” demonstrates well how you can successfully present much more information in three groups for better recall (with many mistakes for sure, but with a better result)
“ A”是一个很好的示例,向用户显示7种不同的项目(代表信息),这些项目将达到他们的认知极限,而“ B”很好地展示了您如何成功地在三组中展示更多的信息,以便更好地进行回忆(其中许多错误,但结果更好)

通过“块”进行信息检测 (Information detection by “chunks”)

To avoid interference between data it is probably the best method to organize them in different sections. A few years ago every landing page was designed that way with a bold background color (that was usually followed by white) to be distinguished from the rest of the content. While UI design polished a lot from that time, we‘ve (unfortunately) left this segmentation behind to move forward with a better, brighter, cleaner design direction.

为了避免数据之间的干扰,可能是在不同部分中组织数据的最佳方法。 几年前,每个着陆页都是以这种方式设计的,背景色为粗体(通常后跟白色),以区别于其余内容。 从那时起,UI设计大有作为,但我们(不幸地)将这一细分抛在了后面,以朝着更好,更明亮,更干净的设计方向前进。

From the given layout examples the version “D” provides the best information accessibility, because of the boldly designed segments and visible groups.
在给定的布局示例中,“ D”版本提供了最佳的信息可访问性,因为大胆设计了细分和可见的组。

To be honest I’m not a fan of this grouping thing either. It would be nice to have one white space with beautifully designed layouts and monochrome UI elements, but I’m well aware that with this direction I will twice the work for my future users — so I always change my mind and go with less information with better-organized sections with at least two dominant colors. If information processing is an important part of your design (and you are not just designing for the sake of aesthetics), it can be fruitful to start with eliminating the most important pieces of information and separate them into larger chunks in your layout.

老实说,我也不喜欢这种分组方式。 拥有一个设计精美的布局和单色UI元素的空白将是很好的,但是我很清楚,在这个方向上,我将为未来的用户提供两倍的工作量-因此,我总是改变主意并减少信息获取具有至少两种主要颜色的组织得更好的部分。 如果信息处理是设计的重要组成部分(而不仅仅是为了美观而设计),那么从消除最重要的信息并将它们分成更大的布局中开始可能会富有成果。

好吧...那空白呢? (Ok… But what about white space?)

White space is our friend. It’s a blank, large canvas that turns into a beautiful artwork in the hands of a designer. The only thing that I would challenge is to use it as an actual canvas instead of treating it as the main part of your layout.

空白是我们的朋友。 它是一块空白的大画布,在设计师手中变成了精美的艺术品。 我唯一要挑战的是将其用作实际画布,而不是将其视为布局的主要部分。

White space is good for eliminating sections and it gives the users the feeling of a clean and tidy interface. Let’s start then to segment the information you need to show and organize them first. When you have the most important segments, the next step should be to fill those up with content and determine the “color profile” of these groups.

空格是消除部分的好方法,它给用户带来干净整洁的界面的感觉。 让我们开始然后对您需要显示的信息进行细分,并首先组织它们。 当您拥有最重要的细分时,下一步应该是用内容填充这些细分,并确定这些分组的“颜色配置文件”。

Of course, there are situations, when we need to work from a given identity. It can be a real struggle to add other colors to the design, but in these situations, there are tons of other options out there to achieve the main goal, like distributing the sections under a hierarchy or altering the layout with a super simple, but more useful design.

当然,在某些情况下,我们需要使用给定的身份进行工作。 在设计中添加其他颜色可能是一项艰巨的工作,但是在这种情况下,还有很多其他选择可以实现主要目标,例如在层次结构下分布各个部分或使用超级简单的方法更改布局,但是更实用的设计。

Even if you need to work with one dominant color (or only different shades are available) try to avoid aligning them on different sides when you compose the layout. In the given example the version “B” serves better information detection and recall.
即使您需要使用一种主要颜色(或只能使用不同的阴影),也要在撰写布局时避免在不同的侧面对齐它们。 在给定的示例中,版本“ B”可用于更好的信息检测和调用。

I’m not saying that a more homogenous UI can’t work pretty well, however, it makes it much harder to do a great design with this direction (from the users’ perspective at least). What I would recommend to you for your next landing page or application design is to use the power of groups (strengthened with complementary colors), since it will have a great effect on the attention curve.

我并不是说统一的UI不能很好地工作,但是,要朝这个方向进行出色的设计(至少从用户的角度来看)会变得更加困难。 对于下一个着陆页或应用程序设计,我建议您使用组的功能(用互补色增强),因为这会对注意力曲线产生很大影响。

How can you test it? Show the result to a group of people and ask them to recall what they’ve read. You will realize that only strongly highlighted contents will be remarkable for them to remember.

您如何测试呢? 将结果显示给一群人,并要求他们回忆起已阅读的内容。 您将意识到,只有突出显示的内容才能让他们记住。

资料来源 (Sources)

  • Miller, G. A. (1956). The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information. Psychological Review, 63(2), 81.

    乔治亚州米勒(1956)。 神奇的数字七,加上或减去两个:我们处理信息的能力受到一些限制。 心理评论63 (2),81。

  • Cowan, N. (2001). The magical number 4 in short-term memory: A reconsideration of mental storage capacity. Behavioral and brain sciences, 24(1), 87–114.

    Cowan,N。(2001)。 短期记忆中的神奇数字4:对精神存储容量的重新考虑。 行为与脑科学24 (1),87–114。

  • Süß, H. M., Oberauer, K., Wittmann, W. W., Wilhelm, O., & Schulze, R. (2002). Working-memory capacity explains reasoning ability — and a little bit more. Intelligence, 30(3), 261–288.

    Süß,HM,Oberauer,K.,Wittmann,WW,Wilhelm,O.&Schulze,R.(2002)。 工作记忆能力解释了推理能力-还有更多。 情报30 (3),261–288。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/whats-the-matter-with-the-homogenous-monochromatic-ui-design-cc279e29d83a




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