




pip install pygame



# import pygame, random and math
import pygame as pg
import random as rd
import math# init program
# set screen
screen = pg.display.set_mode((1000, 500))
screen.fill((255, 255, 255))
# set title
pg.display.set_caption("球球大作战", "4.0")




# def circle
def circle(color, point, r, size):pg.draw.circle(screen, color, point, r, size)


# class ball
class Ball():def __init__(self):self.color = (rd.randint(0, 255), rd.randint(0, 255), rd.randint(0, 255))self.x =rd.randint(0, 1000)self.y = rd.randint(0, 500)self.r = rd.randint(5, 15)self.size = rd.randint(5, 15)


# make a balllist
balllist = []
for i in range(600):balllist.append(Ball())# creat myball
myball = Ball()
myball.color = (0, 0, 0)
myball.x = 500
myball.y = 250
myball.size = 5
myball.speed = 10





# def check touch
# use the pythagorean theorem
def touch(myX, myY, fX, fY, myR, fR):distance = math.sqrt((myX - fX) ** 2 + (myY - fY) ** 2)if distance <= myR + fR:# just return Truereturn Trueelse:# return Falsereturn False# def foodDelivery
def foodDelivery():time = pg.time.get_ticks()# every 10 seconds put 30 foodsif time % 10000 >= 9000 and time % 10000 <= 9020:for i in range(30):balllist.append(Ball())# def draw
# use "Ball" and for range to append in the balllist
def draw():for ball in balllist:if touch(myball.x, myball.y, ball.x, ball.y, myball.size, ball.size):balllist.remove(ball)myball.size += 0.1# make the speed to be smaller than the last one# use the multiplier scale decreases and inverse proportional functionmyball.speed *= 0.992else:circle(ball.color, (ball.x, ball.y), ball.size, 0)circle(myball.color, (myball.x, myball.y), myball.size, 0)





# check fps, do not quit program
fps = pg.time.Clock()
# check quit and play program
while True:# do not make the fps so high# if the fps is high, the computer will ~"bomb!"fps.tick(60)event = pg.event.poll()if event.type == pg.QUIT:pg.quit()exit()


keys = pg.key.get_pressed()
# make the ball to move
# I use the "wasd"
# also can use up down right left
if keys[pg.K_w]:myball.y -= myball.speed


# check quit and play program
while True:# do not make the fps so high# if the fps is high, the computer will ~"bomb!"fps.tick(60)event = pg.event.poll()if event.type == pg.QUIT:pg.quit()exit()keys = pg.key.get_pressed()# make the ball to move# I use the "wasd"# also can use up down right leftif keys[pg.K_w]:myball.y -= myball.speedif keys[pg.K_a]:myball.x -= myball.speedif keys[pg.K_s]:myball.y += myball.speedif keys[pg.K_d]:myball.x += myball.speedif keys[pg.K_UP]:myball.y -= myball.speedif keys[pg.K_DOWN]:myball.y += myball.speedif keys[pg.K_LEFT]:myball.x -= myball.speedif keys[pg.K_RIGHT]:myball.x += myball.speed# the e is to update ball's xyelif keys[pg.K_e]:myball.x, myball.y = 500, 250


while True:# do not make the fps so high# if the fps is high, the computer will ~"bomb!"fps.tick(60)event = pg.event.poll()if event.type == pg.QUIT:pg.quit()exit()keys = pg.key.get_pressed()# make the ball to move# I use the "wasd"# also can use up down right leftif keys[pg.K_w]:myball.y -= myball.speedif keys[pg.K_a]:myball.x -= myball.speedif keys[pg.K_s]:myball.y += myball.speedif keys[pg.K_d]:myball.x += myball.speedif keys[pg.K_UP]:myball.y -= myball.speedif keys[pg.K_DOWN]:myball.y += myball.speedif keys[pg.K_LEFT]:myball.x -= myball.speedif keys[pg.K_RIGHT]:myball.x += myball.speed# the e is to update ball's xyelif keys[pg.K_e]:myball.x, myball.y = 500, 250# draw and checkdraw()foodDelivery()# display programpg.display.update()screen.fill((255, 255, 255))



# import pygame, random and math
import pygame as pg
import random as rd
import math# init program
# set screen
screen = pg.display.set_mode((1000, 500))
screen.fill((255, 255, 255))
# set title
pg.display.set_caption("BallFight_Avaritia", "4.0")
# Chinese:pg.display.set_caption("球球大作战_无尽贪婪", "4.0")# def circle
def circle(color, point, r, size):pg.draw.circle(screen, color, point, r, size)# class ball
class Ball():def __init__(self):self.color = (rd.randint(0, 255), rd.randint(0, 255), rd.randint(0, 255))self.x =rd.randint(0, 1000)self.y = rd.randint(0, 500)self.r = rd.randint(5, 15)self.size = rd.randint(5, 15)# make a balllist
balllist = []
for i in range(600):balllist.append(Ball())# creat myball
myball = Ball()
myball.color = (0, 0, 0)
myball.x = 500
myball.y = 250
myball.size = 5
myball.speed = 10# def check touch
# use the pythagorean theorem
def touch(myX, myY, fX, fY, myR, fR):distance = math.sqrt((myX - fX) ** 2 + (myY - fY) ** 2)if distance <= myR + fR:# just return Truereturn Trueelse:# return Falsereturn False# def foodDelivery
def foodDelivery():time = pg.time.get_ticks()# every 10 seconds put 30 foodsif time % 10000 >= 9000 and time % 10000 <= 9020:for i in range(30):balllist.append(Ball())# def draw
# use "Ball" and for range to append in the balllist
def draw():for ball in balllist:if touch(myball.x, myball.y, ball.x, ball.y, myball.size, ball.size):balllist.remove(ball)myball.size += 0.1# make the speed to be smaller than the last one# use the multiplier scale decreases and inverse proportional functionmyball.speed *= 0.992else:circle(ball.color, (ball.x, ball.y), ball.size, 0)circle(myball.color, (myball.x, myball.y), myball.size, 0)# check fps, do not quit program
fps = pg.time.Clock()
# check quit and play program
while True:# do not make the fps so high# if the fps is high, the computer will ~"bomb!"fps.tick(60)event = pg.event.poll()if event.type == pg.QUIT:pg.quit()exit()keys = pg.key.get_pressed()# make the ball to move# I use the "wasd"# also can use up down right leftif keys[pg.K_w]:myball.y -= myball.speedif keys[pg.K_a]:myball.x -= myball.speedif keys[pg.K_s]:myball.y += myball.speedif keys[pg.K_d]:myball.x += myball.speedif keys[pg.K_UP]:myball.y -= myball.speedif keys[pg.K_DOWN]:myball.y += myball.speedif keys[pg.K_LEFT]:myball.x -= myball.speedif keys[pg.K_RIGHT]:myball.x += myball.speed# the e is to update ball's xyelif keys[pg.K_e]:myball.x, myball.y = 500, 250# draw and checkdraw()foodDelivery()# display programpg.display.update()screen.fill((255, 255, 255))




我们也从中学习到了random, math和pygame模块的运用方法,了解了pygme模块的厉害。






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