
A lot of people and businesses have turned to Zoom as their go-to video-conferencing application. However, Zoom isn’t always perfect. Here are some tips on troubleshooting your Zoom call for a better audio and video call experience.

许多人和企业已经将Zoom用作其视频会议应用程序。 但是,缩放并不总是完美的。 以下是一些有关对Zoom呼叫进行故障排除的提示,以获取更好的音频和视频通话体验。

查看系统要求 (Review System Requirements)

When running any type of software, one of the first things you need to do is check that your device is up to the task. No matter if everything is installed and set up properly, if you’re using old and outdated hardware or hardware that doesn’t meet the minimum requirements, it’s not going to run smoothly.

在运行任何类型的软件时,您需要做的第一件事就是检查设备是否能够胜任该任务。 无论是否正确安装和设置了所有组件,如果您使用的是过时的旧硬件或不满足最低要求的硬件,它都将无法流畅运行。

Zoom conveniently lists out the requirements, from system requirements, to supported operating systems and browsers, to supported devices. Give it a read and make sure your device is up to the task.

Zoom方便地列出了需求 ,从系统需求到支持的操作系统和浏览器,再到支持的设备。 对其进行阅读,并确保您的设备能够完成任务。

检查您的网络 (Check Your Network)

Unsurprisingly, you also need to have a decent internet connection to use video conferencing apps. Zoom lists out those requirements for you as well. We’ll give you the short version here. These are the minimum requirements only. It’s better if you can exceed these numbers:

毫不奇怪,您还需要具有良好的Internet连接才能使用视频会议应用程序。 Zoom也为您列出了这些要求 。 我们在这里给您简短的版本。 这些仅是最低要求。 最好能超过这些数字:

  • High-quality 1-on-1 video chat: 600kbps up/down高质量的一对一视频聊天:上/下600kbps
  • High-quality group video chat: 800kbps upload, 1Mbps download高质量的团体视频聊天:800kbps上传,1Mbps下载
  • Screensharing:


    • With video thumbnail: 50-150kbps带有视频缩略图:50-150kbps
    • Without video thumbnail: 50-75kbps不带视频缩略图:50-75kbps

You can check your internet speed online using Speedtest. Just head over to the site and select “Go.”

您可以使用Speedtest在线检查互联网速度。 只需转到该站点,然后选择“开始”即可。

After a few moments, you’ll get the latency (ping), download, and upload speed results.


Cross-check your results with Zoom’s requirements to see if your network speed is the source of your Zoom problems.


If you do meet the network requirements and are having issues, it could be that you need to tweak some Zoom settings.


调整缩放设置以提高性能 (Adjust Your Zoom Settings to Improve Performance)

We mentioned the minimum requirements in the previous section, but that’s only the minimum requirements to be able to use a Zoom call. If you barely meet those requirements but have some other features enabled, then the minimum requirements are going to increase and it’s possible you don’t meet them anymore.

我们在上一节中提到了最低要求,但这只是能够使用Zoom调用的最低要求。 如果您几乎不满足这些要求,但启用了其他一些功能,那么最低要求将会增加,并且您可能不再满足这些要求。

Two of the main features you should disable are “HD” and “Touch Up My Appearance.” We all want to look nice on a Zoom call, but there are other ways. We actually give some tips on looking your best in a Zoom call. Disable these two settings and give that article a read to look great while retaining network speed.

您应禁用的两个主要功能是“高清”和“润饰我的外观”。 我们都希望在Zoom通话中看起来不错,但是还有其他方法。 实际上,我们给出了一些有关在Zoom呼叫中表现最佳的提示。 禁用这两个设置,并在保持网络速度的同时使该文章看起来不错。

To disable these settings, open your Zoom client, then select the “Gear” icon in the top-right corner to open the “Settings” menu.


Select “Video” in the left-hand pane.


In the “My Video” section, uncheck the boxes next to (1) “Enable HD” and (2) “Touch Up My Appearance.”


If your video feed isn’t really required for the call, you can also turn it off completely.


