
  • 降水/径流等水文要素年内分配指标
    • 1 不均匀系数nuniformity coefficient (Cn)
      • 1.1 原理
      • 1.2 MATLAB代码
      • 1.3 案例
    • 2 完全调节系数complete accommodation coefficient (Cc)
      • 2.1 原理
      • 2.2 MATLAB代码
      • 2.3 案例
    • 3 集中度concentration degree (Cd)
      • 3.1 原理
      • 3.2 MATLAB代码
      • 3.3 案例
    • 4 集中期concentration period (Cp)
      • 4.1 原理
      • 4.2 MATLAB代码
      • 4.3 案例
    • 5 相对变化幅度relative variation range (Cr)
      • 5.1 原理
      • 5.2 MATLAB代码
      • 5.3 案例
    • 6 绝对变化幅度absolute variation range (Ca)
      • 6.1 原理
      • 6.2 MATLAB代码
      • 6.3 案例
    • 7 洛伦兹不对称系数
      • 7.1 原理
      • 7.2 MATLAB代码
      • 7.3 案例
    • 8 基尼系数Cg
      • 8.1 原理
      • 8.2 MATLAB代码
      • 8.3 案例
    • 9 差积曲线
    • 10 丰平枯统计分析
  • 参考资料


1 不均匀系数nuniformity coefficient (Cn)

1.1 原理

1.2 MATLAB代码


function Cn = GetCn( X )
% GetCn函数用于计算得到不均匀系数Cn
% 输入参数
% X  数据系列,可为降雨或径流
% 输出参数
% Cn  不均匀系数n = length(X)/12;
Xmean = mean( X );
XX = reshape(X,[],12);
sigma = zeros(n,1);
for iN=1:nsigma(iN,1) = ( sum( (XX(iN,:)-Xmean).^2 )/12 )^0.5;
Cn = sigma./Xmean;

1.3 案例


close all
%% 导入数据:某站点1954-2011年共58年月径流数据
Xlength = length( X(:,1) );
yearStart =1954;
yearEnd = 2011;
nYear = yearEnd-yearStart+1;%% 计算气象水文要素年内分配指数1-不均匀系数Cn
% 指数计算------------------------------------
Cn = GetCn( X );% 线性拟合
% [P,S] = POLYFIT(X,Y,N)   polyfit中S变量
[P , S] = polyfit(1:nYear,Cn' ,1);
Cnfit = polyval(P, 1:nYear );% 绘图-----------------------------------------
hold on;box on;
h(1) = plot(1:nYear,Cn,'k.-','linewidth',1.5,'markersize',10);
h(2) = plot(1:nYear,Cnfit,'r--','linewidth',1.5);
set(gca, 'XTick', [2:5 : 57],'XTickLabel',{'1955','1960','1965','1970','1975','1980','1985','1990','1995','2000','2005','2010'}) ;
set(gca,'Layer','top','FontSize',12,'Fontname', 'Times New Roman');


2 完全调节系数complete accommodation coefficient (Cc)

2.1 原理

2.2 MATLAB代码


function Cc = GetCc( X )
% GetCc函数用于计算得到完全调节系数Cc
% 输入参数
% X  数据系列,可为降雨或径流
% 输出参数
% Cc  完全调节系数n = length(X)/12;
Xmean = mean( X );
for in=1:length(X)if X(in,1)>=Xmeanj(in) = 1;elsej(in) = 0;end
endXX = reshape(X,[],12);
jj =reshape(j,[],12);
for in=1:nCc(in,1) = sum( jj(in,:).*(XX(in,:)-Xmean ) )/sum( XX(in,:) );

2.3 案例


close all
%% 导入数据:某站点1954-2011年共58年月径流数据
Xlength = length( X(:,1) );
yearStart =1954;
yearEnd = 2011;
nYear = yearEnd-yearStart+1;%% 计算气象水文要素年内分配指数2-完全调节系数Cc
% 指数计算------------------------------------
Cc = GetCc( X );% 线性拟合
% [P,S] = POLYFIT(X,Y,N)   polyfit中S变量
[P , S] = polyfit(1:nYear,Cc' ,1);
Ccfit = polyval(P, 1:nYear );% 绘图-----------------------------------------
hold on;box on;
h(1) = plot(1:nYear,Cc,'k.-','linewidth',1.5,'markersize',10);
h(2) = plot(1:nYear,Ccfit,'r--','linewidth',1.5);
set(gca, 'XTick', [2:5 : 57],'XTickLabel',{'1955','1960','1965','1970','1975','1980','1985','1990','1995','2000','2005','2010'}) ;
set(gca,'Layer','top','FontSize',12,'Fontname', 'Times New Roman');


3 集中度concentration degree (Cd)

