
Are you still using your service provider’s DNS servers? You might have heard about Comcast’s DNS servers dying and taking down the internet for anybody not using the more reliable OpenDNS or Google DNS. Here’s how to set it up on your Verizon FIOS router for every device on your network.

您还在使用服务提供商的DNS服务器吗? 您可能已经听说过,Comcast的DNS服务器将崩溃,并且如果不使用更可靠的OpenDNS或Google DNS的任何人都无法使用Internet。 这是在网络上的所有设备的Verizon FIOS路由器上进行设置的方法。

There’s lots of other reasons to use OpenDNS or Google DNS other than just their rock-solid reliability—they are often much faster than your ISP’s DNS server, and in the case of OpenDNS, there’s loads of extra features like content filtering, typo correction, anti-phishing, and child protection controls.

除了坚如磐石的可靠性之外,还有很多其他原因需要使用OpenDNS或Google DNS-它们通常比ISP的DNS服务器要快得多,而且在使用OpenDNS的情况下,还有很多额外的功能,例如内容过滤,错字校正,反网络钓鱼和儿童保护控制。

If you’re using Windows, be sure and check out some of our other articles on the subject:


  • Speed Up Your Web Browsing with Google Public DNS

    使用Google Public DNS加快您的Web浏览

  • Easily Add OpenDNS To Your Router


  • Protect Your Kids Online Using Open DNS


Otherwise, keep reading for how to set it up on your router.


为您的Verizon FIOS路由器设置OpenDNS或Google DNS (Setting Up OpenDNS or Google DNS for Your Verizon FIOS Router)

Once you’ve logged into your router—if you don’t know the password, see our article on how to reset it to the default—go to the My Network icon, and then click Network Connections on the left menu.


Once you’re there, you’ll see a list of connections—this is where it’s important to choose the right one, which should say Broadband Connection or something similar, and there should be green text next to it saying “Connected”. Click the edit icon, or just click on the name to get to the edit screen.

到达那里后,您将看到一个连接列表-在此处选择正确的连接很重要,该位置应显示“宽带连接”或类似名称,并且旁边应显示绿色文本,显示“已连接”。 单击编辑图标,或仅单击名称即可进入编辑屏幕。

Once you’re there, head to the Settings button at the bottom of the page.


Now you’ll find the DNS Server drop-down menu about halfway down the page, which you’ll want to change to “Use the Following DNS Server Addresses”.


After changing the drop-down menu, you’ll be able to enter in the DNS addresses in the next step. Make sure to click Apply after you’re done on each screen.

更改下拉菜单后,您将可以在下一步中输入DNS地址。 在每个屏幕上完成操作后,请确保单击“应用”。

Switching to Google DNS

切换到Google DNS

If you want to use Google’s DNS servers, you can add the following two items to the list:



Switching to OpenDNS


If you’d rather use OpenDNS instead, which has lots of extra features, you can use the following two entries:



Once you’ve entered the new DNS server addresses, you’ll need to disconnect any devices from the network and reconnect them for the change to take effect. You’ll might also notice that some devices will continue to show as one of the DNS server addresses—but it should redirect properly to the other DNS server.

输入新的DNS服务器地址后,您需要断开所有设备与网络的连接,然后重新连接它们,以使更改生效。 您可能还会注意到,某些设备将继续显示192.168.1.1作为DNS服务器地址之一,但是它应该正确地重定向到另一台DNS服务器。



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