Ben Stockton

iTunes may be dead on macOS, but it’s still alive and kicking on Windows. Migrating away from iTunes is recommended, but if you still want to sync your existing iTunes music collection with Android, you can by following these steps.

iTunes可能在macOS上已死,但在Windows上它仍然有效。 建议从iTunes迁移,但是如果您仍然想将现有iTunes音乐收藏与Android同步,则可以按照以下步骤操作。

You have a few options to choose from. You can use the Apple Music app on Android, transfer your files manually, or use third-party apps like doubleTwist Sync to keep your music collection correctly synced.

您有几种选择。 您可以在Android上使用Apple Music应用程序,手动传输文件或使用doubleTwist Sync等第三方应用程序来正确同步音乐收藏。

使用Apple Music将iTunes音乐传输到Android (Transfer iTunes Music to Android Using Apple Music)

With Apple’s focus now on Apple Music, iTunes is being left behind. There isn’t an iTunes app for Android, but Apple does offer an Apple Music app on Android devices.

随着Apple现在将重点放在Apple Music上,iTunes被抛在了后面。 没有适用于Android的iTunes应用程序,但是Apple确实在Android设备上提供了Apple Music应用程序 。

You can sync your iTunes music collection to Android using the Apple Music app. You just have to ensure that iTunes on your PC and the Apple Music app are both signed in using the same Apple ID. You also need to be a current Apple Music subscriber.

您可以使用Apple Music应用将iTunes音乐收藏同步到Android。 您只需要确保PC和Apple Music应用上的iTunes都使用相同的Apple ID登录即可。 您还需要成为当前的Apple Music订阅者 。

Start by opening iTunes on your PC and clicking Edit > Preferences.


In the “General” tab, make sure the option for “iCloud Music Library” is enabled and then click “OK” to confirm.

在“常规”选项卡中,确保启用“ iCloud音乐库”选项,然后单击“确定”进行确认。

If you need to manually begin syncing songs to your iCloud storage, click File > Library > Update iCloud Music Library.


You may need to allow some time for your entire library to sync to iCloud. Unfortunately, iTunes doesn’t have an obvious progress bar showing how long it takes for this process to complete.

您可能需要花一些时间让整个库同步到iCloud。 不幸的是,iTunes没有明显的进度条来显示完成此过程需要多长时间。

Once your iTunes library is fully synced to iCloud, open the Apple Music app on Android and tap the “Library” tab at the bottom.

将iTunes资料库完全同步到iCloud后,请在Android上打开Apple Music应用,然后点击底部的“资料库”标签。

Your iTunes music collection will be listed here. Tap one of the relevant tabs such as “Artists” or “Songs.” Press on one of the songs or artists to begin playing your music.

您的iTunes音乐收藏将在此处列出。 点击相关标签之一,例如“艺术家”或“歌曲”。 按其中一首歌曲或歌手开始播放音乐。

If you want your music available for offline playback, press the download icon in the “Songs” tab or in individual “Album” listings.


从iTunes手动将音乐文件复制到Android (Manually Copy Your Music Files from iTunes to Android)

Unfortunately, Android doesn’t fit well into the Apple ecosystem. While iTunes will sync music files to iOS and iPadOS devices, it won’t do the same with Android devices. You’ll need to manually copy your music library to Android instead.

不幸的是,Android无法很好地适应Apple生态系统。 iTunes会将音乐文件同步到iOS和iPadOS设备上,但在Android设备上却无法做到这一点。 您需要手动将音乐库复制到Android 。

There are plenty of methods for doing this, including transferring files over a direct USB connection between your PC and Android, by using cloud storage like Google Drive, or by using a flash drive with a suitable USB OTG adapter.

有很多方法可以做到这一点,包括通过使用Google云端硬盘之类的云存储或使用带有合适的USB OTG适配器的闪存驱动器,通过PC与Android之间的直接USB连接来传输文件。

If you’re transferring your iTunes music to Android over a direct USB connection, and assuming your iTunes music is being held in the default iTunes music folder, open Windows File Explorer and head to the “C:\Users\<yourusername>\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\” folder.

如果要通过直接USB连接将iTunes音乐传输到Android,并假定iTunes音乐保存在默认的iTunes音乐文件夹中,请打开Windows File Explorer,然后转到“ C:\ Users \ <您的用户名> \ Music” \ iTunes \ iTunes Media \”文件夹。

Replace <yourusername> with your user account folder. From here, select the folders carrying your music files and then right-click and hit “Copy” or press Ctrl+C.

