
  • ①. Mapping字段映射概述
  • ②. 常用类型如下 - text、keyword
  • ③. 映射中对时间类型详解
  • ④. ES的keyword的属性ignore_above
  • ⑤. 映射的查看、创建 - _mapping
  • ⑥. 数据迁移 - reindex
  • ⑦. ik_max_word、ik_smart分词器
  • ⑧. 自定义分词器

①. Mapping字段映射概述

  • ①. 映射(Mapping)相当于数据表的表结构。ElasticSearch中的映射(Mapping)用来定义一个文档,可以定义所包含的字段以及字段的类型、分词器及属性等等

  • ②. 映射可以分为动态映射和静态映射

  1. 动态映射(dynamic mapping):在关系数据库中,需要事先创建数据库,然后在该数据库实例下创建数据表,然后才能在该数据表中插入数据。而ElasticSearch中不需要事先定义映射(Mapping),文档写入ElasticSearch时,会根据文档字段自动识别类型。这种机制称之为动态映射
  2. 静态映射 :在ElasticSearch中也可以事先定义好映射,包含文档的各个字段及其类型等,这种方式称之为静态映射

②. 常用类型如下 - text、keyword

  • ①.字符串类型,又分两种
  1. text:可分词,不可参与聚合
  2. keyword:不可分词,数据会作为完整字段进行匹配,可以参与聚合
类型 描述
text 当一个字段要是被全文搜索的,比如Email内容、产品描述,应该使用text类型。设置text类型以后,字段内容会被分析,在生成倒排索引以前,字符串会被分析器分成一个个的词项。text类型的字段不用排序,很少用于聚合
keyword keyword类型适用于索引结构化的字段,比如email地址、主机名、状态码和标签。如果字段需要进行过滤(比如查找已发布博客中status属性为published的文章)、排序、聚合。keyword类型的字段只能通过精确值搜索到
  • ②. 整数类型
类型 取值范围
byte -128 - 127
short -32768 - 32767
integer -2的31次方 – 2的31-1
long -2的63次方 - 2的63次方-1
  • ③. 浮点类型
类型 取值范围
doule 64位双精度浮点类型
float 32位单精度浮点类型
half_float 16位半精度浮点类型
scaled_float 缩放类型的浮点数
  • ④. date类型,日期类型表示格式可以是以下几种:
  1. 日期格式的字符串,比如"2018-01-13"或"2018-01-13 12:10:30"
  2. long类型的毫秒数(从1970年开始)
  3. integer的秒数
  • ⑤. boolean类型:逻辑类型(布尔类型)可以接受true/false

  • ⑥. binary类型

  • ⑦. array类型

  • ⑧. object类型:JSON天生具有层级关系,文档会包含嵌套的对象

  • ⑨. 创建映射语法

  1. index影响字段的索引情况
  2. store:是否将数据进行独立存储
  3. analyzer:指定分词器
    一般我们处理中文会选择ik分词器 ik_max_word、ik_smart
PUT /索引库名/_mapping
{"properties": {"字段名": {"type": "类型",  # type:类型,可以是text、long、short、date、integer、object等"index": true,  # index:是否索引,默认为true"store": false, # store:是否存储,默认为false"analyzer": "分词器" # analyzer:指定分词器}}
PUT /company-index/_mapping
{"properties": {"name": {"type": "text","index": true,"analyzer": "ik_max_word"},"job": {"type": "text","analyzer": "ik_max_word"},"logo": {"type": "keyword","index": false},"payment": {"type": "float"}}

