Kevin Parrish

Gone are the days of using paper maps to navigate unknown roads and cities. Now, we have smart devices placing navigational tools on wrists and in our pockets. This guide shows how to get driving directions on your Apple Watch.

使用纸质地图导航未知道路和城市的日子已经一去不复返了。 现在,我们有了智能设备,可将导航工具放在手腕和口袋中。 本指南介绍了如何在Apple Watch上获得行车路线。

If you’re a fan of Google Maps, you won’t find it on Apple’s smartwatch. Google dropped support in 2017, though you can still use Google Maps in CarPlay, iOS, and iPadOS.

如果您是Google Maps的粉丝,则不会在Apple的智能手表上找到它。 尽管您仍然可以在CarPlay,iOS和iPadOS中使用Google Maps,但Google在2017年放弃了对Google Maps的支持。

Apple Maps is a great alternative that works across all Apple-made devices. On the Apple Watch, it’s represented as a white arrow pointing up captured within a blue circle. This circle resides over an intersection on a map in the app icon’s background.

Apple Maps是可在所有Apple制造的设备上使用的绝佳替代品。 在Apple Watch上,它被捕获为一个蓝色圆圈内的白色箭头。 该圆圈位于应用程序图标背景中地图上的交点上。

Apple splits the main Maps screen into five components: Search, Location, Favorites, Collections, and Recents.


Most of the information you’ll see derives from the Maps app on your iPhone. For instance, if you typically connect your iPhone to CarPlay for driving directions, all recent visits appear in Maps on your iPhone and carry over to Apple Watch. On the flip side, if you use Apple Watch to find directions, these destinations also appear in Maps on your iPhone.

您将看到的大多数信息都来自iPhone上的“地图”应用程序。 例如,如果您通常将iPhone连接到CarPlay以获得行车路线,则所有最近的访问都会显示在iPhone的“地图”中,并转移到Apple Watch。 另一方面,如果您使用Apple Watch查找路线,则这些目的地也会出现在iPhone的“地图”中。

Favorites and Collections are created on the iPhone. A “Collection” is a group of destinations shared through email, texts, social media, and so on. “Favorites” provide quick access to your personal destinations, which can be handy if you travel to the same hotel or amusement park while on vacation.

收藏夹和收藏集是在iPhone上创建的。 “集合”是一组通过电子邮件,文本,社交媒体等共享的目的地。 “收藏夹”可让您快速访问您的个人目的地,如果您在度假时前往同一家酒店或游乐园,这将非常方便。

What’s great about Apple’s navigation system is that the Watch portion includes haptic feedback. When directions change or you need to make a turn, you’ll hear “dings” from the device. You’ll also feel a slight tapping on your forearm.

Apple导航系统的最大优势在于,“手表”部分包含触觉反馈。 当方向改变或需要转弯时,您会听到设备发出“叮叮”声。 您还会略微轻拍前臂。

如何在Apple Watch的地图中使用搜索 (How to Use Search in Maps on Apple Watch)

First, press the Digital Crown to launch the Apple Watch’s homescreen.

首先,按数字王冠启动Apple Watch的主屏幕。

Kevin Parrish

Next, locate and tap the Maps app icon from the app grid. With the app open, tap the “Search” box illustrated with a magnifying glass.

接下来,从应用程序网格中找到并点击“地图”应用程序图标。 在应用打开的情况下,点击带有放大镜的“搜索”框。

Here, you can dictate an address, scribble, or pull a destination from your contacts.


Maps also scans for destinations based on your location and lists them under “Nearby.” Categories include Restaurants, Fast Food, Gas Stations, and more.

地图还会根据您的位置扫描目的地,并将其列在“附近”下。 类别包括餐厅,快餐店,加油站等。

For this example, we tapped Smithfield’s Chicken ‘N Bar-B-Q listed in the Restaurant section. Turn the Digital Crown and the watch scrolls through options for walking, driving, and public transportation. Since we want driving instructions, tap the car bubble listed under “Directions.”

在此示例中,我们点击了“餐厅”部分中列出的Smithfield's Chicken'N Bar-BQ。 转动“数字表冠”,手表会在步行,驾车和公共交通选项之间滚动。 由于我们需要驾驶说明,因此请点击“方向”下列出的气泡。

Finally, tap the car icon on the following screen to start navigation. You might see a single “Suggested” route or multiple “Suggested” and “Alternatives” routes, depending on the destination. Use the Digital Crown to scroll through multiple routes.

最后,在以下屏幕上点击汽车图标以开始导航。 您可能会看到一条“建议”路线,或多条“建议”和“替代路线”,具体取决于目的地。 使用Digital Crown滚动浏览多条路线。

Navigation immediately begins when you tap the desired route.


如何在Apple Watch的地图中使用收藏夹 (How to Use Favorites in Maps on Apple Watch)

Launch the Maps app on your Apple Watch by pressing the Digital Crown and then tapping on its icon.

按下Digital Crown,然后点击其图标,在Apple Watch上启动Maps应用。

Next, tap on a destination from the “Favorites” section that you assigned from within the Maps app on your iPhone. From there, select the car icon on the following screen. Again, you might see a single “Suggested” route or multiple “Suggested” and “Alternatives” routes, depending on the destination. Use the Digital Crown to scroll through multiple routes.

接下来,在您从iPhone上的“地图”应用中分配的“收藏夹”部分中,点击目的地。 从那里,在以下屏幕上选择汽车图标。 同样,根据目的地,您可能会看到一条“建议”路线或多条“建议”和“替代路线”。 使用Digital Crown滚动浏览多条路线。

Navigation immediately begins when you tap the desired route.


如何在Apple Watch的地图中使用最新记录 (How to Use Recents in Maps on Apple Watch)

As before, press the Digital Crown from your Apple Watch’s home screen and then select the Maps icon to launch the app.

和以前一样,在Apple Watch主屏幕上按Digital Crown,然后选择Maps图标启动该应用程序。

From there, scroll down to the “Recents” section and select a destination. Next, tap the car icon on the following screen. You might see a single “Suggested” route or multiple “Suggested” and “Alternatives” routes, depending on the destination. Use the Digital Crown to scroll through multiple routes.

从那里向下滚动到“最近”部分,然后选择一个目的地。 接下来,在以下屏幕上点击汽车图标。 您可能会看到一条“建议”路线,或多条“建议”和“替代路线”,具体取决于目的地。 使用Digital Crown滚动浏览多条路线。

Navigation immediately begins when you tap the desired route.


如何使用Siri在Apple Watch上获取路线 (How to Use Siri to Get Directions on Apple Watch)

Press and hold the Digital Crown until you see this message on the screen:

按住Digital Crown,直到在屏幕上看到以下消息:

Alternatively, you can also press the Digital Crown just once to wake the Watch and then say, “Hey, Siri.”

另外,您也可以只按一下Digital Crown来唤醒手表,然后说“嘿,Siri”。

Next, say “Navigate to [your destination].” Siri then searches for the location and acquires driving directions.

接下来,说“导航至[您的目的地]”。 然后,Siri搜索位置并获取行车路线。

As with the other methods, tap the car icon on the following screen. Again, you might see a single “Suggested” route or multiple “Suggested” and “Alternatives” routes, depending on the destination. Use the Digital Crown to scroll through multiple routes.

与其他方法一样,在以下屏幕上点击汽车图标。 同样,根据目的地,您可能会看到一条“建议”路线或多条“建议”和“替代路线”。 使用Digital Crown滚动浏览多条路线。

Navigation immediately begins when you tap the desired route.



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