• 中国人工智能公司CIMCAI全球港航人工智能高科技独角兽企业,
  • 集装箱视频20秒AI快速验箱,智慧船公司套箱加快箱流转,
  • 人工智能AI自动化箱信息识别+箱况检测+地点报备,箱位置箱况精确跟踪,
  • 全球前三大船公司认可验箱标准应用落地。
  • Chinese artificial intelligence company CIMCAI is a high-tech unicorn enterprise in global port and waterway artificial intelligence,
  • 20 second AI fast container inspection in container video, and smart shipping company sets containers to accelerate container circulation,
  • Artificial intelligence AI automation container info recognition+container damage detection+location reporting, precise tracking of container position and condition,
  • The application of container inspection standards recognized by the world's top three shipping companies has been implemented.
  • CIMCAI智慧船公司集装箱管理产品ceaspectusS™,手机小程序随时随地AI验箱,
  • 自动化箱况检测+信息识别,集装箱信息识别+箱况检测+精确地点报备,
  • 在进口仓库+堆场+出口仓库等节点集卡司机手机AI快速验箱。
  • 集装箱信息识别+箱况检测+精确地点报备,
  • 好箱迅速利用套箱,不用运箱回堆场,集卡重去重回节能减排。
  • CIMCAI is a globally leading new generation container management solution, with mobile mini programs for AI container inspection anytime, anywhere,
  • Automated container condition detection+information recognition, container information recognition+container condition detection+accurate location reporting,
  • At nodes such as import warehouse, storage yard, and export warehouse, truck drivers can quickly inspect containers through mobile AI.
  • Container information recognition+container condition detection+accurate location reporting,
  • A good container can be quickly used as a container, without the need to transport the container back to the storage yard, and the container can be reused for energy conservation and emission reduction.
  • 测试方式:微信搜索“滴答验箱”,进入小程序,小程序拍摄集装箱内/外视频,
  • 人工智能20秒左右完成集装箱箱况残损检测+箱信息识别检测,
  • 识别检测箱内外各箱面的箱号/箱型/净重/大小箱集装箱基本信息+箱况残损。
  • Testing method: Search TICK INSPECT CONTAINER on WeChat, enter the mini program, and shoot videos inside/outside the container using the mobile mini program,
  • Artificial intelligence completes container condition damage detection and container information recognition detection in about 20 seconds,
  • Identify and inspect the basic information of the container number, container type, net weight, size, and condition of each surface inside and outside the container .
  • CIMCAI智慧船公司产品ceaspectusS™,手机小程序随时随地AI验箱,
  • 自动化箱况检测+信息识别,集装箱信息识别+箱况检测+精确地点报备,
  • 基于CIMCAI强大人工智能核心技术/AI高算力集群技术。
  • CIMCAI全球港航人工智能AI独角兽,人工智能产品与人AI核心科技全球绝对顶尖水平,
  • AI智能验箱的到全球前三大船公司认可应用,全球前三大船公司及港口码头应用落地。
  • CIMCAI is a globally leading new generation container management solution that enables mobile mini programs to perform AI container inspection anytime, anywhere,
  • Automated container condition detection+information recognition, container information recognition+container condition detection+accurate location reporting,
  • Based on CIMCAI powerful artificial intelligence core technology/AI high computing power cluster technology.
  • CIMCAI Global Port and Shipping AI Unicorn, AI products and human AI core technology are at the absolute top level in the world,
  • AI intelligent container inspection has been recognized and applied by the world's top three shipping companies, as well as by port and terminal applications.
  • 中国人工智能公司CIMCAI全球港航人工智能高科技独角兽企业,
  • 集装箱视频20秒AI快速验箱,智慧船公司套箱加快箱流转,
  • 人工智能AI自动化箱信息识别+箱况检测+地点报备,箱位置箱况精确跟踪,
  • 全球前三大船公司认可验箱标准应用落地。
  • 更多内容请您访问中集飞瞳(上海)科技有限公司官网 www.cimcai.com。
  • Chinese artificial intelligence company CIMCAI is a high-tech unicorn enterprise in global port and waterway artificial intelligence,
  • 20 second AI fast container inspection in container video, and smart shipping company sets containers to accelerate container circulation,
  • Artificial intelligence AI automation container info recognition+container damage detection+location reporting, precise tracking of container position and condition,
  • The application of container inspection standards recognized by the world's top three shipping companies has been implemented.
  • For more information, please visit the official website www.cimcai.com.


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