③. 映射中对时间类型详解

  • ①. 假如我们有如下索引tax,保存了一些公司的纳税或资产信息,单位为"万元"。当然这里面的数据是随意填写的。多少为数据统计的时间,当前这个例子里。索引达的含义并不重要。关键点在于字段的内容格式。我们看到date字段其中包含了多种日期的格式:“yyyy-MM-dd”,"yyyy-MM-dd"还有时间戳。如果按照dynamic mapping,采取自动映射器来映射索引。我们自然而然的都会感觉字段应该是一个date类型
POST tax/_bulk
{"date": "2021-01-25 10:01:12","company": "中国烟草","ratal": 5700000}
{"date": "2021-01-25 10:01:13","company": "华为","ratal": 4034113.182}
{"date": "2021-01-26 10:02:11","company": "苹果","ratal": 7784.7252}
{"date": "2021-01-26 10:02:15","company": "小米","ratal": 185000}
{"date": "2021-01-26 10:01:23","company": "阿里","ratal": 1072526}
{"date": "2021-01-27 10:01:54","company": "腾讯","ratal": 6500}
{"date": "2021-01-28 10:01:32","company": "蚂蚁金服","ratal": 5000}
{"date": "2021-01-29 10:01:21","company": "字节跳动","ratal": 10000}
{"date": "2021-01-30 10:02:07","company": "中国石油","ratal": 18302097}
{"date": "1648100904","company": "中国石化","ratal": 32654722}
{"date": "2021-11-1 12:20:00","company": "国家电网","ratal": 82950000}
  • ②. 我们以上代码查看tax索引的mapping,会惊奇的发现date居然是一个text类型。这是为什么呢?
"properties" : {"date" : {"type" : "text","fields" : {"keyword" : {"type" : "keyword","ignore_above" : 256}}}
  • ③. 原因就在于对时间类型的格式的要求是绝对严格的。要求必须是一个标准的UTC时间类型。上述字段的数据格式如果想要使用,就必须使用yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ格式(其中T个间隔符,Z代表 0 时区),以下均为错误的时间格式(均无法被自动映射器识别为日期时间类型):
  1. yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
  2. yyyy-MM-dd
  3. 时间戳
  4. 需要注意的是时间说是必须的时间格式,但是需要通过手工映射方式在索引创建之前指定为日期类型,使用自动映射器无法映射为日期类型
  • ④. 我们现在已经知道要求其类型必须为UTC的时间格式,那么我们把下面索引通过自动映射,date字段会被映射什么类型呢?
PUT test_index/_doc/1

  • ⑤. 历史总是惊人的相似,映射结果居然依然是文本类型。这就是又一个我们很容易踩的坑,日期字段并非严格符合要求格式,注意观察下面两者区别:
  1. 2022-4-30T20:00:00Z 错误
  2. 2022-04-30T20:00:00Z 正确
  • ⑥. 如果我们换一个思路,使用手工映射提前指定日期类型,那会又是一个什么结果呢?
    第一个(写入失败):2021-01-30 10:02:07
PUT tax
{"mappings": {"properties": {"date": {"type": "date"}}}
POST tax/_bulk
{"date": "2021-01-30 10:02:07","ratal": 32654722}
{"date": "2021-11-1T12:20:00Z","ratal": 82950000}
{"date": "2021-01-30T10:02:07Z","ratal": 18302097}
{"date": "2021-01-25","ratal": 5700000}
# 执行以上代码,以下为完整的执行结果:{"took" : 17,"errors" : true,"items" : [{"index" : {"_index" : "tax","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "f4uyun8B1ovRQq6Sn9Qg","status" : 400,"error" : {"type" : "mapper_parsing_exception","reason" : "Failed to parse field [date] of type [date] in document with id 'f4uyun8B1ovRQq6Sn9Qg'. Preview of field's value: '2021-01-30 10:02:07'","caused_by" : {"type" : "illegal_argument_exception","reason" : "Failed to parse date field [2021-01-30 10:02:07] with format [strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis]","caused_by" : {"type" : "date_time_parse_exception","reason" : "date_time_parse_exception: Failed to parse with all enclosed parsers"}}}}},{"index" : {"_index" : "tax","_id" : "gIuyun8B1ovRQq6Sn9Qg","_version" : 1,"result" : "created","_shards" : {"total" : 2,"successful" : 2,"Failed" : 0},"_seq_no" : 3,"_primary_term" : 1,"status" : 201}},"_id" : "gYuyun8B1ovRQq6Sn9Qg","reason" : "Failed to parse field [date] of type [date] in document with id 'gYuyun8B1ovRQq6Sn9Qg'. Preview of field's value: '2021-11-1T12:20:00Z'","reason" : "Failed to parse date field [2021-11-1T12:20:00Z] with format [strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis]","_id" : "gouyun8B1ovRQq6Sn9Qg","_seq_no" : 4,"_id" : "g4uyun8B1ovRQq6Sn9Qg","_seq_no" : 5,"status" : 201}}]}
  • ⑦. 总结:
  1. 对于yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss或2021-11-1T12:20:00Z,ES 的自动映射器完全无法识别,即便是事先声明日期类型,数据强行写入也会失败
  2. 对于时间戳和yyyy-MM-dd这样的时间格式,ES 自动映射器无法识别,但是如果事先说明了日期类型是可以正常写入的
  3. 对于标准的日期时间类型是可以正常自动识别为日期类型,并且也可以通过手工映射来实现声明字段类型
  • ⑧. ES的时间类型为什么这么难用,有没有什么办法可以解决?
    “format”: “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss||yyyy-MM-dd||epoch_millis”,这样就可以避免因为数据格式不统一而导致数据无法写入的窘境。代码如下:
PUT test_index
{"mappings": {"properties": {"time": {"type": "date","format": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss||yyyy-MM-dd||epoch_millis"}}}

