

简介:A flow layout for Android with auto-spacing.

A FlowLayout for Android, which allows child views flow to next row when there is no enough space. The spacing between child views can be calculated by the FlowLayout so that the views are evenly placed.


compile 'com.nex3z:flow-layout:1.2.2'




Attribute Format Description
flFlow boolean true to allow flow. false to restrict all child views in one row. The default is true.
flChildSpacing auto/dimension The horizontal spacing between child views. Either auto, or a fixed size. The default is 0dp.
flChildSpacingForLastRow auto/align/
The horizontal spacing between child views of the last row. Either autoalign or a fixed size. If not set, childSpacing will be used instead.
flRowSpacing auto/dimension The vertical spacing between rows. Either auto, or a fixed size. The default is 0dp.
flRtl boolean true to layout child views from right to left. false to layout from left to right. The default is false.
flMaxRows integer The maximum height of FlowLayout in terms of number of rows.


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  7. java例程练习(布局管理器[FlowLayout])

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