
CSS gives you the ability to write comments in a CSS file, or in the style tag in the page header


The format is the /* this is a comment */ C-style (or JavaScript-style, if you prefer) comments.

格式是/* this is a comment */ C样式(或JavaScript样式,如果您愿意的话)注释。

This is a multiline comment. Until you add the closing */ token, the all the lines found after the opening one are commented.

这是多行注释。 在添加结束标记*/ ,将对在开始标记之后找到的所有行进行注释。



#name { display: block; } /* Nice rule! *//* #name { display: block; } */#name {display: block; /*color: red;*/

CSS does not have inline comments, like // in C or JavaScript.


Pay attention though - if you add // before a rule, the rule will not be applied, looking like the comment worked. In reality, CSS detected a syntax error and due to how it works it ignored the line with the error, and went straight to the next line.

不过请注意-如果在规则之前添加// ,则该规则将不会应用,就像注释起作用一样。 实际上,CSS检测到语法错误,由于它的工作方式,它忽略了出现错误的行,并直接进入下一行。

Knowing this approach lets you purposefully write inline comments, although you have to be careful because you can’t add random text like you can in a block comment.


For example:


// Nice rule!
#name { display: block; }

In this case, due to how CSS works, the #name rule is actually commented out. You can find more details here if you find this interesting. To avoid shooting yourself in the foot, just avoid using inline comments and rely on block comments.

在这种情况下,由于CSS的工作方式,实际上会注释掉#name规则。 如果您对此感兴趣,可以在这里找到更多详细信息。 为了避免脚步被枪杀,只需避免使用内联注释并依靠块注释。

翻译自: https://flaviocopes.com/css-comments/



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