3.1 原理

3.2 MATLAB代码


function Cd = GetCd( X )
% GetCd函数用于计算得到集中度
% 输入参数
% X  数据系列,可为降雨或径流
% 输出参数
% Cd   集中度 concentration degreen = length(X)/12;
XX = reshape(X,[],12);
for in=1:nfor imonth=1:12Xxtemp(imonth,1) = XX(in,imonth)*cos(imonth*2*pi/12);Xytemp(imonth,1) = XX(in,imonth)*sin(imonth*2*pi/12);endXx = sum( Xxtemp );Xy = sum( Xytemp );Xxy = ( Xx^2+Xy^2 )^0.5;Cd(in,1) = Xxy/sum( XX(in,:) );

3.3 案例


close all
%% 导入数据:某站点1954-2011年共58年月径流数据
Xlength = length( X(:,1) );
yearStart =1954;
yearEnd = 2011;
nYear = yearEnd-yearStart+1;
%% 计算气象水文要素年内分配指数3-集中度Cd
% 指数计算------------------------------------
Cd = GetCd( X );% 线性拟合
% [P,S] = POLYFIT(X,Y,N)   polyfit中S变量
[P , S] = polyfit(1:nYear,Cd' ,1);
Cdfit = polyval(P, 1:nYear );% 绘图-----------------------------------------
hold on;box on;
h(1) = plot(1:nYear,Cd,'k.-','linewidth',1.5,'markersize',10);
h(2) = plot(1:nYear,Cdfit,'r--','linewidth',1.5);
set(gca, 'XTick', [2:5 : 57],'XTickLabel',{'1955','1960','1965','1970','1975','1980','1985','1990','1995','2000','2005','2010'}) ;
set(gca,'Layer','top','FontSize',12,'Fontname', 'Times New Roman');


4 集中期concentration period (Cp)

4.1 原理

4.2 MATLAB代码


function Cp = GetCp( X )
% GetCp函数用于计算得到集中期
% 输入参数
% X  数据系列,可为降雨或径流
% 输出参数
% Cp   集中期 concentration periodn = length(X)/12;
XX = reshape(X,[],12);
for in=1:nfor imonth=1:12Xxtemp(imonth,1) = XX(in,imonth)*cos(imonth*2*pi/12);Xytemp(imonth,1) = XX(in,imonth)*sin(imonth*2*pi/12);endXx = sum( Xxtemp );Xy = sum( Xytemp );Cp(in,1) = atan( Xy/Xx);
D =(180*Cp/pi+180)';end

4.3 案例


close all
%% 导入数据:某站点1954-2011年共58年月径流数据
Xlength = length( X(:,1) );
yearStart =1954;
yearEnd = 2011;
nYear = yearEnd-yearStart+1;%% 计算气象水文要素年内分配指数4-集中期Cp
% 指数计算------------------------------------
Cp = GetCp( X );% 线性拟合
% [P,S] = POLYFIT(X,Y,N)   polyfit中S变量
[P , S] = polyfit(1:nYear,Cp' ,1);
Cpfit = polyval(P, 1:nYear );% 绘图-----------------------------------------
hold on;box on;
h(1) = plot(1:nYear,Cp,'k.-','linewidth',1.5,'markersize',10);
h(2) = plot(1:nYear,Cpfit,'r--','linewidth',1.5);
set(gca, 'XTick', [2:5 : 57],'XTickLabel',{'1955','1960','1965','1970','1975','1980','1985','1990','1995','2000','2005','2010'}) ;
set(gca,'Layer','top','FontSize',12,'Fontname', 'Times New Roman');


5 相对变化幅度relative variation range (Cr)

5.1 原理

5.2 MATLAB代码

5.3 案例

6 绝对变化幅度absolute variation range (Ca)

6.1 原理

6.2 MATLAB代码

6.3 案例

7 洛伦兹不对称系数

7.1 原理

7.2 MATLAB代码


7.3 案例

8 基尼系数Cg

8.1 原理

8.2 MATLAB代码


function Cg = GetCg( X )
% GetCg函数用于计算得到基尼系数
% 输入参数
% X  数据系列,可为降雨或径流n = length(X)/12;
XX = reshape(X,[],12);
Xmean =mean( XX, 1 );
makeplot = false;  %  不绘图
for i=1:nval = X(12*i-11:12*i);V = [V val];Cg(i,1) = gini(Xmean,val,makeplot);


