If you’re interested in using Android but don’t want all the Googly-ness of it, there are ways to go completely Google-free. With the right set of tools, you can have a truly open Android experience.

如果您对使用Android感兴趣,但又不想完全使用Googly,那么有一些方法可以完全摆脱Google的束缚。 借助正确的工具集,您可以拥有真正开放的Android体验。

你为什么想做这个? (Why Would You Want to Do This?)

Here’s the thing: for most people, Google is what makes Android good. Google services, Google Play, and constant sync with your Gmail account are some of the most valuable things in Android.

事情就是这样:对于大多数人来说,谷歌才是使Android变得更好的原因。 Google服务,Google Play和与Gmail帐户的持续同步是Android中最有价值的功能。

But a lot of people take issue with Google knowing that much about how they use their phones, so the thought of an Android device just doesn’t work for them. If you find yourself liking the idea of Android but would rather not have the Google part of things, then a Google-stripped Android phone might be a good solution for you.

但是很多人都对Google存有疑问,因为他们非常了解自己的手机使用方式,因此,想到使用Android设备对他们来说是行不通的。 如果您发现自己喜欢Android的想法,但不希望Google参与其中,那么Google剥离的Android手机可能是您的理想解决方案。

Of course, this requires some tinkering. You can’t just strip Google from any existing phone. You’ll be removing the Google-fied operating system that shipped on the phone and replacing it with an alternative—and some phones are better for that than others.

当然,这需要一些修补。 您不能仅仅从任何现有手机上剥离Google。 您将删除手机上附带的Google-fied操作系统,并用其他替代品代替它-有些手机比其他手机更好。

您需要做些什么 (What You’ll Need to Give this A Go)

The first thing you’ll need is a the right Android phone. This will require wiping the phone and flashing a custom ROM, so you’ll want a phone that has good ROM support. Something with an unlocked bootloader—like anything from the Nexus line of old—or a good workaround for custom ROMs will fit the bill nicely.

您需要的第一件事就是正确的Android手机。 这将需要擦拭手机并刷新自定义ROM,因此您需要一部具有良好ROM支持的手机。 带有未锁定的引导程序的东西(例如旧Nexus系列中的任何东西)或自定义ROM的良好解决方法都非常合适。

Otherwise, you’ll need a custom ROM. We tested this using LineageOS—it has excellent device support and is frequently updated. If you’ve never used Lineage before, we have a handy guide to get you started with the installation.

否则,您将需要一个自定义ROM。 我们使用LineageOS进行了测试-它具有出色的设备支持,并且经常更新。 如果您以前从未使用过Lineage,我们将为您提供方便的指南,帮助您开始安装。

有趣的东西:如何在没有Google的情况下使用Android (The Fun Stuff: How to Use Android Without Google)

For testing, we’re using Lineage OS installed on a Nexus 6. Right out of the box, the set up experience is pretty straightforward—just tap through and you’re ready to go. Since there’s no Google services on the device, there’s nothing to sign in to.

为了进行测试,我们使用的是安装在Nexus 6上的Lineage OS。开箱即用,设置体验非常简单-只要轻按一下,即可开始使用。 由于该设备上没有Google服务,因此无需登录。

But that’s also where the first question comes into play: how do you get apps? With no Play Store, it’s an empty system with no ecosystem whatsoever. The good news is that since Android is open, there are some good (and trustworthy) appstore alternatives out there. Two in particular stand out:

但这也是第一个问题起作用的地方:如何获得应用程序? 没有Play商店,这是一个没有生态系统的空系统。 好消息是,由于Android是开放的,因此有一些不错的(可信赖的)应用商店替代品。 特别是两个突出:

  • Amazon Underground: Amazon’s Android appstore has the largest app catalog outside of Google Play, allowing you to install most of your favorite apps without the need for Google.

    Amazon Underground : Amazon的Android应用程序商店拥有Google Play以外最大的应用程序目录,可让您安装大多数喜爱的应用程序而无需Google。

  • F-Droid: The F-Droid appstore is a lesser known alternative to Google Play, but it’s a great choice for anyone who wants only open source software. Everything in the F-Droid store is open source and free to use, making it the best choice for anyone who prefers this ecosystem.

