

  App running at:- Local:   http://localhost:9528/ - Network: error: Could not proxy request /model/list from localhost:9528 to http://xxxxx:9090/xxxx.
See https://nodejs.org/api/errors.html#errors_common_system_errors for more information (ECONNREFUSED).


proxy: {// 代理服务器设置'/my_test_proxy': {target: 'xxx:xxx', // 需要将目前的地址代理至targetchangeOrigin: true,pathRewrite: {['^' + '/my_test_proxy']: '' // 将'/my_test_proxy' 重写为''}}


Proxy error: Could not proxy request

Vue-Proxy error: Could not proxy request xxx/xxx from localhost:9528 to http://ip:port相关推荐

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