④. ES的keyword的属性ignore_above

  • ①. 在es的5.x版本,keyword类型字段可以设置ignore_above,表示最大的字段值长度,超出这个长度的字段将不会被索引,但是会存储

  • ②. 举个例子:设置message 的长度最长为20,超过20的不被索引,这里的不被索引是这个字段不被索引,但是其他字段有的话仍然被索引到

PUT my_index
{"mappings": {"my_type": {"properties": {"message": {"type": "keyword","ignore_above": 20 }}}}
# 下面造点数据
PUT my_index/my_type/3
{"message": "123456789"
}PUT my_index/my_type/5
{"message": "123456789012345678901"
  • ③. 如果你做全部查询是可以查到超过ignore_above的doc的,如下图:
  • ④. 如果你用模糊匹配是搜索不到的(注意上面的数据最后带个1是21位下图是20位的)
  • ⑤. 用精确匹配前面20个仍然搜索不到

⑤. 映射的查看、创建 - _mapping

  • ①. 查看mapping信息:GET bank/_mapping
 {"bank" : {"mappings" : {"properties" : {"account_number" : {"type" : "long" # long类型},"address" : {"type" : "text", # 文本类型,会进行全文检索,进行分词"fields" : {"keyword" : { # addrss.keyword"type" : "keyword",  # 该字段必须全部匹配到"ignore_above" : 256}}},"age" : {"type" : "long"},"balance" : {"type" : "long"},"city" : {"type" : "text","fields" : {"keyword" : {"type" : "keyword","ignore_above" : 256}}},"email" : {"type" : "text","fields" : {"keyword" : {"type" : "keyword","ignore_above" : 256}}},"employer" : {"type" : "text","fields" : {"keyword" : {"type" : "keyword","ignore_above" : 256}}},"firstname" : {"type" : "text","fields" : {"keyword" : {"type" : "keyword","ignore_above" : 256}}},"gender" : {"type" : "text","fields" : {"keyword" : {"type" : "keyword","ignore_above" : 256}}},"lastname" : {"type" : "text","fields" : {"keyword" : {"type" : "keyword","ignore_above" : 256}}},"state" : {"type" : "text","fields" : {"keyword" : {"type" : "keyword","ignore_above" : 256}}}}}}}
  • ②. 新版本改变:ElasticSearch7-去掉type概念
  1. 关系型数据库中两个数据表示是独立的,即使他们里面有相同名称的列也不影响使用,但ES中不是这样的。elasticsearch是基于Lucene开发的搜索引擎,而ES中不同type下名称相同的filed最终在Lucene中的处理方式是一样的
    (1). 两个不同type下的两个user_name,在ES同一个索引下其实被认为是同一个filed,你必须在两个不同的type中定义相同的filed映射。否则,不同type中的相同字段名称就会在处理中出现冲突的情况,导致Lucene处理效率下降。
    (2). 去掉type就是为了提高ES处理数据的效率。
  2. Elasticsearch 7.x URL中的type参数为可选。比如,索引一个文档不再要求提供文档类型
  3. Elasticsearch 8.x 不再支持URL中的type参数
  4. 解决:
  • ③. 创建映射PUT /my_index
PUT /my_index
{"mappings": {"properties": {"age": {"type": "integer"},"email": {"type": "keyword" # 指定为keyword},"name": {"type": "text" # 全文检索。保存时候分词,检索时候进行分词匹配}}}
{"acknowledged" : true,"shards_acknowledged" : true,"index" : "my_index"
查看映射GET /my_index
{"my_index" : {"aliases" : { },"mappings" : {"properties" : {"age" : {"type" : "integer"},"email" : {"type" : "keyword"},"employee-id" : {"type" : "keyword","index" : false},"name" : {"type" : "text"}}},"settings" : {"index" : {"creation_date" : "1588410780774","number_of_shards" : "1","number_of_replicas" : "1","uuid" : "ua0lXhtkQCOmn7Kh3iUu0w","version" : {"created" : "7060299"},"provided_name" : "my_index"}}}
# 添加新的字段映射PUT /my_index/_mapping
PUT /my_index/_mapping
{"properties": {"employee-id": {"type": "keyword","index": false # 字段不能被检索。检索}}
这里的 "index": false,表明新增的字段不能被检索,只是一个冗余字段。
  • ④. 不能更新映射:对于已经存在的字段映射,我们不能更新。更新必须创建新的索引,进行数据迁移

