
该命令可以收集端口统计信息。可以通过net-stats -h命令显示所有标志。最常见的是使用net-stats -l来确定所有VMkernel接口、vmnic上行链路和vNIC端口的交换机端口号和MAC地址。

1.1 查看所有支持的标志

[root@localhost:~] net-stats -h


-l                 : List ports in system

-a                 : Print absolute counts instead of per second counts

-c <start>:<end>   : specify vsi-cache files instead of live kernel

-d <level>         : verbose/debug level

-f                 : ignore version check

-h                 : this message

-i <interval>      : Interval for stats collection (default=30 seconds)

-n <iterations>    : number of iterations to run (default = 1)

-o <outfile>       : output file

Specify ports of interest as one of (Prioritized List of options)

-A                 : Get stats for all ports on host

-S <switchName>    : switch name

Lists stats for all non mgmt/test ports

-N <pnicName>      : pnic name

List stats for all ports on switch that contains 'N'

-V <vmname>        : VM name

Find switches that contains the VM's ports. Print stats for VM's ports and uplinks

-s                 : Get storage world stats

-I                 : Get SCSI and VSCSI storage I/O stats

-D <name>          : Name of SCSI device/adapter/path or VM

To be used along with storage stat specs

Can be used multiple times

eg: net-stats -I -ta -D vmhba0 -D vmhba1

OR specify port spec on command line

-p <portid>        : portNum

-t <type>          : specify a string with types of stats needed

OR specify port spec in a config file

-C <cfgFile>       : config file to read stats from

File Format: <portNum/switchName> <StatsSpec>

Stats Spec can contain one or more of these characters

c : Coalesce Stats: Only for vnics

i : Interrupt stats: Only for vmnics

h : Cluster and Packet size histograms

v : virtual nic stats

e : Detailed error stats

q : Queue Stats for port/nic

Q : Detailed Queue stats for the port/nic

f : Detailed Queue filter information for port/nic

W : world stats for the tx, vmnic/vmknic worlds

V : vcpu histograms

S : System time breakdown by pcpus

n : NIOC stats

p : Passthru/sriov stats

P : Detailed sriov/passthru stats

E : Enable stats collection for ENS module

For ENS lcore stats:

lcore in  : vnic tx/pnic rx

lcore out : vnic rx/pnic tx

I : IOChain InputFilters stats

O : IOChain OutputFilters stats

Stats Spec for Storage stats (-I)

d : SCSI Device Stats

a : SCSI Adapter Stats

t : SCSI Path Stats

s : VSCSI Stats


net-stats reads multiple vsi nodes, one at a time, using system calls

As data in the vsi nodes are continuously updated, there is going to

be some inconsistency in numbers, hopefully, not a lot

For ENS lcore stats:

lcore in  : vnic tx/pnic rx

lcore out : vnic rx/pnic tx

1.2 查看vmkernel、vNic及MAC地址等的对应关系

net-status –l

1.3 查看NetQueue或Receive Side Scaling (RSS)是否被vmnic激活

net-stats -A -t vW

1.4 查看ENS module的端口状态

net-stats -A -t E


vSphere ESXi 5.5及之后版本用pktcap-uw代替了tcpdump-uw工具,tcpdump-uw工具只能捕获VMkernel接口级别的数据包。pktcap-uw工具还能捕获uplink、vSwith或vnic级别的数据帧。


具体抓包命令请参考:ESXI主机之pktcap-uw抓包_579YOU的博客-CSDN博客_esxi 抓包




nc -z <destination IP> 3260



4.1 拷贝iperf3文件


cp /usr/lib/vmware/vsan/bin/iperf3 /usr/lib/vmware/vsan/bin/iperf3.copy

4.2 关闭防火墙


esxcli network firewall set --enabled false


esxcli network firewall set –enabled true

4.3  目的主机(server)使用iperf3绑定IP

在目标ESXi主机上使用-s标记复制。这样做的好处是,所有的VMkernel IP都可以被使用。因此,如果需要测试管理网络,请将iperf3与管理IP绑定。vMotion网络或任何其他VMkernel接口也一样。

Server (ESXi host 1):

/usr/lib/vmware/vsan/bin/iperf3.copy -s -B [IP]

4.4 源主机(client)发送连接测试请求

Client (ESXi host 2):

/usr/lib/vmware/vsan/bin/iperf3.copy -c [IP]

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