% GINI computes the Gini coefficient and the Lorentz curve.
% Usage:
%   g = gini(pop,val)
%   [g,l] = gini(pop,val)
%   [g,l,a] = gini(pop,val)
%   ... = gini(pop,val,makeplot)
% Input and Output:
%   pop     A vector of population sizes of the different classes.
%   val     A vector of the measurement variable (e.g. income per capita)
%           in the diffrerent classes.
%   g       Gini coefficient.
%   l       Lorentz curve: This is a two-column array, with the left
%           column representing cumulative population shares of the
%           different classes, sorted according to val, and the right
%           column representing the cumulative value share that belongs to
%           the population up to the given class. The Lorentz curve is a
%           scatter plot of the left vs the right column.
%   a       Same as l, except that the components are not normalized to
%           range in the unit interval. Thus, the left column of a is the
%           absolute cumulative population sizes of the classes, and the
%           right colun is the absolute cumulative value of all classes up
%           to the given one.
%   makeplot  is a boolean, indicating whether a figure of the Lorentz
%           curve should be produced or not. Default is false.
% Example:
%   x = rand(100,1);
%   y = rand(100,1);
%   gini(x,y,true);             % random populations with random incomes
%   figure;
%   gini(x,ones(100,1),true);   % perfect equality
% Explanation:
%   The vectors pop and val must be equally long and must contain only
%   positive values (zeros are also acceptable). A typical application
%   would be that pop represents population sizes of some subgroups (e.g.
%   different countries or states), and val represents the income per
%   capita in this different subgroups. The Gini coefficient is a measure
%   of how unequally income is distributed between these classes. A
%   coefficient of zero means that all subgroups have exactly the same
%   income per capital, so there is no dispesion of income; A very large
%   coefficient would result if all the income accrues only to one subgroup
%   and all the remaining groups have zero income. In the limit, when the
%   total population size approaches infinity, but all the income accrues
%   only to one individual, the Gini coefficient approaches unity.
%   The Lorenz curve is a graphical representation of the distribution. If
%   (x,y) is a point on the Lorenz curve, then the poorest x-share of the
%   population has the y-share of total income. By definition, (0,0) and
%   (1,1) are points on the Lorentz curve (the poorest 0% have 0% of total
%   income, and the poorest 100% [ie, everyone] have 100% of total income).
%   Equal distribution implies that the Lorentz curve is the 45 degree
%   line. Any inequality manifests itself as deviation of the Lorentz curve
%   from the  45 degree line. By construction, the Lorenz curve is weakly
%   convex and increasing.
%   The two concepts are related as follows: The Gini coefficient is twice
%   the area between the 45 degree line and the Lorentz curve.
% Author : Yvan Lengwiler
% Release: $1.0$
% Date   : $2010-06-27$
function [g,l,a] = gini(pop,val,makeplot)% check argumentsassert(nargin >= 2, 'gini expects at least two arguments.')if nargin < 3makeplot = false;endassert(numel(pop) == numel(val), ...'gini expects two equally long vectors (%d ~= %d).', ...size(pop,1),size(val,1))pop = [0;pop(:)]; val = [0;val(:)];     % pre-append a zeroisok = all(~isnan([pop,val]'))';        % filter out NaNsif sum(isok) < 2warning('gini:lacking_data','not enough data');g = NaN; l = NaN(1,4);return;endpop = pop(isok); val = val(isok);assert(all(pop>=0) && all(val>=0), ...'gini expects nonnegative vectors (neg elements in pop = %d, in val = %d).', ...sum(pop<0),sum(val<0))% process inputz = val .* pop;[~,ord] = sort(val);pop    = pop(ord);     z    = z(ord);pop    = cumsum(pop);  z    = cumsum(z);relpop = pop/pop(end); relz = z/z(end);% Gini coefficient% We compute the area below the Lorentz curve. We do this by% computing the average of the left and right Riemann-like sums.% (I say Riemann-'like' because we evaluate not on a uniform grid, but% on the points given by the pop data).%% These are the two Rieman-like sums:%    leftsum  = sum(relz(1:end-1) .* diff(relpop));%    rightsum = sum(relz(2:end)   .* diff(relpop));% The Gini coefficient is one minus twice the average of leftsum and% rightsum. We can put all of this into one line.g = 1 - sum((relz(1:end-1)+relz(2:end)) .* diff(relpop));% Lorentz curvel = [relpop,relz];a = [pop,z];if makeplot   % ... plot it?area(relpop,relz,'FaceColor',[0.5,0.5,1.0]);    % the Lorentz curvehold onplot([0,1],[0,1],'k');                        % 45 degree lineaxis tight      % ranges of abscissa and ordinate are by definition exactly [0,1]axis square     % both axes should be equally longset(gca,'XTick',get(gca,'YTick'))   % ensure equal tickingset(gca,'Layer','top');             % grid above the shaded area% grid on;title(['\bfGini coefficient = ',num2str(g)]);xlabel('累积时间/%');ylabel('累计降雨量/%');end

8.3 案例


close all
%% 导入数据:某站点1954-2011年共58年月径流数据
Xlength = length( X(:,1) );
yearStart =1954;
yearEnd = 2011;
nYear = yearEnd-yearStart+1;%% 计算气象水文要素年内分配指数8-基尼系数Cg
Cg = GetCg( X );% 线性拟合
% [P,S] = POLYFIT(X,Y,N)   polyfit中S变量
[P , S] = polyfit(1:nYear,Cg' ,1);
Cgfit = polyval(P, 1:nYear );% 绘图-----------------------------------------
hold on;box on;
h(1) = plot(1:nYear,Cg,'k.-','linewidth',1.5,'markersize',10);
h(2) = plot(1:nYear,Cgfit,'r--','linewidth',1.5);
set(gca, 'XTick', [2:5 : 57],'XTickLabel',{'1955','1960','1965','1970','1975','1980','1985','1990','1995','2000','2005','2010'}) ;
set(gca,'Layer','top','FontSize',12,'Fontname', 'Times New Roman');


9 差积曲线

10 丰平枯统计分析


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