
Alfresco Version 3.1sp1

For an Alfresco 3.1sp1 system, use the following instructions:

1) Run the following commands and check you have only one row in the output:

SELECT anp1.node_id,anp1.qname_id,       anp1.string_value       FROM alf_node_properties anp1  INNER JOIN alf_qname aq1 ON aq1.id = anp1.qname_id                          INNER JOIN alf_node_properties anp2 ON anp2.node_id = anp1.node_id       INNER JOIN alf_qname aq2 ON aq2.id = anp2.qname_id                          WHERE aq1.local_name = 'password'    AND aq2.local_name = 'username'       AND anp2.string_value = 'admin'

It should output the current md4 hashed password for the 'admin' user. An example output is:

| node_id | qname_id | string_value |
| 4 | 10 | 209c6174da490caeb422f3fa5a7ae634 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

2) If you get only one row, then update the table:

UPDATE alf_node_properties  SET string_value='209c6174da490caeb422f3fa5a7ae634'WHERE  node_id=THENODEIDABOVEandqname_id=THEQNAMEVALUEABOVE

Where you need to replace THENODEIDABOVE and THEQNAMEVALUEABOVE with the results from step 1), in this example 4 and 10 respectively.

Note: Please use caution when running this SQL, and ensure that you have the appropriate AND conditions in the UPDATE query.

Alfresco Version 1.4

For Alfresco 1.4, use the following instructions:

UPDATE alf_node_properties
SET string_value = '<MD4 hash here>'
WHERE qname = '{http://www.alfresco.org/model/user/1.0}password'
AND node_id in (SELECT node_id  FROM alf_node_properties  WHERE qname = '{http://www.alfresco.org/model/user/1.0}username'  AND string_value = 'admin'
  1. Note the MD4 hash for password 'admin' is

  2. Note the MD4 hash for password 'test' is

Alfresco Version 1.3

For Alfresco version 1.3, use the following instructions:

You can use this to get the hash for current admin password:

select string_value  from alf_node_properties p, alf_namespace ns, alf_qname qwhere p.qname_id = q.idand q.ns_id = ns.id  and ns.uri = 'http://www.alfresco.org/model/user/1.0'    and q.local_name = 'password'    AND node_id in (  SELECT node_id  FROM alf_node_properties p, alf_namespace ns, alf_qname q  WHERE p.qname_id = q.id  and q.ns_id = ns.id    and ns.uri = 'http://www.alfresco.org/model/user/1.0'    and q.local_name = 'username'    AND string_value = 'admin'

And, you can use this to set the password:

UPDATE alf_node_properties p
SET string_value = '<MD4 hash here>'
WHERE p.qname_id = (select q.id from alf_qname q, alf_namespace ns  where q.ns_id = ns.id                    and ns.uri = 'http://www.alfresco.org/model/user/1.0'                      and q.local_name = 'password')
AND node_id in (SELECT node_id  FROM alf_node_properties p, alf_namespace ns, alf_qname q  WHERE p.qname_id = q.id  and q.ns_id = ns.id    and ns.uri = 'http://www.alfresco.org/model/user/1.0'    and q.local_name = 'username'    AND string_value = 'admin'

Alfresco versions lower than 1.3

For Alfresco versions lower than 1.3, set the password in the database using the MD4 hash. For example:

UPDATE node_properties
SET string_value = '<MD4 hash here>'
WHERE qname = '{http://www.alfresco.org/model/user/1.0}password'
AND guid = (SELECT guid     FROM node_properties     WHERE qname = '{http://www.alfresco.org/model/user/1.0}username'   AND string_value = 'admin'

How to generate the correct MD4 hash

The following class will allow the generation of the correct MD4 hash.

You will need the following jars:

  • cryptix-jce-provider.jar
  • commons-codec-1.2.jar
public class MD4HashGenerator
{  static     {     try         {         MessageDigest.getInstance("MD4");             }         catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e)         {         Security.addProvider(new CryptixCrypto());             }         }     public MD4HashGenerator()     {     super();         }     /**     * @param args      */      public static void main(String[] args)     {     System.out.println("Hash: " + new String(Hex.encodeHex(md4(args[0]))));         }     private static byte[] md4(String input)     {     try         {         MessageDigest digester = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD4");             return digester.digest(input.getBytes("UnicodeLittleUnmarked"));             }         catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e)         {         throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);             }         catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)         {         throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);             }         }     }



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