  • ⑤. 查看所有索引映射关系

  1. GET _mapping
  2. GET _all/_mapping
  • ⑥. 修改索引映射关系
PUT /索引库名/_mapping
{"properties": {"字段名": {"type": "类型","index": true,"store": true,"analyzer": "分词器"}}
  • ⑦. 一次性创建索引和映射
put /索引库名称
{"settings": {"索引库属性名": "索引库属性值"},"mappings": {"properties": {"字段名": {"映射属性名": "映射属性值"}}}
PUT /employee-index
{"settings": {},"mappings": {"properties": {"name": {"type": "text","analyzer": "ik_max_word"}}}

⑥. 数据迁移 - reindex

  • ①. 先创建new_twitter的正确映射,然后使用如下方式进行数据迁移。
POST reindex
POST reindex
  • ②. 案例:原来类型为account,新版本没有类型了,所以我们把他去掉
GET /bank/_search
{"took" : 0,"timed_out" : false,"_shards" : {"total" : 1,"successful" : 1,"skipped" : 0,"failed" : 0},"hits" : {"total" : {"value" : 1000,"relation" : "eq"},"max_score" : 1.0,"hits" : [{"_index" : "bank","_type" : "account",//原来类型为account,新版本没有类型了,所以我们把他去掉"_id" : "1","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"account_number" : 1,"balance" : 39225,"firstname" : "Amber","lastname" : "Duke","age" : 32,"gender" : "M","address" : "880 Holmes Lane","employer" : "Pyrami","email" : "amberduke@pyrami.com","city" : "Brogan","state" : "IL"}},...
GET /bank/_search
  • ③. 想要将年龄修改为integer,先创建新的索引
PUT /newbank
{"mappings": {"properties": {"account_number": {"type": "long"},"address": {"type": "text"},"age": {"type": "integer"},"balance": {"type": "long"},"city": {"type": "keyword"},"email": {"type": "keyword"},"employer": {"type": "keyword"},"firstname": {"type": "text"},"gender": {"type": "keyword"},"lastname": {"type": "text","fields": {"keyword": {"type": "keyword","ignore_above": 256}}},"state": {"type": "keyword"}}}
GET /newbank/_mapping
  • ④. 将bank中的数据迁移到newbank中
POST _reindex
{"source": {"index": "bank","type": "account"},"dest": {"index": "newbank"}
#! Deprecation: [types removal] Specifying types in reindex requests is deprecated.
{"took" : 768,"timed_out" : false,"total" : 1000,"updated" : 0,"created" : 1000,"deleted" : 0,"batches" : 1,"version_conflicts" : 0,"noops" : 0,"retries" : {"bulk" : 0,"search" : 0},"throttled_millis" : 0,"requests_per_second" : -1.0,"throttled_until_millis" : 0,"failures" : [ ]
  • ⑤. 查看newbank中的数据
GET /newbank/_search输出"hits" : {"total" : {"value" : 1000,"relation" : "eq"},"max_score" : 1.0,"hits" : [{"_index" : "newbank","_type" : "_doc", # 没有了类型

⑦. ik_max_word、ik_smart分词器

  • ①. 一个tokenizer(分词器)接收一个字符流,将之分割为独立的tokens(词元,通常是独立的单词),然后输出tokens流
  1. 例如:whitespace tokenizer遇到空白字符时分割文本。它会将文本"Quick brown fox!"分割为(Quick,brown,fox!)
  2. 该tokenizer(分词器)还负责记录各个terms(词条)的顺序或position位置(用于phrase短语和word proximity词近邻查询),以及term(词条)所代表的原始word(单词)的start(起始)和end(结束)的character offsets(字符串偏移量)(用于高亮显示搜索的内容)。
  3. elasticsearch提供了很多内置的分词器(标准分词器),可以用来构建custom analyzers(自定义分词器)。
    关于分词器: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.6/analysis.html
POST _analyze
{"analyzer": "standard","text": "The 2 Brown-Foxes bone."
{"tokens" : [{"token" : "the","start_offset" : 0,"end_offset" : 3,"type" : "<ALPHANUM>","position" : 0},{"token" : "2","start_offset" : 4,"end_offset" : 5,"type" : "<NUM>","position" : 1},{"token" : "brown","start_offset" : 6,"end_offset" : 11,"type" : "<ALPHANUM>","position" : 2},{"token" : "foxes","start_offset" : 12,"end_offset" : 17,"type" : "<ALPHANUM>","position" : 3},{"token" : "bone","start_offset" : 18,"end_offset" : 22,"type" : "<ALPHANUM>","position" : 4}]
  • ②. 安装ik分词器
  1. 在前面安装的elasticsearch时,我们已经将elasticsearch容器的"/usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins"目录,映射到宿主机的" /mydata/elasticsearch/plugins"目录下,所以比较方便的做法就是下载"/elasticsearch-analysis-ik-7.4.2.zip"文件,然后解压到该文件夹下即可。安装完毕后,需要重启elasticsearch容器。
  2. 注意需要将权限进行修改chmod -R 777 plugins/ik、
  3. 需要根据当前es的版本,去找到对应版本的分词器