解决音频回声/反馈问题 (Fixing the Audio Echo/Feedback Issue)

Audio echo is a common problem people tend to experience with video conferencing software. Echo also includes that really loud screech (i.e., audio feedback) that’s worse than nails on a chalkboard. Here are a few common causes of this issue:

音频回声是人们通常会在视频会议软件上遇到的常见问题。 回声还包括比黑板上的钉子还糟糕的声音(例如声音反馈)。 以下是此问题的一些常见原因:

  • Multiple devices with the audio turned on in the same room多个设备在同一房间中打开了音频
  • One participant with the computer and phone audio both turned on一位参与者同时打开了计算机和电话音频
  • Participants have their computers or speakers too close参加者的电脑或扬声器离得太近

Make sure you stay spread out if you share a conference room with another attendee, and if you’re not speaking set your mic on mute. We also recommend using headphones when possible.

如果您与其他与会者共享会议室,并且不讲话,请确保您保持分散状态。 我们还建议尽可能使用耳机。

您的视频没有显示 (Your Video Isn’t Showing)

This can be caused by several issues. First and foremost, check that your video is actually turned on. During the Zoom call, you’ll know your video is off if the camcorder icon in the bottom-left corner has a red slash through it. Click the “Camcorder” icon to turn on your video.

这可能是由几个问题引起的。 首先,请检查您的视频是否已打开。 在Zoom通话期间,如果左下角的摄录机图标上有一个红色斜线,您将知道视频已关闭。 单击“摄像机”图标以打开视频。

Also, make sure that you have the correct camera selected. To see which camera Zoom is currently using, select the arrow next to the camcorder icon and your currently-in-use camera will be displayed. If that’s not the one you’re looking for, you can select the correct one from this menu (if you have other cameras connected, that is), or you can do so in the Settings menu by clicking the “Gear” icon and then selecting “Video Settings.”

另外,请确保选择了正确的摄像机。 要查看Zoom当前正在使用哪个摄像机,请选择摄像机图标旁边的箭头,然后将显示您当前正在使用的摄像机。 如果不是您要查找的那个,则可以从此菜单中选择正确的一个(如果您连接了其他摄像机),也可以在“设置”菜单中单击“齿轮”图标,然后选择选择“视频设置”。

In the “Camera” section, select the arrow and choose your camera from the menu.


Additionally, make sure that no other program on your device is currently using the camera. If so, close that program. This could fix the issue.

此外,请确保设备上当前没有其他程序在使用相机。 如果是这样,请关闭该程序。 这可以解决问题。

It’s also a good idea to make sure you’ve updated the camera driver to the latest version. You can generally do this from the camera manufacturer’s download and support page on its official website.

确保已将相机驱动程序更新到最新版本也是一个好主意。 通常,您可以从相机制造商的官方网站上的下载和支持页面进行此操作。

If all else fails, restart your computer and try again. If your video still isn’t working, it could be an issue with the webcam itself. Contact the manufacturer’s support team.

如果其他所有方法均失败,请重新启动计算机,然后重试。 如果您的视频仍然无法正常播放,则可能是网络摄像头本身存在问题。 请与制造商的支持团队联系。

联系Zoom的支持团队 (Contact Zoom’s Support Team)

Word on the street is Zoom has a pretty good team of support members. If you can’t figure out what’s going on with Zoom, it’s always a good idea to contact the experts.

在大街上可以说的是Zoom拥有一支相当不错的支持人员团队。 如果您不知道Zoom发生了什么,最好与专家联系。

If they aren’t able to fix the issue with you right away, Zoom support can actually send you a troubleshooting package to store log files. Once you’ve installed this package, you can zip the log files and send it over to the support team for further analysis. The company provides instructions on how to do this for Windows 10 PC, Mac, and Linux on its Support page.

如果他们不能立即解决您的问题,Zoom支持人员实际上可以向您发送故障排除程序包来存储日志文件。 安装此软件包后,您可以压缩日志文件并将其发送给支持团队以进行进一步分析。 该公司在其“支持”页面上提供了针对Windows 10 PC , Mac和Linux的操作说明。



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