
For the spacial modulated Fourier spectrometer, the data length is limited by the number of CCD pixels. And the frequency resolution is inversely proportional to the actual length of the data, so the resolution obtained by the usual Fourier transform is limited by the length of the data. Except for the method of changing the hardware by changing the number of CCD pixels and changing the cell size, the modern spectral estimation method cam be also used. The data model is estblished and extrapolated, so as to extend the length of data and improve the resolution. In this paper, the Burg algorithm is used to calculate the power spectrum of the auto-regressive model of the data obtained by the spacial modulated Fourier spectrometer. The results obtained by this method have the characteristics of high computational resolution in the case of the appropriate AR model selection order, and still have some frequency resolution ability when the spatial frequency of the data is limited. Experimental results show that the order of Burg algorithm effects frequency resolution and although spectral resolution can not be improved by using zero fill before FFT, it obtains a result whose stability is similar to the result using Burg algorithm.



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