2018年1月,网易推出了“阴阳师”IP的第一款手游《决战!平安京》(以下简称paj),作为当时处于全盛时期的《王者荣耀》的竞品,这款游戏的市场表现并不尽如人意。游戏上线当天压线进入畅销榜top 50,许多人对其未来表现并不看好。
In January 2018, NetEase launched the first game of the “Onmyoji” IP, “Onmyoji Arena” (hereinafter referred to as Paj), as a competitor to “Arena Of Valor” which was in its heyday at that time, the market performance of this game was not as satisfactory. The game entered the top 50 best-seller list on the day it was launched, and many people were not optimistic about its future performance.

As a MOBA game, the initial art performance and character combat sense of paj are far less than Arena Of Valor, and due to the overall slow-paced game characteristics, the difficulty of newcomers to start is not low, it is difficult to compete with Arena Of Valor. But now 3 years have passed, paj has already taken a place in the mobile MOBA category by virtue of the influence of the “Onmyoji” IP, high-quality art and the design of free runes. The following is an analysis of the characteristics of the game paj from various aspects.

The game’s art style is largely based on the character and scene design of “Onmyoji”, and the earliest UI design is Japanese Wabi-sabi style (compare below), which is designed to attract “Onmyoji” IP fans, and the characters’ skins are also inherited from some of the classic skins in “Onmyoji” game. The background music in paj is also in Japanese wabi-sabi style, and the voice can be chosen from Chinese or Japanese, which has a strong sense of immersion.

Although thanks to the strong IP attributes, but to a large extent also subject to limitations, because animation game style audience is still on the small side. Not only the art and sound performance, paj also made animation style packaging for in-game combat voice, such as “kill” to “seal”, “three kill” to “three artifacts”, “four kill” to “four gods echo” and so on, but let some players feel very uncomfortable.

And in January 2019, paj transformed the game UI interface style into a more popular aesthetic and modern style, and also launched many self-created realistic or future style skins, such as summer swimsuit style, future mechanical style, etc., no longer limited to carrying the classic skin in “Onmyoji”. At the same time, the game allows players to switch between two UI styles, after all, there are still many old players who find it difficult to accept the new style for a while.

In terms of music, NetEase also invited Mr. Yasuji Takanashi, a Japanese music master who had produced music for Naruto and FAIRY TAIL, to personally compose the music, which won wide acclaim.

Paj is more hardcore and strategic in its gameplay compared to Arena Of Valor, with more heroes’ skills and higher requirements for mending and lining up, while the pace of map resource consumption is also slower. This feature has strong two sides: on the one hand, the game’s requirements for operation are increased, and the strategic requirements for map resource control, online development and group battles are also increased, some players will feel that Paj is more strategic and more playable. On the other hand, most players in the MOBA hand game category ruled by Arena Of Valor have already adapted to the fast-paced game experience, which is difficult for them to adapt, while for new players who have not experienced much MOBA game, the difficulty of getting started is much higher than Arena Of Valor.

In addition, paj has many advantages in gameplay.
First of all, one thing that sets paj apart from other MOBA games is the absence of a traditional rune system. Instead, there is a “Yin Yang Shu” system that is open to all players, no need to buy or upgrade, players can match runes as they wish from the very beginning of the game, which fundamentally establishes paj as a 5v5 fair competition MOBA game.

Secondly, the game adds a character development system similar to “Onmyoji”, players can give props to enhance the goodwill of characters and unlock more game content, including their exclusive voice, dance moves, close-ups, and even a free set of awakening skin. On the one hand, it enhances the immersion of players and the intimacy of interaction with the character, on the other hand, free unlocked skin and other game content does have a great appeal.

However, paj did not have the success expected after its launch, largely attributed to the fact that his competition was too strong. The Arena Of Valor has harvested a large number of loyal players before the launch of paj, high stickiness leads to high user migration costs, while playing two MOBA games for many players is a difficult thing to accept, which can only be blamed on NetEase missed the golden period of MOBA hand game development, resulting in paj born at the wrong time, it is difficult to shake the status of the Arena Of Valor.

The early commercialization of Paj was arguably simpler, as all characters could be purchased by accumulating gold, or by spending coupons, with no paid-for content such as lotteries or characters pieces. For the players, this is certainly good, by accumulating gold can unlock any god, can also unlock free awakening skin; while for the game itself, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Since runes are free and all gods can be unlocked through gold, the pay points are relatively limited, and the main pay points are skins and Battle Pass, which are relatively single. The awakening skin can be obtained through gold, which can be seen as a springboard to motivate players to get paid skin, and attract players to buy further skin for their favorite characters through cooler attack effects and combat effects.

Since then, paj has launched the paid event of Dharma Descending Blessing and introduced some beautifully crafted Dharma limited skins as the main selling point. Personally, I think the Dharma event is still very sincere, players can get random high quality skins by synthesizing skin experience coupons or unwanted skins, which is quite cost-effective compared to buying skins directly in the mall.

As mentioned earlier, Paj inherited the “Onmyoji” IP, but at the same time, after three years of polishing, Paj has also innovated and developed this IP, gradually forming its own unique “Onmyoji Arena” IP.
From the skin design, paj has launched several series of special skins, including school season, blood shadow, summer, as well as the “Steam Era” series to be introduced.

The great thing about this set of skins is that it has a more detailed worldview as a support. The characters that appear in “Steam Era” have background settings in “Copper Glory City”, such as scientists, ladies, magistrates, mercenaries, etc., giving players a strong sense of immersion.

Officials even launched a visual novel as support, its content richness and exquisite level of painting is amazing, the specific content can be experienced in the web link below.

In addition to skins, Onmyoji Arena will also launch a new character in the future, which is also the first character launched by Onmyoji Arena independent of the “Onmyoji” game. This original character proves that Paj is well prepared for future content and overall planning, not relying solely on the content and appeal of the “Onmyoji” IP, and not sticking to simply being an “IP-derived game”, Paj is trying to break through the shackles and build its own worldview and IP value.


Finally, let’s see what’s new in Paj’s 3rd anniversary celebration. First of all, the official art of the game has been upgraded, map details and character modeling is more exquisite; the equipment has been adjusted, the new footwear exclusive equipment grid, players can have an extra piece of equipment at a later stage; announced a number of new characters, new skin, visually the span of content placement can cover close to half a year. And paj and Japan’s popular anime works “the blade of ghost extermination” linkage activities will also be opened in 2021, so rich and orderly planning, can not help but make players look forward to paj’s 4th year performance.

In addition, the game IP is also being enriched, the official plan is to launch two new figures and a set of box egg periphery; and announced the linkage with the background shadow theater group to carry out the national style plan. This is also the first circle-breaking linkage activity that Paj will open soon, aiming to convey the spirit of traditional Chinese culture to the public through the game as a carrier and attract the attention of public users; at the same time, absorb the essence of it and apply it in the game design to empower the subsequent IP development.

After three years, “Onmyoji Arena” has shown players the vigorous vitality of this game with continuous innovation and breakthrough. As the saying goes, the future is promising, and I believe that Paj will bring more surprises to players and the game market in the fourth and fifth years.


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