s into Source Insight

Source Insight can integrate different kinds of source control tool into it, this document only describe how to integrate ClearCase as an example.

Step 1:

OptionsCustom Commands…

Step 2:

Select ‘Check Out’ command and edit new command “cleardlg /checkout %f” in the ‘Run’ field:

Figure 1 - Configure the Check Out Command

Step 3:

If you want to use the source control icon in the tool bar, you can select it as following:

ViewToolbarsSource Control

Figure 2 - Show Source Control Toolbar

The following toolbar will be added to the GUI:

Figure 3 – The Source Control Toolbar

Select ‘Check In’ command and edit new command “cleardlg /checkin %f” in the ‘Run’ field:

Figure 4 - Configure the Check In Command

Select ‘Undo Check Out’ command and edit new command “cleardlg /uncheckout %f” in the ‘Run’ field:

Figure 5 - Configure the Undo Check Out Command

Select ‘Sync File to Source Control Project’ command and edit new command “clearviewupdate -pname %r” in the ‘Run’ field:

Figure 6 - Sync File to Source Control Project

Select ‘Sync to Source Control Project’ command and edit new command “clearviewupdate -pname %j” in the ‘Run’ field:

Figure 7 - Sync to Source Control Project

There is no ‘Version Tree’ command in the default custom commands. We need to add it manually.

Step 1:

OptionsCustom Commands…→Add

Step 2:

Edit new command name ‘Version Tree’ in the field:

Figure 8 - Add New Custom Command

Step 3:

Select ‘Version Tree’ command and edit new command “clearvtree %f” in the ‘Run’ field:

- Configure the Version Tree Command

Step 4:

If you want run the new command in the ‘Work’ menu, please click the ‘Menu…’ button in the dialog of Figure 9, or do it as following:

OptionsMenu Assignments

Step 5:

1. Select ‘Custom Cmd: Version Tree’ in the ‘Command’ field

2. Select ‘Work’ in the ‘Menu’ field

3. Click ‘Insert’ button (need click the ‘Menu Contents’ field first)

4. Use ‘Up’ or ‘Down’ to set the menu’s position

- Configure the Work Menu


Figure 11 - Configure the Find Checkout Command

Previous Version

Figure 12 - Configure the Compare Command

Figure 13 - Configure the ClearCase Explorer Command

Figure 14 - Configure the History Command

Figure 15 - Configure the Properties of Version Command

Figure 16 - Configure the Properties of Element Command


All the commands should be inserted into the ‘Work’ menu by using the step4 and step5 methods introduced by section 1.6, and then you can use them conveniently. After configure the menu, you will get a work menu like following:

Figure 17- Work Menu

For more information about ClearCase’s cleardlg, you can run command “cleardlg /?” in DOS prompt:

Figure 18 - More Information about cleardlg

The following table shows all the custom commands, just for copy and paste.

Table 1 Custom Commands





Clear Case Explorer



Find Checkouts



Check Out

cleardlg /checkout %f


Check In

cleardlg /checkin %f


Undo Check Out

cleardlg /uncheckout %f



clearhistory %f


Version Tree

clearvtree %f


Compare with Previous Version

cleardlg /diffpred %f


Properties of Version

cleardescribe %f


Properties of Element

cleardescribe %f@@


Sync File to Source Control Project

clearviewupdate -pname %r


Sync to Source Control Project

clearviewupdate -pname %j

* is for snapshot view only

The default tool used to compare files in ClearCase is cleardiffmrg.exe, if you want to use some other software to do the same job, here is how to configure it:

Step 1:

Open file: “C:/Program Files/Rational/ClearCase/lib/mgrs/map”

Step 2:

Find the line:

text_file_delta xcompare ../../bin/cleardiffmrg.exe

And edit the tool’s path like following:

text_file_delta xcompare C:/Software/r-Beyond.Compare/BC2.exe


C:/Software/r-Beyond.Compare/BC2.exe is my compare tool’s path, and you should set the correct path of yourself.

Shift + F8

Ctrl + o

Esc to close the dialog box

Ctrl + /

Ctrl + m




OptionsDocument Options

Figure 19 - Document Options Setting

In the Coding Style for ECDS [2], indentation should be made with spaces rather than with tab characters. Source Insight could expand tab to spaces automatically by selecting ‘Expand tabs’ and setting ‘Tab width’ like following:

Figure 20 - Document Options Setting

In the Coding Style for ECDS [2], it is recommended that line length should no longer than 79 characters. Source Insight could show the margin by selecting ‘Show right margin’ and setting ‘Margin width’ like following:

Figure 21 - Document Options Setting


Figure 22 - Preferences Setting

OptionsDocument Options…→Auto Indent

It is suggested that select ‘Smart’ in the ‘Auto Indent Type’ field, and do not select the ‘Indent Open Brace’ and ‘Indent Close Brace’ options in the ‘Smart Indent Options’ field.

Figure 23 - Auto Indenting

Like the VBA for Word or Excel, Source Insight provides a C-like macro language, which is useful for scripting commands, inserting specially formatted text, and automating editing operations.

This document only introduces a simple way of how to edit the macro file and run macros by shortcut key.

and utils.em file

The Base project is automatically created when the first time you run Source Insight. And the Base project is a good place to add your favorite Source Insight editor macro files.

The default file in the Base project is utils.em, open the file and add following codes to it. The function is open the corresponding .cpp or .h file of current file.

   1: // Open the corresponding .cpp or .h file
   2: macro OpenCorrespondingCppOrHFile()
   3: {
   4:     hCurrentBuf = GetCurrentBuf ()
   5:     bname = GetBufName (hCurrentBuf)
   6:     len = strlen (bname)
   8:     if (".cpp" == strmid (bname, len-4, len))
   9:     {
  10:         filename = strmid (bname, 0, len-4)#".h"
  11:     }
  12:     else if (".h" == strmid (bname, len-2, len))
  13:     {
  14:         filename = strmid (bname, 0, len-2)#".cpp"
  15:     }
  16:     else
  17:     {
  18:         filename = Nil
  19:     }
  20:     if (filename != Nil)
  21:     {
  22:         hbufnext = OpenBuf (filename)
  23:         if (hbufnext != hNil)
  24:         {
  25:             SetCurrentBuf (hbufnext)
  26:         }
  27:     }
  28: }

OptionsKey Assignments

Choose the “Macro: OpenCorrespondingCppOrHFile” in the Command field and press “Assign New Key…” button. I suggest assigning “Alt + ~” to this macro.

After these setting, you can open another project and test the “Alt + ~” shortcut key then.

Figure 24 - Assign Keystrokes to macro

[1] Source Insight Help

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