

前两篇R语言模拟:Bias Variance Trade-OffR语言模拟:Bias Variance Decomposition在理论推导和模拟的基础上,对于误差分析中的偏差方差进行了分析。本文在前文的基础上,分析一种常用的估计预测误差进而可以参数优化的方法:交叉验证,并通过R语言进行模拟。


交叉验证是数据建模中一种常用方法,通过交叉验证估计预测误差并有效避免过拟合现象。简要说明CV(CROSS VALIDATION)的逻辑,最常用的是K-FOLD CV,以K = 5为例。

将整个样本集分为K份,每次取其中一份作为Validation Set,剩余四份为Trainset,用Trainset训练模型,然后计算模型在Validation set上的误差,循环k次得到k个误差后求平均,作为预测误差的估计量。





ESL 7.10.2中提到应用CV的两种方法,比如对于一个包含多个自变量的分类模型,建模中包括两方面,一个是筛选出预测能力强的变量,一个是估计最佳的参数。因此有两种使用CV的方法(以下内容摘自ESL 7.10.2)


1.Screen the predictors: find a subset of “good” predictors that show fairly strong (univariate) correlation with the class labels

2.Using just this subset of predictors, build a multivariate classifier.

3.Use cross-validation to estimate the unknown tuning parameters and to estimate the prediction error of the final model.


1. Divide the samples into K CV folds(group) at random.

2. For each fold k = 1,2,...,K

(a) Find a subset of "good" predictors that show fairly strong  correlation with the class labels, using all of the samples except those in fold k.

(b) Using just this subset of predictors,build a multivariate classifier,using all of the samples except those in fold K.

(c) Use the classifier to predict rhe class labels for the samples in fold k.



(The problem is that the predictors have an unfair advantage, as they were chosen in step (1) on the basis of all of the samples. Leaving samples out after the variables have been selected does not correctly mimic the application of the classifier to a completely independent test set, since these predictors “have already seen” the left out samples.




作者使用了5-FOLD CV并且计算了CV中每次Validation set 中10个样本的自变量与类别的相关系数,发现此时相关系数平均值为0.28,远大于0。




样本: 80个样本,20个自变量,自变量均服从[0,1]均匀分布,因变量定义为:

Y = ifelse(X1+X2+...+X10>5,1,0)

使用Best Subset Regression建模(就是在线性回归的基础上加一步筛选最优自变量组合),模型唯一待定参数为Subset Size p,即最优的自变量个数。

通过10-Fold CV计算不同参数p下的预测误差并给出最优的p值,Best Subset Regression可以通过函数regsubsets实现,最终结果如下:


其中,红色线为真实的预测误差,蓝色线为10-FOLD CV计算出的误差,bar为1标准误。可以得出以下结论:

  1. CV估计的误差与实际预测误差的数值大小、趋势变化基本相同,并且真实预测误差基本都在CV1标准误以内。

  2. p = 10附近误差最小,表明参数p应设定为10,这也与样本因变量定义相符。


setwd('xxxx')library(leaps) library(DAAG)library(caret)lm.BestSubSet<- function(trainset,k){ lm.sub <- regsubsets(V21~.,trainset,nbest =1,nvmax = 20) summary(lm.sub) coef_lm <- coef(lm.sub,k) strings_coef_lm <- coef_lm x <- paste(names(coef_lm)[2:length(coef_lm)], collapse ='+') formulas <- as.formula(paste('V21~',x,collapse='')) return(formulas)}

# ====================   get error ===============================getError <- function(k,num,modeltype,seeds,n_test){ set.seed(seeds) testset <- as.data.frame(matrix(runif(n_test*21,0,1),n_test))

 Allfx_hat <- matrix(0,n_test,num) Ally <- matrix(0,n_test,num) Allfx <- matrix(0,n_test,num)

