
  • Keyboard
    • 开启键盘模拟 Keyboard.begin()
    • 关闭键盘模拟 Keyboard.end()
    • 长摁键盘 Keyboard.press()
    • 敲击键盘 Keyboard.print()
    • 带回车的敲击事件 Keyboard.println()
    • 释放按键 Keyboard.release()
    • 释放全部按键 Keyboard.releaseAll()
    • 发送单个敲击指令 Keyboard.write()
  • Mouse
    • 开启鼠标模拟 Mouse.begin()
    • 鼠标点击事件 Mouse.click()
      • 函数原型
      • 参数说明
    • 关闭鼠标模拟 Mouse.end()
    • 鼠标移动事件 Mouse.move()
      • 函数原型
      • 参数说明
    • 长按鼠标 Mouse.press()
      • 函数原型
      • 参数说明
    • 鼠标按键释放 Mouse.release()
      • 函数原型
      • 参数说明
    • 鼠标状态检测 Mouse.isPressed()
      • 函数原型
      • 参数说明




VCC 5V串联一只1K欧姆的电阻,然后电阻一端连接Arduino针脚,另一端和开关连接。开关的另一只引脚接地。开关没有接通时,输入引脚4的电位因为VCC接地所以是低电平。当开关摁下后,VCC和接地被阻断,引脚4收到高电平信号,于是在每次摁下开关后,计数器就加1。


#include "Keyboard.h"const int buttonPin = 4;          // 按键连接引脚
int previousButtonState = HIGH;   // 之前按键状态
int counter = 0;                  // 按键计数器void setup() {// 初始化按键引脚,如果没有上拉电阻,需要使用INPUT_PULLUPpinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);// 初始化模拟键盘功能Keyboard.begin();
}void loop() {// 读按键状态int buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);// 如果按键状态改变,且当前按键状态为高电平if ((buttonState != previousButtonState) && (buttonState == HIGH)) {// 按键计数器加1counter++;// 模拟键盘输出信息Keyboard.print("You pressed the button ");Keyboard.print(counter);Keyboard.println(" times.");}// 保存当前按键状态,用于下一次比较previousButtonState = buttonState;


无法处理ASC II表中的非打印字符,也就是EOF、蜂鸣器等控制字符是无法处理的。

另外,Arduino 支持基于32u4和SAMD系列的主控板,比如SAMD21和电脑相连。至于重要不重要,我觉得反正对于我们这种主打软件的人来说,只要能验证方案就行了,并不需要花费过多心思在嵌入式芯片和主控板的选型上。如果有条件的话,最好一个主做软件,一个主做硬件的朋友搭伙一起搞设备是比较合适的。


解决方案是,比如在设计电路的时候,多增加一个按钮,当摁下的时候启动USB托管程序,当再次摁下这个摁钮的时候,就关闭USB托管功能,这样方便你进行调试。此外,在正式运行程序之前,官方建议你先用 Serial.print 把运行结果打印出来,以验证程序是否正确,再接入到USB库里。


开启键盘模拟 Keyboard.begin()

对于Leonardo和Due板来说,这个函数的意义在于启动一个虚拟的键盘,并连接到电脑上,如果需要终止这个连结,使用 Keyboard.end()。

#include <Keyboard.h>void setup() {// make pin 2 an input and turn on the// pullup resistor so it goes high unless// connected to ground:pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);Keyboard.begin();
}void loop() {//if the button is pressedif (digitalRead(2) == LOW) {//Send the messageKeyboard.print("Hello!");}

关闭键盘模拟 Keyboard.end()


长摁键盘 Keyboard.press()

这是十分有用的指令,用于向电脑输入某个被摁下的按键,就像你为了在FPS游戏中,控制角色前后左右移动,需要长摁WSAD一样。那么释放某个按键,就使用Keyboard.release() 或者Keyboard.releaseAll()。

#include <Keyboard.h>// use this option for OSX:
char ctrlKey = KEY_LEFT_GUI;
// use this option for Windows and Linux:
//  char ctrlKey = KEY_LEFT_CTRL;void setup() {// make pin 2 an input and turn on the// pullup resistor so it goes high unless// connected to ground:pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);// initialize control over the keyboard:Keyboard.begin();
}void loop() {while (digitalRead(2) == HIGH) {// do nothing until pin 2 goes lowdelay(500);}delay(1000);// new document:Keyboard.press(ctrlKey);Keyboard.press('n');delay(100);Keyboard.releaseAll();// wait for new window to open:delay(1000);

敲击键盘 Keyboard.print()

模拟敲击事件,比如模拟文本输入。可以使用这个指令。不过都需要注意,所有跟键盘有关的指令,都需要在Keyboard.begin() 被设置后才会有效。

#include <Keyboard.h>void setup() {// make pin 2 an input and turn on the// pullup resistor so it goes high unless// connected to ground:pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);Keyboard.begin();
}void loop() {//if the button is pressedif (digitalRead(2) == LOW) {//Send the messageKeyboard.print("Hello!");}

带回车的敲击事件 Keyboard.println()


#include <Keyboard.h>void setup() {// make pin 2 an input and turn on the// pullup resistor so it goes high unless// connected to ground:pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);Keyboard.begin();
}void loop() {//if the button is pressedif (digitalRead(2) == LOW) {//Send the messageKeyboard.println("Hello!");}

释放按键 Keyboard.release()


