
  • 生词
  • 语法 完形补文和填词补文
    • 填词补文
  • 语法
  • 2015 年10月阅读理解
  • 短语,比单词重要
  • 写作 (两种题型,一个是电子邮件,另一种是短文)
    • 替换
    • 课文重要表达


voyage 航行
In spite of 尽管
confidence 自信
brains 大脑
degree of 程度

matery over掌握 matery over our lives and our destinies 命运
dramatically 显著地
improve 改善
subconscious 潜意识的
eager to 渴望的
willing to do 乐意云做
carry out 执行
knowingly 有意地,故意的
entirely 完全地
up to you 取决于你
amazing impact 令人惊讶的 影响
a sense of 一种…感觉
eliminate 清除
dictionary 字典
disempowers 剥夺力量
self-esteem 自尊
infinite 无限的
stifles 扼杀
rub it out 擦除 from 从…擦除
instead of 而不是
take back 夺回
appear 显得 ,看起来
insignificant 无关紧要
lasting effect 持久的影响
desire 想要的
alternatives 代替物
fabulous 极好的

语法 完形补文和填词补文

  1. master v 掌握 n 主宰者 mastery n掌握
  2. improtant adj improtance n
  3. use n&v useful adj useless used cars 二手车
  4. possible adj possibly adv possibility n impossible 不可能 adj
  5. dranmatically adv 戏剧 drama n 戏剧
  6. improve v改进 improvement n
  7. effect n影响 effective adj 有效的 effectively adv 有效的
  8. real adj really adv 真实的 reality 现实,的确
  9. difference n区别 different adj 不同的
  10. willing adj be willing to de something will
  11. entire adj 全部 entirely adv
  12. amazing adj 令人惊讶的 amazed 人,感到惊讶的
  13. when 的省略形式 + 动词 ing(表示主动) 被动的话用过云分词
  14. confident adj 自信的 confidence n
  15. achieve v 实现 获得 achievement n 成熟
  16. feel v 感觉 feeling n 过去式,过去分词felt
  17. good 比较级 better (判断标准是,句子中有than)
  18. determination n 决心 determine v determined adj 意志坚定的
  19. power n powerful adj 有力的 powerless adj 没有力量的 empower v 赋予力量 disempowers 反义词 剥夺力量
  20. help n&v helpful adj 有帮助的 helpless 无助的 helper n 帮助的人
  21. say v saying n 说 运去式-过去分词 said
  22. 当主语用doing时,谓语需要考虑三单式
  23. appear v 出现 disappear v 消失 appearance n 出现 外貌
  24. significant adj 意义重大的 insignificant adj 反义词 significance n 重要性
  25. deep adj deepen v 加深 depth n 深度 加en后变动词 如 rich adj 富有 enrich v 使充实 able enable v 使有能力
  26. last v 持续 上一个,最后一个 n lasting adj 持久的
  27. common adj commonly adv 普通的


  1. it is + adj to do something
  2. in order to do something 动词原型
  3. can shell must should + 动词原型
  4. doesn’t didn’t don’t + 动词原型
  5. be willing to do something 动词原型
  6. like to do something 动词原型
  7. 句子中有than 通常用到比较级
  8. allows … to do something 动词原型
  9. may can will must could + do 动词原型


  1. a, an, the + 名

  2. my, your, her, their, Tom’s, Dad’s, + 名

  3. 介 + 名 in, on, of, with, without, about, at, by

  4. a, an, the + 名

  1. It has something to do with the ____ (grow) in world trade since 1960. (201410)
    解析:growth. the后面接名词。这与1960年以来世界贸易的增长有关
  2. Someone has made a ____ (different) to our day. (201510)
    解析:difference. a后面接名词. make a difference也是一个固定表达。
  3. The students made the ____ (decide) for themselves whether to discuss their problem with a friend. (201604)
    解析:decision. the后面接名词. make the decision也是固定表达,做决定。学生们自己决定是否和一个朋友讨论他们的问题
  4. there is value in being a silent ____ (listen) around a troubled friend. (201604)
    解析:listener. a后面接名词或名词短语。a silent listener一个沉默的听者。对于一个陷入困境的朋友,做一个沉默的倾听者是有价值的。
  5. Being able to deal with a conflict and knowing how to end negotiations can make a big ____ (different) to the outcome. (201804)
    解析:difference. a后面接名词或名词短语。make a difference也是个固定表达。能够处理冲突并知道如何结束谈判可以对结果产生重大影响。
  1. my, your, her, their, Tom’s, Dad’s, + 名
  1. Do dreams actually influence our ____ (behave)? (201404)
    解析:behavior. our后面接名词。梦真的会影响我们的行为吗?
  2. …e.g., a low exam grade or the dad’s ____ (lose) of his job. (201604)
    解析:loss. dad’s后面接名词. the loss of sth是固定表达,…的损失,…的丧失。例如,考试成绩不高,或者父亲丢了工作
  3. You may not like your job, but you can enjoy being with your ____ (colleague). (201510)
    解析:colleagues. your后面接名词。所给的colleague本身也是名词,因此考虑复数形式。你可能不喜欢你的工作,但是你可以喜欢和你的同事一起工作。
  4. because we thought she might resent our acting too cheerful and thoughtless in her ____ (present). (201610)
    解析:presence. her和后面接名词。固定表达in one’s presence 在某人面前。因为我们认为她可能会憎恨我们在她面前表现得过于乐观和轻率
  5. He felt that people should trust in their own ____ (able). (201610)
    解析:ability. their后面接名词。他觉得人们应该相信自己的能力
  6. many species are even dependent on bats for their ____ (survive). (201710)
    解析:survival. their后面接名词。许多物种甚至依靠蝙蝠生存
  7. Some may need or want to study business English before they start their ____ (career). (201804)
    解析:careers. their后面接名词。所给的career本身也是名词,因此考虑复数形式。有些人可能需要或想在开始职业生涯之前学习商务英语。
  1. 介 + 名 in, on, of, with, without, about, at, by
  1. In ____ (add), it has helped to cause the change in the job market. (201410)
    解析:addition. 介词in后面接名词。in addition也是固定表达,此外。此外,它还帮助推动了就业市场的变化。
  2. but she always insisted on ____ (find) her way around the school by herself. (201610)
    解析:finding. 介词on后面接名词,这里用find的动名词finding. 但是她总是坚持要自己在学校里找到自己的路。
  3. You shouldn’t worry about that as you may get a lot of ____ (advantage) out of your mistakes. (201704)
    解析:advantages. 介词of后接名词。固定表达a lot of很多,后面一般接名词。这里用复数。你不应该担心因为你可能会从错误中获得很多好处
  4. Our business in life is not to succeed, but to continue to fail in good ____ (spirit). (201704)
    解析:spirits. 介词in后面接名词或名词短语。固定表达in good spirits精神抖擞,情绪高涨。我们的生活不是为了成功,而是为了继续在良好的精神状态下失败。

