
RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (4) must match the size of tensor b (3) at non-singleton dimension 0


from PIL import Image
#from torchvision import transforms
img = Image.open("images/pytorch.png")
#它是PIL的图片类型,图片大小是955×500from torchvision import transforms
#python中__call__的用法# transforms的compose方法既可以通过内置函数调用也可以通过__call__来调用
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter#从tensorboard引入了SummaryWriter
writer = SummaryWriter("logs")
img = Image.open("images/pytorch.png")
print(img)trans_totensor = transforms.ToTensor()
img_tensor = trans_totensor(img)
# writer.close()##Normalization归一化
# 能够归一化一个tnesor的图像,随着他的平均值或者标准差
# 给一个均值和标准差看维度
# 能够将每一个信道的值归一化# 归一化的计算公式
# output[channel] = (input[channel] - mean[channel]) / std[channel]`
trans_norm = transforms.Normalize([0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
img_norm = trans_norm(img_tensor)


img_norm = trans_norm(img_tensor)


输入图像有一个 alpha 通道的像素,因此它是四通道而不是是三通道的图像




img = Image.open("images/pytorch.png").convert('RGB')

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