Once upon a time there was a prince who wanted to marry a real princess.

He looked all over the country.

But he could not find the right princess to marry.

One stormy night, there was a knock at the castle door.

The king opened the door and saw a wet princess standing at the door.

"I am a princess and my coach has broken down," said the princess.

"Please give me a place to stay tonight."

The queen did not believe the girl.

"She was all wet and muddy from the rain," the queen thought.

"How could she be a real princess?"

As a test, the queen piled twenty mattresses on top of each other.

Then, under the bottom mattress, she put one tiny pea.

The queen thought that a real princess would be able to feel the pea under all of the mattresses.

"This is your room," the queen told the princess.

"Have a nice sleep."

The next morning, the queen asked the princess if she had a good night's sleep.

"The mattresses were very soft; but, it felt as if there was something very hard under all those mattresses." said the princess.

"I could not sleep last night."

The queen quickly told the prince the news about the princess.

"She must be a real princess!" announced the queen.

"She could feel the pea under twenty mattresses!"

The prince and the princess were soon married.

They lived happily ever after.


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