    F-Droid :F-Droid应用程序商店是Google Play鲜为人知的替代产品,但对于只需要开源软件的人来说,它是一个不错的选择。 F-Droid商店中的所有内容都是开源的,可以免费使用,使其成为任何喜欢此生态系统的人的最佳选择。

There’s also a third option, though it’s not a true appstore: APKMirror. This is an APK (Android Package Kit) hosting website that mirrors free apps that you’d normally find in the Google Play Store. These user-uploaded APKs are manually verified and approved by the APKMirror staff, so you can trust that they’re always legit copies pulled from Google Play devices—they’re never pirated or riddled with spyware.

尽管不是真正的应用商店,但还有第三个选择: APKMirror 。 这是一个APK(Android软件包工具包)托管网站,可反映通常在Google Play商店中找到的免费应用。 这些由用户上传的APK由APKMirror工作人员手动验证和批准,因此您可以放心,它们始终是从Google Play设备提取的合法副本-从未被盗版或充斥间谍软件。

Regardless of which direction you go, you’ll need “Unknown Sources” enabled to even install the appstore itself, as well as any apps from within said store. If you’re not sure how to do this, we have a guide on sideloading apps.

无论您朝哪个方向前进,都需要启用“未知来源”才能安装应用商店本身以及该商店内的任何应用。 如果您不确定如何执行此操作,请参阅有关侧载应用程序的指南 。

You’ll simply use the phone’s browser to download the appropriate APK file—either the appstore or a standalone APK—and then install it normally.


没有Google,您会错过的事物 (The Things You’ll Miss without Google)

Like we’ve already concluded, Google services add a lot of value to Android, and you’re obviously going to lose that by going with a Google-less Android install.


You’ll miss syncing of contacts for one, which is a pretty big deal for most people. Manually inputting all of your contacts is for the birds. You can, of course, export your contacts and back them up before you decide to ditch Google, which is a good idea anyway.

您会错过同步联系人的机会,这对大多数人来说都是很大的事情。 手动输入您所有的联系人都是鸟。 当然,您可以导出联系人并备份它们,然后再决定放弃Google,这是一个好主意。

Otherwise, you’ll miss out on things like Chrome bookmark and password sync, Gmail, Google Maps, Google Pay…pretty much all Google apps. That’s one thing to keep in mind when sideloading anything (especially from APKMirror): if it requires Google Play Services, it simply won’t work on your new Google-less phone.

否则,您会错过Chrome书签和密码同步,Gmail,Google Maps,Google Pay…之类的东西…几乎所有的 Google应用程序。 侧面加载任何东西时(尤其是从APKMirror加载)时要牢记一件事:如果它需要Google Play服务,那么它将根本无法在您的新的无Google手机上运行。

还有一种选择:MicroG (There Is An Alternative: MicroG)

All that said, there’s an alternative to Google Play Services: a project called microG. This is designed to mimic everything Google Play Services does but it’s completely open source.

综上所述 ,Google Play服务还有一个替代方案:一个名为microG的项目。 旨在模仿Google Play服务的所有功能,但它是完全开源的。

It’s comprised of five key components that are meant to replace the core tools found in Play Services. This should theoretically allow things to work that normally require Play Services—like Maps or Gmail. But here’s the thing: microG is only compatible with ROMs that support signature spoofing…and Lineage OS isn’t one of them. As a result, microG has its own Lineage fork called LineageOS for microG.

它由五个主要组件组成,这些组件将替换Play服务中的核心工具。 从理论上讲,这应该可以使通常需要Play服务的事物正常工作,例如地图或Gmail。 但事实是:microG仅与支持签名欺骗的ROM兼容……而Lineage OS并不是其中之一。 结果,microG有自己的Lineage分支,称为MicroG的LineageOS 。

Of course, this also defeats the entire purpose of the whole “Android with Google” project—but hey, it’s still an alternative if you want to live as Google-free as possible but still rely on access to one or two specific apps.


So, is using Android without Google practical? Probably not. But if you want out of the Google ecosystem, aren’t a big fan of Apple, and don’t mind getting your hands dirty with a little ROM flashing, then it’s definitely possible. If you don’t need any Google services, it’s even better.

那么,在没有Google的情况下使用Android是否可行? 可能不是。 但是,如果您想退出Google生态系统,又不是Apple的忠实拥护者,又不介意在ROM闪烁的情况下弄脏手,那肯定有可能。 如果您不需要任何Google服务,那就更好了。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/358166/using-android-without-google-a-kind-of-guide/

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