2015 年10月阅读理解

hares 野兔
mild 温和
rapidly 迅速 快
manage to 设法做成
sharp 锋利 sharpness n
uphill 上山
downhill 下山
leaps 跳
live on 以…为食
bark 树皮
common 常见的 普通的 commonly adv
mating 交配
pest 讨厌鬼,害虫


improve our qualigy of live 改善生活质量
subconscious mind 潜意识
what you imagine 你所想像的
the diffence between … and 什么和什么之间的不同
be eager to do something 渴望做什么事情
be willing to de something 乐意去做什么事情
carry out 执行
whether you do knowingly or not 有意的,故意的还是
up to somebody 取决于某人

a great degree of 很大程度上
the language we use 我们所使用的语言
mastering our language 掌握我们的语言
mastery over our lives 掌握我们的生活
in the best way possible 用可能最好的方式
in order to 为了

an amazing impace 令人惊讶的影响
put ones whole heart into something 全身心投入
not even do it at all 根本不去做
the things that matter to you 对你重要的事件
something that you would like to achieve 你所要实现的事件 dream
a sense of (determination) 一种什么什么感 (下决心)
the people around you 你周围的人
notice how you feel 注意到你是如何感觉的
see how you feel 看你如何感觉
a feeling that it will be done 感到这件事情肯定要被做了
notice if it gets done or not if or not 是否

small word with a big impact 一个有着大影响的小词
limits our abilities 限制我们的能力
stifles creativity 扼杀创造力
rub it out 擦除
replace it with… 用什么东西来代替
something that makes you feel great 一些让你感以高兴的事件
instead of 而不是
take bace you power 夺回你的力量
to be control of your life 掌控你的生活
using words like this 像这样使用词语

live whatever life you desire 过你想过的生活
make a list of 列一个清单
things that make you fell fabulous(great) 让你感觉极好的事
not only about yourself,but about 不仅 而且(life and what you are doing)
a deep and lasting effect 深远持久的影响
words you commonly use 你通常使用的词语
what you are doing 你所正在做的事情

deal with a conflict 消除冲突
reach an agreement 达成一致
have the opportunity to de 有机会去做某件事情
learn how to negotiate 学会如何谈判 negotiate 谈判
make a big difference 制造一个大的不同
in the correct and proper way 以正确的合适的方式
need or want 需要或想要

写作 (两种题型,一个是电子邮件,另一种是短文)

my favorite job 喜欢的工作
a sense of achievement 成就感 /幸福感 a sense of happiness
Doctors are widely respected 医生是广受人尊敬
the job pays well /high salary 薪水很高 make a lot of money
I can enjoy flexble working hours 弹性工作时间 free time 自由时间
I can enjoy much freedom 享受自由
as a tour guide, I can make a lot of friends 当导游,可以交很多朋友
I can work regular hours 定时上下班
I don’t have to work overtime 不需要加班
Being with children is somethign tha makes me feel great 和小孩待在一起很开心
I can go to many places /I can travel a lot 去很多地方
gain a lot of knowledge 学习知识
enrich my life experience 丰富人生经历


our lives – our lives and our destinies
It is my dream – It is something that I would like to achieve
pleasure/ happiness – something that makes you feel great / fabulius
important things – the things that matter to us


It is important to use the language in the best way possible in order to dramatically improve our quality of life. (Unit 1B) 为了极大改善我们的生活质量,用可能最好的方式来做……是很重要的。
It is a small word yet it has an amazing impact upon us. (Unit 1B) 它是一个小词但是对我们有着很大影响。
I’ll try my best to do it. – I am going to put my whole heart into it. (Unit 1B) 我会全身心投入。
important things – the things that matter to us (Unit 1B) 重要的事情
It gives you a sense of determination. (Unit 1B) 它带给你一种决心感。
Words may appear small and insignificant, yet they can have a deep and lasting effect on us. (Unit 1B) 词语可能看起来小而且无关紧要,但是它们对我们有深远持久的影响。


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