 # 模拟 num次    for (i in 1:num){   trainset <- as.data.frame(matrix(runif(80*21,0,1),80))   fx_train <- ifelse(trainset[,1] +trainset[,2] +trainset[,3] +trainset[,4] +trainset[,5]+                        trainset[,6] +trainset[,7] +trainset[,8] +trainset[,9] +trainset[,10]>5,1,0)      trainset[,21] <- fx_train      fx_test <- ifelse(testset[,1] +testset[,2] +testset[,3] +testset[,4] +testset[,5]+                       testset[,6] +testset[,7] +testset[,8] +testset[,9] +testset[,10]>5,1,0)

   testset[,21] <- fx_test 

   # best subset   lm.sub <- lm(formula = lm.BestSubSet(trainset,k),trainset)   probs <- predict(lm.sub,testset[,1:20], type = 'response')

   Allfx_hat[,i] <- probs   Ally[,i] <- testset[,21]   Allfx[,i] <- fx_test

 }  # 计算方差、偏差等

 # irreducible <- sigma^2

 irreducible  <- mean(apply( Allfx - Ally  ,1,var)) SquareBais  <- mean(apply((Allfx_hat - Allfx)^2,1,mean)) Variance <- mean(apply(Allfx_hat,1,var))

 # 回归或分类两种情况 if (modeltype == 'reg'){   PredictError <- irreducible + SquareBais + Variance  }else{   PredictError <- mean(ifelse(Allfx_hat>=0.5,1,0)!=Allfx) } result <- data.frame(k,irreducible,SquareBais,Variance,PredictError) return(result)}

# -------------------- classification -------------------modeltype <- 'classification'num <- 100n_test <- 1000seeds <- 4

all_p <- seq(2,20,1)result <- getError(1,num,modeltype,seeds,n_test)for (i in all_p){ result <- rbind(result,getError(i,num,modeltype,seeds,n_test)) }

# ==================== CV  =========================

fun_cv <- function(trainset,kfold=10,seed_num =3,p){ set.seed(seed_num) folds<-createFolds(y=trainset$V21,kfold)  misrate <- NULL

 for (i in(1:kfold)){

   train_cv<-trainset[-folds[[i]],]   test_cv<-trainset[folds[[i]],]

   model <- lm(formula = lm.BestSubSet(train_cv,p),train_cv)   result  <- predict(model,type='response',test_cv)

   # result    misrate[i] <- mean( ifelse(result>=0.5,1,0) != test_cv$V21) } sderror <- sd(misrate)/(length(misrate)^0.5) misrate <- mean(misrate) result <- data.frame(p,misrate,sderror) return(result) }

plot_error <- function(x, y, sd, len = 1, col = "black") { len <- len * 0.05 arrows(x0 = x, y0 = y, x1 = x, y1 = y - sd, col = col, angle = 90, length = len) arrows(x0 = x, y0 = y, x1 = x, y1 = y + sd, col = col, angle = 90, length = len)}

# ================================   draw ==============================# seed =   9,10,   92,65,114,  10912seed_num =  9trainset <- as.data.frame(matrix(runif(80*21,0,1),80))trainset[,21] <- ifelse(trainset[,1] +trainset[,2] +trainset[,3] +trainset[,4] +trainset[,5]+                         trainset[,6] +trainset[,7] +trainset[,8] +trainset[,9] +trainset[,10]>5,1,0)

resultcv <- fun_cv(trainset,kfold = 10,seed_num,p = 1)for (p in 2:20){ resultcv <- rbind(resultcv,fun_cv(trainset,kfold = 10,seed_num,p))}

png(file = "Cross Validation_large_testset.png")

plot(result$k,result$PredictError,type = 'o',col = 'red',    xlim = c(0,20),ylim = c(0,0.6),xlab = '', ylab ='', lwd = 2)par(new = T)

plot(resultcv$p,resultcv$misrate,type='o',lwd=2,col='blue',ylim = c(0,0.6),xlim = c(0,20),    xlab = 'Subset Size p', ylab = 'Misclassification Error')plot_error(resultcv$p,resultcv$misrate,resultcv$sderror,col = 'blue',len = 1)dev.off()


Ruppert D. The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction[J]. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 2010, 99(466):567-567.


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