.window系统下,打开cmd 命令控制台窗口,拖拽nuke.exe文件到窗口中,可以输入
D:\Nuke11.1v1\Nuke11.1.exe - -help 命令后,回车运行,即可显示如下信息:

1、Options available when launching from the main Nuke executable:

Usage: ./Nuke

–version show the application version

-h [ --help ] show help message

############# 如下部分就是哥哥版本启动命令:################
–hiero : run Hiero
–player : run in HieroPlayer mode
–usehierolicense : run Nuke using a hiero license
–nukex : run as NukeX instead of standard Nuke
–studio : run as NukeStudio instead of standard Nuke
–nukeassist : run in Nuke Assist mode
–nc : run in non-commercial mode (see user guide). Used to
be ple
D:\Nuke11.1v1\Nuke11.1.exe --nukex
D:\Nuke11.1v1\Nuke11.1.exe --studio


#################### 以下内容可忽略 ##################

-q [ --quiet ] prevents the splash screen and project dialog
appearing on startup
–safe prevents loading of custom python plugins and export
presets on startup. Stops any scripts or plugins in
~/.nuke, $NUKE_PATH being executed as well as stopping
any Ofx plugins being loaded (including FurnaceCore)

2、Options available when launching in Hiero/HieroPlayer mode:

Usage: ./Nuke ( --hiero | --player ) [ project | mediaFile… | --script file [ argv… ] ]:

project name of a project file to open
mediaFile… list of paths to media files, or to folders containing media files
–script file runs the specified python script on startup
argv… list of arguments and options passed to the python script on startup

3、Options available when launching in NukeStudio mode:

Usage: ./Nuke --studio [ project | mediaFile… | --script file [ argv… ] ]:

–log-file file file for application log
–log-level lvl one of “error, warning, message, verbose”
–workspace arg starts the application with the specified workspace.
Can be one of Finishing, Conforming, Compositing,
Editing, Reviewing, Timeline, or any other custom
project name of a project file to open
mediaFile… list of paths to media files, or to folders containing media files
–script file runs the specified python script on startup
argv… list of arguments and options passed to the python script on startup

The following options also have environment variable alternatives:

4、Options available when launching in Nuke (or NukeX) mode:

Usage: ./Nuke (–nukex)


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