
#define _stprintf
#define _stprintf_s
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS#include<stdio.h>
#define PI 3.14159
#define X(a,b,c) x=a*cos(b*c*PI/180-PI/2)+300
#define Y(a,b,c) y=a*sin(b*c*PI/180-PI/2)+240
#define b(a,b,c) X(a,b,c);Y(a,b,c);void Draw(int hour, int minute, int second)
{double a_hour, a_min, a_sec; // 时、分、秒针的弧度值int x_hour, y_hour, x_min, y_min, x_sec, y_sec; // 时、分、秒针的末端位置int x4, y4;// 计算时、分、秒针的弧度值a_sec = second * 2 * PI / 60;a_min = minute * 2 * PI / 60 + a_sec / 60; a_hour = hour * 2 * PI / 12 + a_min / 12;// 计算时、分、秒针的末端位置x_sec = 320 + (int)(120 * sin(a_sec));y_sec = 240 - (int)(120 * cos(a_sec));x_min = 320 + (int)(100 * sin(a_min));y_min = 240 - (int)(100 * cos(a_min));x_hour = 320 + (int)(70 * sin(a_hour));y_hour = 240 - (int)(70 * cos(a_hour));// 画时针setlinestyle(SOLID_FILL,2,0,10);setcolor(WHITE);line(320, 240, x_hour, y_hour);// 画分针setlinestyle(SOLID_FILL,2,0,6);setcolor(LIGHTGRAY);line(320, 240, x_min, y_min);// 画秒针setlinestyle(SOLID_FILL,2,0,2);setcolor(RED);line(320, 240, x_sec, y_sec);/*画十二时辰*/TCHAR s1[12];//分配用来保存十二时辰字符的指针数组x4 = 175 * sin(0.5 * PI / 180) + 316;y4 = 175 * -cos(0.5 * PI / 180) + 230;setcolor(LIGHTCYAN);_stprintf_s(s1, _T("子"));outtextxy(x4, y4, s1);x4 = 175 * sin(30 * PI / 180) + 316;y4 = 175 * -cos(30 * PI / 180) + 230;_stprintf_s(s1, _T("丑"));outtextxy(x4, y4, s1);x4 = 175 * sin(60 * PI / 180) + 316;y4 = 175 * -cos(60 * PI / 180) + 230;_stprintf_s(s1, _T("寅"));outtextxy(x4, y4, s1);x4 = 175 * sin(90 * PI / 180) + 316;y4 = 175 * -cos(90 * PI / 180) + 230;_stprintf_s(s1, _T("卯"));outtextxy(x4, y4, s1);x4 = 175 * sin(120 * PI / 180) + 316;y4 = 175 * -cos(120 * PI / 180) + 230;_stprintf_s(s1, _T("辰"));outtextxy(x4, y4, s1);x4 = 175 * sin(150 * PI / 180) + 316;y4 = 175 * -cos(150 * PI / 180) + 230;_stprintf_s(s1, _T("巳"));outtextxy(x4, y4, s1);x4 = 175 * sin(180 * PI / 180) + 316;y4 = 175 * -cos(180 * PI / 180) + 230;_stprintf_s(s1, _T("午"));outtextxy(x4, y4, s1);x4 = 175 * sin(210 * PI / 180) + 316;y4 = 175 * -cos(210 * PI / 180) + 230;_stprintf_s(s1, _T("未"));outtextxy(x4, y4, s1);x4 = 175 * sin(240 * PI / 180) + 316;y4 = 175 * -cos(240 * PI / 180) + 230;_stprintf_s(s1, _T("申"));outtextxy(x4, y4, s1);x4 = 175 * sin(270 * PI / 180) + 316;y4 = 175 * -cos(270 * PI / 180) + 230;_stprintf_s(s1, _T("酉"));outtextxy(x4, y4, s1);x4 = 175 * sin(300 * PI / 180) + 316;y4 = 175 * -cos(300 * PI / 180) + 230;_stprintf_s(s1, _T("戌"));outtextxy(x4, y4, s1);x4 = 175 * sin(330 * PI / 180) + 316;y4 = 175 * -cos(330 * PI / 180) + 