Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

When things get too quiet in a group chat, GIFs come to the rescue. Ranging from funny, to sweet, to downright cringy, they can be anything you want. Here’s how to send GIFs directly on WhatsApp, no third-party app needed.

当群聊中的事情变得太安静时,GIF可以解救。 从有趣,甜美到彻头彻尾的粗俗不等,它们可以是您想要的任何东西。 以下是直接在WhatsApp上发送GIF的方法,无需第三方应用程序。

The WhatsApp app on iPhone and Android comes with a built-in tool for searching, sending, and staring GIFs (backed by the superb GIPHY service). Everything happens from the keyboard view in the chat.

iPhone和Android上的WhatsApp应用程序带有一个内置工具,用于搜索,发送和注视GIF(由出色的GIPHY服务支持)。 一切都从聊天中的键盘视图进行。

To get started, open the “WhatsApp” app on your phone and navigate to a chat. Here, tap on the Stickers icon at the end of the text box.

首先,请在手机上打开“ WhatsApp”应用,然后导航至聊天。 在这里,点击文本框末尾的贴纸图标。

This will replace the keyboard with the stickers section. From here, tap on the “GIF” button found at the bottom to switch to the GIFs section.

这会将键盘替换为贴纸部分。 在此处,点击底部的“ GIF”按钮以切换到“ GIF”部分。

You’ll see the trending GIFs. Swipe up to scroll through all trending GIFs, or swipe left or right to switch between different sections. On the right, you’ll find GIF collections based on topics (like Love, Sad, Haha, and more).

您会看到GIF趋势。 向上滑动可滚动浏览所有趋势GIF,或向左或向右滑动可在不同部分之间切换。 在右侧,您会找到基于主题(如Love,Sad,Haha等)的GIF集合。

Let’s try searching for a GIF. Tap on the Search icon (represented by a magnifying glass) in the bottom-left corner.

让我们尝试搜索GIF。 点击左下角的“搜索”图标(由放大镜表示)。

This will open a full-screen search box. Search for a GIF here. It can be something specific, like a show or a movie, or it can be something general, like a mood or an emotion.

这将打开一个全屏搜索框。 在此处搜索GIF 。 它可以是特定的东西,例如表演或电影,也可以是一般的东西,例如情绪或情感。

When you find the GIF that you want to send, tap on its thumbnail.


This will open WhatsApp’s media editor. You can trim the GIF, add a sticker, or even doodle over the animated image. When you’re done editing, tap on the Send button to share the GIF in the chat.

这将打开WhatsApp的媒体编辑器。 您可以修剪GIF,添加标签,甚至在动画图像上涂鸦。 编辑完成后,点击“发送”按钮以在聊天中共享GIF。

The GIF feature in WhatsApp also lets you favorite GIFs.


To favorite a GIF, all you have to do is star the image. When you’re in the chat, tap and hold on the GIF and then select the “Star” option.

要收藏GIF,只需对图像加星标即可。 在聊天中,点按并按住GIF,然后选择“星级”选项。

Starred GIFs will show up in the Starred section in the GIF picker window.


To view recently used GIFs, tap on the “Recent” button found in top-left corner of the GIFs section.

要查看最近使用的GIF,请点击“ GIF”部分左上角的“最近”按钮。

What’s more fun than GIFs? Learn how you can create your own personalized stickers for WhatsApp.

有什么比GIF更有趣的呢? 了解如何为WhatsApp 创建自己的个性化贴纸 。



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