Stewart 发表了一封Walter坏习惯的信.看了让人感动.Walter为我们所尊重.Stewart追求卓越的精神鼓舞人心.无论是设计思想,还有错误处理,语法拼写,都在精益求精.



It's time to make a list of Walter's habits that continually annoy us.
Here are some of my peeves, to start it off:

1. Dodging issues, including important ones such as

(Why is webnews showing only two messages from this in the thread view,
even when viewing the message?)

2. Denying responsibility for his
own slip-ups. For example, marking what's left of

INVALID despite this being due to an obvious mistake he made while
updating the spec, as well as violating the design of D. No doubt there
are other instances, but I can't seem to think of them at the moment.

3. Otherwise hitting the INVALID 'button' without properly analysing
things, meaning that it becomes necessary to reopen.

4. Implementing his own ideas but keeping even constructive criticism -
let alone implementation - of other people's ideas to a minimum.

5. Implementing new features when he should be concentrating on getting
things working properly.

6. Postponing indefinitely, for no apparent reason, folding in fixes
people have gone to all the trouble to write.

7. Not using a spellchecker.

8. Apparently never learning from the spelling corrections we keep
giving him.

(Please forgive me if you _have_ since heeded the advice in

More contributions to this list would be more than welcome!



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