#include <Keyboard.h>// use this option for OSX:
char ctrlKey = KEY_LEFT_GUI;
// use this option for Windows and Linux:
//  char ctrlKey = KEY_LEFT_CTRL;void setup() {// make pin 2 an input and turn on the// pullup resistor so it goes high unless// connected to ground:pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);// initialize control over the keyboard:Keyboard.begin();
}void loop() {while (digitalRead(2) == HIGH) {// do nothing until pin 2 goes lowdelay(500);}delay(1000);// new document:Keyboard.press(ctrlKey);Keyboard.press('n');delay(100);Keyboard.release(ctrlKey);Keyboard.release('n');// wait for new window to open:delay(1000);

释放全部按键 Keyboard.releaseAll()


发送单个敲击指令 Keyboard.write()


Keyboard.write(65);         // sends ASCII value 65, or A
Keyboard.write('A');            // same thing as a quoted character
Keyboard.write(0x41);       // same thing in hexadecimal
Keyboard.write(0b01000001); // same thing in binary (weird choice, but it works)

需要注意的是,无论println还是print或者write指令,都只能发送ASC II可打印字符,换句话说,就是你键盘上可以敲击的按键,比如字符的ABCD,数字的1234,或者空格、回车、Ctrl这一类的,对于字符串中止字符\0 ,文章EOF字符,蜂鸣器等控制指令字符都无法使用。



开启鼠标模拟 Mouse.begin()

启动鼠标模拟,如果需要关闭鼠标模拟,那么可以通过Mouse.end() 关闭。

#include <Mouse.h>void setup() {pinMode(2, INPUT);
}void loop() {//initiate the Mouse library when button is pressedif (digitalRead(2) == HIGH) {Mouse.begin();}

鼠标点击事件 Mouse.click()



  • Mouse.click()
  • Mouse.click(button)



  • MOUSE_LEFT (default)

关闭鼠标模拟 Mouse.end()


鼠标移动事件 Mouse.move()



Mouse.move(xVal, yVal, wheel)


  • xVal: amount to move along the x-axis. Allowed data types: signed char.
  • yVal: amount to move along the y-axis. Allowed data types: signed char.
  • wheel: amount to move scroll wheel. Allowed data types: signed char.

需要注意的一点就是,官方并未给出值范围,而只提到这个值接受signed char,所以范围自然就只能 (-127, 127) 之间,所以这里移动距离其实是个相对位置。

#include <Mouse.h>const int xAxis = A1;         //analog sensor for X axis
const int yAxis = A2;         // analog sensor for Y axisint range = 12;               // output range of X or Y movement
int responseDelay = 2;        // response delay of the mouse, in ms
int threshold = range / 4;    // resting threshold
int center = range / 2;       // resting position value
int minima[] = {1023, 1023};  // actual analogRead minima for {x, y}
int maxima[] = {0, 0};        // actual analogRead maxima for {x, y}
int axis[] = {xAxis, yAxis};  // pin numbers for {x, y}
int mouseReading[2];          // final mouse readings for {x, y}void setup() {Mouse.begin();
}void loop() {// read and scale the two axes:int xReading = readAxis(0);int yReading = readAxis(1);// move the mouse:Mouse.move(xReading, yReading, 0);delay(responseDelay);
}/*reads an axis (0 or 1 for x or y) and scales theanalog input range to a range from 0 to <range>
*/int readAxis(int axisNumber) {int distance = 0; // distance from center of the output range// read the analog input:int reading = analogRead(axis[axisNumber]);// of the current reading exceeds the max or min for this axis,// reset the max or min:if (reading < minima[axisNumber]) {minima[axisNumber] = reading;}if (reading > maxima[axisNumber]) {maxima[axisNumber] = reading;}// map the reading from the analog input range to the output range:reading = map(reading, minima[axisNumber], maxima[axisNumber], 0, range);// if the output reading is outside from the// rest position threshold,  use it:if (abs(reading - center) > threshold) {distance = (reading - center);}// the Y axis needs to be inverted in order to// map the movemment correctly:if (axisNumber == 1) {distance = -distance;}// return the distance for this axis:return distance;

长按鼠标 Mouse.press()



  • Mouse.press()
  • Mouse.press(button)


  • MOUSE_LEFT (default)
#include <Mouse.h>void setup() {//The switch that will initiate the Mouse presspinMode(2, INPUT);//The switch that will terminate the Mouse presspinMode(3, INPUT);//initiate the Mouse libraryMouse.begin();
}void loop() {//if the switch attached to pin 2 is closed, press and hold the left mouse buttonif (digitalRead(2) == HIGH) {Mouse.press();}//if the switch attached to pin 3 is closed, release the left mouse buttonif (digitalRead(3) == HIGH) {Mouse.release();}

鼠标按键释放 Mouse.release()



  • Mouse.release()
  • Mouse.release(button)


  • MOUSE_LEFT (default)

鼠标状态检测 Mouse.isPressed()

如果某个鼠标按键被摁下了,或者Mouse.press 发送了长摁命令,则返回true


  • Mouse.isPressed();
  • Mouse.isPressed(button);


  • MOUSE_LEFT (default)
#include <Mouse.h>void setup() {//The switch that will initiate the Mouse presspinMode(2, INPUT);//The switch that will terminate the Mouse presspinMode(3, INPUT);//Start serial communication with the computerSerial.begin(9600);//initiate the Mouse libraryMouse.begin();
}void loop() {//a variable for checking the button's stateint mouseState = 0;//if the switch attached to pin 2 is closed, press and hold the left mouse button and save the state ina  variableif (digitalRead(2) == HIGH) {Mouse.press();mouseState = Mouse.isPressed();}//if the switch attached to pin 3 is closed, release the left mouse button and save the state in a variableif (digitalRead(3) == HIGH) {Mouse.release();mouseState = Mouse.isPressed();}//print out the current mouse button stateSerial.println(mouseState);delay(10);

  1. 《Arduino模拟USB键盘》 https://www.arduino.cn/thread-81605-1-1.html ↩︎

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