Group Manager – Job Description

Microsoft’s Information Services team is responsible for enterprise search, content distribution, portal strategies, collaboration platform strategies and solutions within Microsoft IT, ensuring that Information Publishers and Consumers can stay productive and be informed. We develop cutting edge solutions leveraging Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS 2007) to meet the diverse requirements of Microsoft’s internal business portals. The applications we build are customer showcases for how to integrate custom development with MOSS 2007 out of the box features and address such areas as social computing, information discovery, and enterprise content management.

Our team develops innovative solutions for major intranet portals such as MSW, ITWeb & MS Library, the services and common code / solutions platform for intranet sites, and our intranet search. We have an ongoing challenge to build reliable, high performing, production strength systems in a continuously changing environment, improving through user feedback and leveraging new & emerging technologies. Global customers look to Microsoft to see how we run our business; help us build solutions that our customers can learn from and that your peers can count on.

We are looking for seasoned group manager who can build, drive and motivate a Sharepoint development team, as part of Microsoft IT China Engineering division, that will define, deliver and sustain applications, solution building blocks and portals configuration in partnership with Information Services Redmond to meet the needs of Microsoft overall and our business partners.

To succeed, you will need to manage innovation, risk and potential and lead the team in selecting the best development architecture, design and implementation approach to make our projects elegant and successful. You will be able to balance sustain and triage activity against innovation. You will be well organized, disciplined, self directed and driven and you will apply your knowledge of the customer and technology advances to make the right trade-offs for each project. You will be involved in leading core development tasks including design, estimation, specification, software development, QA and ensuring continued success for our business partners once in production.

A successful candidate will have deep technical and management skills:

* Fluent in English and Chinese. Being able to read and write English is a must with strong communication skills.

* A proven track record of delivering high quality, re-usable enterprise-class web applications, services and components with a strong commitment to engineering excellence.

* Demonstrated ability building and leading high-performing multi-discipline engineering teams multiple concurrent projects through the full development process

* You are driven to produce results while providing a satisfying and sustainable work environment for your team.

* Experience in environments that utilize IIS, SharePoint/WSS, SQL Server, and Active Directory

* Attention to detail and the ability to quickly grasp and integrate new technologies.

* Strong design skills. Ability to resolve ambiguity and turn out solutions that are sustainable and highly re-usable beyond the immediate project at hand.

* Experience creating solutions based on internet / content publishing and content management systems (SharePoint 2007 experience strongly preferred)

* Strong Ability to collaborate with remote teams on work prioritization, plan resource use and drive software development process.

* Ability to collaborate well with other teams and people and enjoy working in cross-team situations.

* You will need to be innovative and have a good grasp on solving problems in a distributed environment.

* You will need to be a good judge of talent to hire the best people, both full-time and vendor and mentor them through their career development process.

Candidates must have at the least 5+ years of software development experience, including experience working on large scale web application teams and demonstrable experience shipping applications into production environments.

A BA, BS, or MS in Computer Science or a related field.




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