将<yourusername>替换为您的用户帐户文件夹。 从这里,选择保存音乐文件的文件夹,然后右键单击并单击“复制”或按Ctrl + C。

View your Android device in Windows File Explorer. Choose a suitable location on your device and then paste your copied iTunes folders to that location by pressing Ctrl+V on your keyboard or right-clicking and selecting the “Paste” button.

在Windows File Explorer中查看您的Android设备。 在设备上选择合适的位置,然后通过按键盘上的Ctrl + V或右键单击并选择“粘贴”按钮,将复制的iTunes文件夹粘贴到该位置。

Once copied, use a third-party Android music app to play your music collection on your Android device.


使用doubleTwist同步传输音乐 (Transfer Your Music Using doubleTwist Sync)

If you’re looking for an easier method to transfer music files between iTunes and Android, an alternative to manual file transfer is doubleTwist Sync.

如果您正在寻找在iTunes和Android之间传输音乐文件的简便方法,则可以使用doubleTwist Sync替代手动文件传输。

This software for Windows bridges the gap between Android and iTunes. It lets you sync your music collection between Android devices and iTunes in both directions. New music files on your Android device will sync to iTunes and vice versa.

适用于Windows的该软件弥合了Android和iTunes之间的鸿沟。 它使您可以双向同步Android设备和iTunes之间的音乐收藏。 Android设备上的新音乐文件将同步到iTunes,反之亦然。

It will also work over Wi-Fi, allowing you to transfer your music files without needing a direct USB connection.


Start by downloading and installing the doubleTwist software to your PC. Once you open doubleTwist Sync, you’ll be asked to connect your device over USB or use the AirSync app to connect over WiFi.

首先下载并安装doubleTwist软件到您的PC。 打开doubleTwist Sync后,系统将要求您通过USB连接设备或使用AirSync应用程序通过WiFi连接。

AirSync isn’t free, so the cheapest method is to connect your device using USB.


Once you connect your Android device, doubleTwist will display used and available space on your device. Click the “Music” tab on the top menu.

一旦您连接了Android设备,doubleTwist将在您的设备上显示已用和可用空间。 点击顶部菜单上的“音乐”标签。

If you want to sync files from iTunes to Android, click the “Sync Music” checkbox. You’ll also need to click the checkboxes for the listed subcategories, including “Albums” and “Artists.”

如果要将文件从iTunes同步到Android,请单击“同步音乐”复选框。 您还需要单击列出的子类别(包括“专辑”和“艺术家”)的复选框。

If you also want to sync files from Android back to iTunes, click the “Import New Music and Playlists” checkbox.


When you’re ready to begin syncing your files, click the “Sync Now” button. Your iTunes music files will begin transferring to your Android device, while any missing music files on your Android device will transfer to your PC to join the rest of your iTunes collection.

当您准备开始同步文件时,请单击“立即同步”按钮。 您的iTunes音乐文件将开始传输到您的Android设备,而您的Android设备上所有丢失的音乐文件都将传输到您的PC,以与您的iTunes收藏集中的其他文件一起传输。

Once this process is complete, you can then begin playing your music on both your PC and your Android device using a suitable music playback app.


Google Play音乐和YouTube音乐 (Google Play Music and YouTube Music)

We’ve recommended Google Play Music in the past as an option for copying music to Android. Unfortunately, YouTube Music is now the default music app on Android devices, with Google Play Music soon to be discontinued.

过去,我们曾建议使用Google Play音乐作为将音乐复制到Android的选项。 不幸的是,YouTube音乐现在是Android设备上的默认音乐应用,而Google Play音乐即将停产。

With that in mind, we no longer recommend you use the Google Play Music Manager as a way of migrating your music files from your PC to Android. At present, YouTube Music doesn’t come with a Google Play Music Manager equivalent.

考虑到这一点,我们不再建议您使用Google Play音乐管理器将音乐文件从PC迁移到Android。 目前,YouTube音乐还没有与之等效的Google Play音乐管理器。

If you want to manually sync your iTunes collection to Android, it’s better to use the Apple Music app, transfer your files manually, or use a third-party method like doubleTwist instead.

如果要手动将iTunes收藏集同步到Android,最好使用Apple Music应用程序,手动传输文件,或者改用doubleTwist之类的第三方方法。



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