repo sync下载代码时经常 fatal: read error: Connection reset by peer

可能是向同一个repo url连接数过多引起的吧

此补丁增加了 repo sync --ignore-list选项, 配合repo sync -j1 使用,可以在失败后不再重新同步已经同步过的工程,能缓解出错的情况

diff --git a/ b/
index 22e4a5d..f2e7ccc 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -490,7 +490,8 @@ class Project(object):sync_s = False,upstream = None,parent = None,
-               is_derived = False):
+               is_derived = False,
+               is_ignored = False):"""Init a Project object.Args:
@@ -536,6 +537,7 @@ class Project(object):self.upstream = upstreamself.parent = parentself.is_derived = is_derived
+    self.is_ignored = is_ignoredself.subprojects = []self.snapshots = {}
diff --git a/subcmds/ b/subcmds/
index 9ed84b9..d3639b1 100644
--- a/subcmds/
+++ b/subcmds/
@@ -192,6 +192,10 @@ later is required to fix a server side protocol bug.p.add_option('--no-tags',dest='no_tags', action='store_true',help="don't fetch tags")
+    p.add_option('--ignore-list',
+                 dest='ignore_list', action='store_true',
+                 help="don't fetch projects in ignore-list")
+if show_smart:p.add_option('-s', '--smart-sync',dest='smart_sync', action='store_true',
@@ -267,12 +271,30 @@ later is required to fix a server side protocol bug.lock.release()sem.release()+  def Append_ignore_projects(self,name):
+    file_name = 'project.ignore'
+    file_path = os.path.join(self.manifest.repodir, file_name)
+    #if os.path.exists(file_path):
+    fd = open(file_path, 'a')
+    try:
+      print(name, file=fd)
+    finally:
+      fd.close()
+def _Fetch(self, projects, opt):fetched = set()pm = Progress('Fetching projects', len(projects))if == 1:for project in projects:
+        if project.is_ignored:
+          print("Ignore project={0}".format(
+          pm.update()
+          fetched.add(project.gitdir)
+          continue
+        print("Fetching project={0}".format( project.Sync_NetworkHalf(quiet=opt.quiet,
@@ -280,6 +302,9 @@ later is required to fix a server side protocol bug.clone_bundle=not opt.no_clone_bundle,no_tags=opt.no_tags):fetched.add(project.gitdir)
+          print("\nFetchDone: {0}".format(
+          if opt.ignore_list:
+            self.Append_ignore_projects(project.relpath)else:print('error: Cannot fetch %s' %, file=sys.stderr)if opt.force_broken:
@@ -379,6 +404,18 @@ later is required to fix a server side protocol bug.else:self.manifest._Unload()+  def GetIgnoreProjectsName(self):
+    file_name = 'project.ignore'
+    file_path = os.path.join(self.manifest.repodir, file_name)
+    project_names = 0
+    if os.path.exists(file_path):
+      fd = open(file_path, 'r')
+      try:
+        project_names ='\n')
+      finally:
+        fd.close()
+    return project_names
+def UpdateProjectList(self):new_project_paths = []for project in self.GetProjects(None, missing_ok=True):
@@ -585,6 +622,20 @@ later is required to fix a server side protocol bug.missing_ok=True,submodules_ok=opt.fetch_submodules)+    if opt.ignore_list:
+      ignore_projects_name = self.GetIgnoreProjectsName()
+      #print(ignore_projects_name)
+      #for i in all_projects:
+      #   print(
+      #sys.exit(1)
+      if ignore_projects_name:
+        temp_projects = []
+        for i in all_projects:
+          if i.relpath in ignore_projects_name:
+              i.is_ignored = True
+          temp_projects.append(i)
+        all_projects = temp_projects
+self._fetch_times = _FetchTimes(self.manifest)if not opt.local_only:to_fetch = []

repo sync fatal: 出错的补丁相关推荐

  1. repo sync error.GitError: manifests rev-list : fatal: revision walk setup failed

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  2. repo sync 更新源码 android-12.0.0_r34, fatal: 不能重置索引文件至版本 ‘v2.27^0‘。

    文章目录 1. 问题描述 2. 错误日志 2.1 操作过程 2.2 错误分析 3.解决办法 4. 最后 1. 问题描述 AOSP 12的源码两月没有更新了,今日对其做repo sync动作,并切换到新 ...

  3. 加速repo sync的技巧

    .repo/manifests/中新建一个test.xml 里面写入 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> ...

  4. 如何使用repo sync

    我們知道 repo 是 Google 為 Android source tree 的管理而寫的一個 script,以方便處理 Android 源碼包含的上百個 git repositories.要取得 ...

  5. git.exe init#timeout = 10错误:克隆远程repo'origin'时出错hudson.plugins.git

    用Jenkins自动化搭建测试环境,Jenkins构建任务 关键异常抓取 git.exe init#timeout = 10错误:克隆远程repo'origin'时出错hudson.plugins.g ...

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  7. git 使用总结(三)repo sync -m

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