
Most digital gaming storefronts have refund policies when you can’t run, mistakenly purchase, or just don’t like a game. The Epic Games Store is no different, giving you an easy form to request a refund.

当您无法运行,错误购买或仅不喜欢游戏时,大多数数字游戏店面都有退款政策。 Epic Games Store也不例外,为您提供了一种轻松申请退款的表格 。

如何从Epic Games商店要求退款 (How to Request a Refund from the Epic Games Store)

Epic’s refund policy is similar to Steam’s. According to the policy, you can get a full refund for any reason as long as you’re returning the game within 14 days of purchase and with less than two hours of play time. You can’t get a refund if you’ve been banned from that game for any reason, including Terms of Service violations.

Epic的退款政策类似于Steam的 退款政策 。 根据该政策,只要您在购买后的14天内退还游戏且玩游戏时间少于两个小时,就可以以任何理由获得全额退款。 如果出于任何原因(包括违反服务条款)被禁止进入该游戏,您将无法获得退款。

To begin the process, open any browser and go to epicgames.com, then click “Help” in the top bar.

要开始此过程,请打开任何浏览器并转到epicgames.com ,然后单击顶部栏中的“ 帮助 ”。

Select “Epic Games Store” to access the Store’s help site.

选择“ Epic Games Store ”以访问商店的帮助站点。

Click the blue “Contact Us” button in the top-right corner of the page to open the Contact Us form.

点击页面右上角的蓝色“ 联系我们 ”按钮,打开“联系我们”表单。

Fill out the form with your language, name, and email address. Although the support form says your name is optional, Epic Games might reach out to verify your identity, and providing this upfront will expedite the process. Under Product Title, select the game you want to return; in the field under that, designate the operating system you used. Open the “Use the Drop-down Selection That Best Describes Your Inquiry” menu and click “Refund Request / Purchasing Issues.”

用您的语言,姓名和电子邮件地址填写表格。 尽管支持表格中说您的名字是可选的,但Epic Games可能会伸出援手来验证您的身份,并且提供此举将加快流程。 在产品标题下,选择要退货的游戏; 在该字段下,指定您使用的操作系统。 打开“使用最能描述您的查询的下拉选择”菜单,然后单击“退款请求/购买问题”。

Describe your problem. We recommend you give a short, clear reason why you want a refund to make sure everything goes smoothly. When you’re done, type the security code, and click “Submit.” You will receive email confirmation from Epic Games that your request was received.

描述您的问题。 我们建议您提供简短明了的理由来退款,以确保一切顺利。 完成后,键入安全代码,然后单击“提交”。 您将收到来自Epic Games的电子邮件确认,确认已收到您的请求。

您需要了解的退款程序 (What You Need to Know About the Refund Process)

Refunds can always be tricky things when it comes to massive companies like Epic. Here are a few tips to make sure your refund request goes smoothly:

对于像Epic这样的大型公司而言,退款始终是棘手的事情。 以下是一些确保您的退款请求顺利进行的提示:

  • When describing your problem in the Contact form, include the Order ID that came in the email receipt from your initial purchase to expedite the refund request.在联系表中描述您的问题时,请在初次购买时在电子邮件收据中包含订单ID,以加快退款要求。
  • Remember that returns must be requested within 14 days of purchase, and you will be ineligible for a refund if the game has more than two hours of playtime.请记住,必须在购买后的14天内要求退货,如果游戏时间超过两个小时,您将无资格获得退款。
  • If you bought a code outside of the Epic Games store, you’ll have to ask that storefront for a refund.如果您在Epic Games商店之外购买了代码,则必须向该店面要求退款。
  • You cannot return something if you were banned from that game or violated the terms of service.如果您被禁止玩该游戏或违反了服务条款,则无法退货。
  • If you bought a game from the Epic Games store at full price, and it goes on sale within the refund window of 14 days since purchase and under two hours of playtime, you can get a refund and then repurchase the game. Epic explicitly allows this behavior to maximize your savings if you buy a game right before it’s discounted, and does not consider it to be refund abuse.

    如果您从Epic Games商店以全价购买了游戏,并且该游戏在购买后的14天内(不超过两个小时的游戏时间)在退款窗口内发售,则您可以获得退款,然后重新购买游戏。 如果您在打折游戏之前购买游戏,Epic 明确允许此行为最大程度地节省您的钱,并且不认为这是滥用退款的行为。

  • If you want to cancel a refund request, reply to the support ticket email you received when you first filed the refund request. Ask to cancel the original request.如果要取消退款请求,请回复首次提交退款请求时收到的支持通知单电子邮件。 要求取消原始请求。

Your mileage may vary, so let us know if and how it does in the comments.


Epic Games is hoping to steal market share from Valve’s dominant Steam platform by catering to developers by taking a smaller revenue cut (12 percent) than Valve (30 percent). Epic also offers free licenses of their Unreal engine for devs who make their games at least a temporarily exclusive on its platform. Let’s hope this formerly controversial return policy continues to improve PC gaming for us all.

Epic Games希望通过迎合开发者的需求,以比Valve(30%) 少的收入削减幅度 (12%)来抢夺Valve主导的Steam平台的市场份额。 Epic还为开发至少在其平台上临时专有的游戏的开发人员提供免费的Unreal引擎许可证。 让我们希望这个以前引起争议的退货政策能够继续为我们所有人改善PC游戏。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/658098/how-to-get-refunds-for-epic-store-games/


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