  • ③. ik_max_word:会将文本做最细粒度的拆分,比如会将"湖南省岳阳县"拆分为"湖南省、湖南、省、 岳阳县、岳阳、县等词语(索引的时候用ik_max_word)
GET _analyze
{"analyzer": "ik_max_word", "text":"湖南省岳阳县"
{"tokens" : [{"token" : "湖南省","start_offset" : 0,"end_offset" : 3,"type" : "CN_WORD","position" : 0},{"token" : "湖南","start_offset" : 0,"end_offset" : 2,"type" : "CN_WORD","position" : 1},{"token" : "省","start_offset" : 2,"end_offset" : 3,"type" : "CN_CHAR","position" : 2},{"token" : "岳阳县","start_offset" : 3,"end_offset" : 6,"type" : "CN_WORD","position" : 3},{"token" : "岳阳","start_offset" : 3,"end_offset" : 5,"type" : "CN_WORD","position" : 4},{"token" : "县","start_offset" : 5,"end_offset" : 6,"type" : "CN_CHAR","position" : 5}]
  • ④. ik_smart:会做最粗粒度的拆分,比如会将"湖南省岳阳县"拆分为湖南省、岳阳县(前台搜索的时候用 ik_smart)
GET _analyze
{"analyzer": "ik_smart", "text":"湖南省岳阳县"
}{"tokens" : [{"token" : "湖南省","start_offset" : 0,"end_offset" : 3,"type" : "CN_WORD","position" : 0},{"token" : "岳阳县","start_offset" : 3,"end_offset" : 6,"type" : "CN_WORD","position" : 1}]

⑧. 自定义分词器

  • ①. 修改/usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins/ik/config中的IKAnalyzer.cfg.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd">
<properties><comment>IK Analyzer 扩展配置</comment><!--用户可以在这里配置自己的扩展字典 --><entry key="ext_dict"></entry><!--用户可以在这里配置自己的扩展停止词字典--><entry key="ext_stopwords"></entry><!--用户可以在这里配置远程扩展字典 --><entry key="remote_ext_dict"></entry> <!--用户可以在这里配置远程扩展停止词字典--><!-- <entry key="remote_ext_stopwords">words_location</entry> -->

