

[root@26 super-smack-1.3]# uname -a

Linux 26 2.6.18-164.el5 #1 SMP Thu Sep 3 03:28:30 EDT 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


1 yum-y install mysql-devel2 yum-y install flex3 yum-y install byacc4 yum-y install bison


1 //vegan.net/tony/supersmack/super-smack-1.3.tar.gz

2 tar zxvf super-smack-1.3.tar.gz3 cd super-smack-1.34 LIBZ_LIB="-lm"5 ./configure--prefix=/usr/local/super-smack--with-mysql--with-mysql-lib=/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql/--with-mysql-include=/usr/local/mysql/include/mysql/--with-datadir=/usr/local/super-smack/smack-data/6 make7 make install





< int len = 0, num_recs = 0;


> long len = 0; int num_recs = 0;


< int str_len = (*i).first.length();

< if((unsigned)p + str_len + 3 *sizeof(int) < (unsigned)p_end )


> long str_len = (*i).first.length();

> if((long)p + str_len + 3 *sizeof(int) < (long)p_end )


< len = (unsigned)p - (unsigned)buf;


> len = (long)p - (long)buf;




super-smack -d mysql select-key.smack n m



1.client,定义始于毗连用到的参量,包孕host,user,passwd,port,socket。包孕两种client,admin client和普通client,admin需要具有办理职权范围,需要始于表以及load数据等操作



4.查询,可以自定义查询的语句,查询类型(主要用于分类计数的作用),查询语句也可以为更新操作,如update。如果是查询语句,has_result_set选项应该定义为y,否则会出现Commands out of sync错误,感觉这里是super-smack的一个bug



1.表数据分析毗连(select count(*) from test_table),判断表是不是已经装载了数据



[root@sunss-26 ~]# ll /usr/local/super-smack/bin/

gen-data     super-smack


[root@sunss-26 ~]# gen-data --help

gen-data version 1.1

MySQL AB, by Sasha Pachev

Prints lines random data to stdout in given format

Usage: gen-data [options]

-?, --help - this message

-V, --version - show version

-n, --num-rows=num - number of rows

-f, --format=fmt_str - format string

Format can contain any character + % followed by

a format specifier. Valid format specifiers:

s - string

d - integer

Additionally, you can prefix a format speficier with:

n - generate exactly n characters

m-n - generate between m and n  characters





gen-data -n 90000 -f %12-12s%n,%25-25s,%n,%d>words.data

[root@sunss-26 ~]# super-smack --help

super-smack version 1.1

MySQL AB, by Sasha Pachev and Jeremy Cole

Runs multi-threaded benchmarks on database engines.

The following engines are supported:

Id      Handle          Name            Version         Author

--      ------          ----            -------         ------

1       mysql           MySQL           1.0             Sasha Pachev

Usage: super-smack [options] [smack_source]

Valid options are:  -h, --help               Display this message

-V, --version            Show version

-d, --db-type=handle     Select database type

-D, --datadir=path       Path to super-smack datadir

[root@sunss-26 ~]#


ln -s /usr/local/super-smack/bin/super-smack /usr/bin/super-smack


1 CREATETABLE`http_auth` (2 `username`char(255)NOTNULL,3 `pass`char(25)DEFAULTNULL,4 `uid`int(11)DEFAULTNULL,5 `gid`int(11)DEFAULTNULL,6 PRIMARYKEY(`username`)7 ) ENGINE=MyISAMDEFAULTCHARSET=utf8;


1.mysqlimport -L -usmack -psmack -h192.168.0.26 smack /var/smack-data/http_auth.dat

2.在mysql命令行,执行 Loading data from file '/var/smack-data/http_auth.dat' into table 'http_auth' terminated by ','





1 //this is will be used in the table section2 client"admin"3 {4 user"root";5 host"";6 db"test";7 pass"123456";8 port"3306";9 //socket"/tmp/mysql.sock";//this only applies to MySQL and is10 //ignoredforPostgreSQL11 }12 13 //ensure the tableexistsand meets the conditions14 table"http_auth"15 {16 client"admin";//connectwith this client17 //ifthe table is not found or does not pass the checks,create it18 //with the following,dropping the old oneifneeded19 create"create table http_auth20 (username char(25) not null primary key,21 pass char(25),22 uid integer not null,23 gid integer not null24 )";25 min_rows"90000";//the table must have at least that many rows26 data_file"words.dat";//ifthe table is empty,load the data from27 //this file28 gen_data_file"gen-data -n 90000 -f %12-12s%n,%25-25s,%n,%d";29 //ifthe file above does not exist,generate it with the above shell command30 //you can replace this command with anything that prints comma-delimited31 //data to stdout,just make sure you have the right number of columns32 }33 34 35 //define a dictionary36 dictionary"word"37 {38 type"rand";//words are retrieved in random order39 source_type"file";//words come from a file40 source"words.dat";//file location41 delim",";//take the part of the line before,42 file_size_equiv"45000";//ifthe file is greater than this43 //divive the real file size by this value obtaining N and take every Nth44 //line skipping others.This is needed to be able to target a wide key45 //range without using up too much memory with testkeys46 }47 48 //define a query49 query"select_by_username"50 {51 query"select * from http_auth where username = '$word'";52 //$wordwill be substitute with thereadfrom the'word'dictionary53 type"select_index";54 //query stats will be grouped by type55 has_result_set"y";56 //the query is expected toreturna result set57 parsed"y";58 //the query string should be first processed by super-smack todo59 //dictionary substitution60 }61 62 //define database client type63 client"smacker1"64 {65 user"root";//connectas this user66 pass"123456";//usethis password67 host"";//connectto this host68 db"test";//switch to this database69 port"3306";70 //socket"/tmp/mysql.sock";//this only applies to MySQL and is71 //ignoredforPostgreSQL72 query_barrel"2 select_by_username";//oneachround,73 //run select_by_username query2times74 }75 76 main77 {78 smacker1.init();//initialize the client79 smacker1.set_num_rounds($2);//second arg on the command line defines80 //the number of roundsforeachclient81 smacker1.create_threads($1);82 //first argument on the command line defines how many client instances83 //tofork.Anything after this will be done onceforeachclientuntil84 //you collect the threads85 smacker1.connect();86 //you mustconnectafter youfork87 smacker1.unload_query_barrel();//foreachclient fire the query barrel88 //it will nowdothe number of rounds specified by set_num_rounds()89 //oneachround,query_barrel of the client is executed90 91 smacker1.collect_threads();92 //the master thread waitsforthe children,eachchild reports the stats93 //the stats are printed94 smacker1.disconnect();95 //the children now disconnect andexit96 }97

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