230;_stprintf_s(s1, _T("亥"));outtextxy(x4, y4, s1);/*绘制八卦字符*/TCHAR s2[8];x4 = 202 * sin(0.5 * PI / 180) + 316;y4 = 202 * -cos(0.5 * PI / 180) + 230;_stprintf_s(s2, _T("坎"));outtextxy(x4, y4, s2);x4 = 202 * sin(45 * PI / 180) + 316;y4 = 202 * -cos(45 * PI / 180) + 230;_stprintf_s(s2, _T("艮"));outtextxy(x4, y4, s2);x4 = 202 * sin(90 * PI / 180) + 316;y4 = 202 * -cos(90 * PI / 180) + 230;_stprintf_s(s2, _T("震"));outtextxy(x4, y4, s2);x4 = 202 * sin(135 * PI / 180) + 316;y4 = 202 * -cos(135 * PI / 180) + 230;_stprintf_s(s2, _T("巽"));outtextxy(x4, y4, s2);x4 = 202 * sin(180 * PI / 180) + 316;y4 = 202 * -cos(180 * PI / 180) + 230;_stprintf_s(s2, _T("离"));outtextxy(x4, y4, s2);x4 = 202 * sin(225 * PI / 180) + 316;y4 = 202 * -cos(225 * PI / 180) + 230;_stprintf_s(s2, _T("坤"));outtextxy(x4, y4, s2);x4 = 202 * sin(270 * PI / 180) + 316;y4 = 202 * -cos(270 * PI / 180) + 230;_stprintf_s(s2, _T("兑"));outtextxy(x4, y4, s2);x4 = 202 * sin(315 * PI / 180) + 316;y4 = 202 * -cos(315 * PI / 180) + 230;_stprintf_s(s2, _T("乾"));outtextxy(x4, y4, s2);
}int main()
{int i, j, k, l, m, x1, x2, y1, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, x5, y5, x6, y6, x7, y7;initgraph(650, 500, 0);/*绘制罗盘*/setcolor(LIGHTGREEN);circle(320, 240, 4);//指针中心点circle(320, 240, 160);//数字时钟圆circle(320, 240, 190);//十二时辰圆circle(320, 240, 220);//八卦圆for (i = 0; i < 60; i++) /*绘数字钟刻度*/{if (i % 5 == 0) {l = 15;}else {l = 5;}x1 = 160 * sin(i * 6 * PI / 180) + 320;y1 = 160 * cos(i * 6 * PI / 180) + 240;x2 = (160 - l)*sin(i * 6 * PI / 180) + 320;y2 = (160 - l)*cos(i * 6 * PI / 180) + 240;line(x1, y1, x2, y2);}for (j = 0; j <= 12; j++)/*绘钟表数字*/{x3 = 136 * sin(j * 30 * PI / 180) + 316;y3 = 136 * -cos(j * 30 * PI / 180) + 230;setcolor(LIGHTCYAN);TCHAR s[12];_stprintf(s, _T("%d"), j);outtextxy(x3, y3, s);}for (k = 0; k < 12; k++)/*绘十二时辰刻度*/{l = 30;x4 = 190 * sin(k * 30 * PI / 180+6) + 320;y4 = 190 * cos(k * 30 * PI / 180+6) + 240;x5 = (190-l) * sin(k * 30 * PI / 180+6) + 320;y5 = (190-l) * cos(k * 30 * PI / 180+6) + 240;line(x4, y4, x5, y5);}for (m = 0; m < 9; m++)/*绘制八卦刻度*/{x6 = 220 * sin(m * 45 * PI / 180-2) + 320;y6 = 220 * cos(m * 45 * PI / 180-2) + 240;x7 = (220 - l)*sin(m * 45 * PI / 180-2) + 320;y7 = (220 - l)*cos(m * 45 * PI / 180-2) + 240;line(x6, y6, x7, y7);}setwritemode(R2_XORPEN); // 设置 XOR 绘图模式// 绘制表针SYSTEMTIME ti; // 定义变量保存当前时间while (!_kbhit())//按任意键退出{GetLocalTime(&ti);Draw(ti.wHour, ti.wMinute, ti.wSecond); // 画表针Sleep(1000); // 延时 1 秒Draw(ti.wHour, ti.wMinute, ti.wSecond); // 擦表针}closegraph();



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