  • ②. 修改完成后,需要重启elasticsearch容器,否则修改不生效。docker restart elasticsearch
GET _analyze
{"analyzer": "ik_smart", "text":"唐智谷粒商城"
{"tokens" : [{"token" : "唐智谷粒商城","start_offset" : 0,"end_offset" : 6,"type" : "CN_WORD","position" : 0}]
  • ③. 具体的操作步骤
[root@localhost ~]# docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                 COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS              PORTS                                                                                  NAMES
95de12634192   elasticsearch:7.4.2   "/usr/local/bin/dock…"   4 seconds ago   Up 3 seconds>9200/tcp, :::9200->9200/tcp,>9300/tcp, :::9300->9300/tcp   elasticsearch
a197c1d2cf05   kibana:7.4.2          "/usr/local/bin/dumb…"   30 hours ago    Up About a minute>5601/tcp, :::5601->5601/tcp                                              kibana
a18680bef63e   redis                 "docker-entrypoint.s…"   5 weeks ago     Up 2 minutes>6379/tcp, :::6379->6379/tcp                                              redis
91e02812975d   mysql:5.7             "docker-entrypoint.s…"   5 weeks ago     Up 2 minutes>3306/tcp, :::3306->3306/tcp, 33060/tcp                                   mysql
[root@localhost ~]# cd /mydata/
[root@localhost mydata]# ls
elasticsearch  mysql  redis
[root@localhost mydata]# mkdir nginx
[root@localhost mydata]# docker images
redis           latest    08502081bff6   8 weeks ago     105MB
mysql           5.7       09361feeb475   2 months ago    447MB
kibana          7.4.2     230d3ded1abc   22 months ago   1.1GB
elasticsearch   7.4.2     b1179d41a7b4   22 months ago   855MB
[root@localhost mydata]# docker run -p80:80 --name nginx -d nginx:1.10
Unable to find image 'nginx:1.10' locally
1.10: Pulling from library/nginx
6d827a3ef358: Pull complete
1e3e18a64ea9: Pull complete
556c62bb43ac: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:6202beb06ea61f44179e02ca965e8e13b961d12640101fca213efbfd145d7575
Status: Downloaded newer image for nginx:1.10
[root@localhost mydata]# mkdir -p /mydata/nginx/html
[root@localhost mydata]# mkdir -p /mydata/nginx/logs
[root@localhost mydata]# mkdir -p /mydata/nginx/conf
[root@localhost mydata]# ls
elasticsearch  mysql  nginx  redis
[root@localhost mydata]# cd nginx/
[root@localhost nginx]# ls
conf  html  logs
[root@localhost nginx]# cd ..
[root@localhost mydata]# rm -rf nginx/
[root@localhost mydata]# docker container cp nginx:/etc/nginx .
[root@localhost mydata]# ls
elasticsearch  mysql  nginx  redis
[root@localhost mydata]# docker stop nginx
[root@localhost mydata]# docker rm nginx
[root@localhost mydata]# ls
elasticsearch  mysql  nginx  redis
[root@localhost mydata]# cd nginx
[root@localhost nginx]# ls
conf.d  fastcgi_params  koi-utf  koi-win  mime.types  modules  nginx.conf  scgi_params  uwsgi_params  win-utf
[root@localhost nginx]# cd ..
[root@localhost mydata]# mv nginx conf
[root@localhost mydata]# ls
conf  elasticsearch  mysql  redis
[root@localhost mydata]# mkdir nginx
[root@localhost mydata]# mv conf nginx/
[root@localhost mydata]# ls
elasticsearch  mysql  nginx  redis
[root@localhost mydata]# cd nginx/
[root@localhost nginx]# ls
[root@localhost nginx]# docker run -p 80:80 --name nginx \
>  -v /mydata/nginx/html:/usr/share/nginx/html \
>  -v /mydata/nginx/logs:/var/log/nginx \
>  -v /mydata/nginx/conf/:/etc/nginx \
>  -d nginx:1.10
[root@localhost nginx]# ls
conf  html  logs
[root@localhost nginx]# docker update nginx --restart=always
[root@localhost nginx]# echo '<h2>hello nginx!</h2>' >index.html
[root@localhost nginx]# ls
conf  html  index.html  logs
[root@localhost nginx]# rm -rf index.html
[root@localhost nginx]# cd html
[root@localhost html]# echo '<h2>hello nginx!</h2>' >index.html
[root@localhost html]#
[root@localhost html]# mkdir es
[root@localhost html]# cd es
[root@localhost es]# vi fenci.text
[root@localhost es]# ls
[root@localhost es]# mv fenci.text fenci.txt
[root@localhost es]# cd /mydata/
[root@localhost mydata]# cd elasticsearch/
[root@localhost elasticsearch]# ls
config  data  plugins
[root@localhost elasticsearch]# cd plugins/
[root@localhost plugins]# ls
[root@localhost plugins]# cd ik/
[root@localhost ik]# ls
commons-codec-1.9.jar    config                               httpclient-4.5.2.jar  plugin-descriptor.properties
commons-logging-1.2.jar  elasticsearch-analysis-ik-7.4.2.jar  httpcore-4.4.4.jar    plugin-security.policy
[root@localhost ik]# cd config/
[root@localhost config]# ls
extra_main.dic         extra_single_word_full.dic      extra_stopword.dic  main.dic         quantifier.dic  suffix.dic
extra_single_word.dic  extra_single_word_low_freq.dic  IKAnalyzer.cfg.xml  preposition.dic  stopword.dic    surname.dic
[root@localhost config]# vi IKAnalyzer.cfg.xml
[root@localhost config]# docker restart elasticsearch
[root@localhost config]# cd /mydata/nginx/
[root@localhost nginx]# ls
conf  html  logs
[root@localhost nginx]# cd html/es/
[root@localhost es]# ls
[root@localhost es]# cat fenci.txt


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