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Albania: 1st and 2nd division, Cup, Super Cup. (Skenderbleu: European cups suspension for 10 years)

Andorra: 1st and 2nd division, Cup, Super Cup

Armenia: 1st and 2nd division, Cup, Super Cup

Austria: 3th, 4th and 5th division activated. Addition of 9 Regionals Cups qualifying for the Austria Cup.

Azerbaijan: 1st and 2nd division, Cup, Super Cup

Belarus: 3rd division activated. Improvements for 1st and 2nd division

Belgium: 4th and 5th division activated. Cup extension (312 clubs) and various improvements

Bosnia-Herzegovina: 1st and 2nd division, Bosnia Cup, Republika Srpska Cup and Federation of Bosnia&Herzegovina Cup (qualifying for the Bosnia Cup). Lower leagues divised in 2 for good relegation/promotion with the 2nd tier.

Bulgaria: 3rd division + Cup of 3rd division activated. 2nd division OK (16 clubs in 2018 then 18 clubs in 2019)

Crimea: 1st division, Cup

Croatia: 3rd division activated. 2nd division OK (14 clubs en 2018 then 16 clubs in 2019)

Cyprus: 1st, 2nd and 3rd division, Cup, Super Cup

Czech Republic: 3rd and 4th division activated

Denmark: 4th division activated. Various improvement for 1st to 3rd division.

Estonia: 1st, 2nd and 3rd division, Cup, Super Cup.

Faroe Islands: 1st and 2nd division, Cup, Super Cup

Finland: 3rd division activated. Cup extension from season 2019.

France: 4th and 5th division activated. Gambardella U19 Cup. Regional limits for the 5th division. Cup extension, with the 11 overseas clubs to 7th round.

FYROM: 1st and 2nd division, Cup

Georgia: 1st , 2nd and 3rd division, Cup, Super Cup (with new format for 3rd division, from season 2019)

Germany: 4th and 5th division activated (with real promotions/relegations). Fix B teams (3 players maximum 23 years and +)

Gibraltar: 1st and 2nd division, Cups, Super Cup (improvement of SIgames update)

Greece: 3rd division + Cup of 3rd division activated. Fix bugs for 1st, 2nd division and Cup. New formats OK for 2018,2019 and from 2020

Hungary: 3rd division activated. Small improvements for 1st and 2nd division.

Iceland: 3rd, 4th and 5th division activated + League Cup B and C activated. Extension Cup + fix U19 bugs. (U19 for all teams in my update)

Ireland: 3rd, 4th and 5th divisi?on activated + FAI Intermediate Cup (with regional draw for the 1st and 2nd round)

Israel: 3rd, 4th and 5th division activated + Cups of 4th and 5th division activated and qualifying for the State Cup! Extension Cup. ?

Italy: 4th division activated (with Scudetto Dilettanti for the 9 champions) . Regional limits. Cup of 4th division activated

Kazakhstan: 1st and 2nd division, Cup, Super Cup

Kosovo: 1st and 2nd division, Cup, Super Cup

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