You put your iPhone down somewhere, but you can’t remember where. You know it can’t be far; you just had it a little while ago. Finding your missing iPhone is quick and easy using your Apple Watch.

您将iPhone放在某个地方,但您不记得在哪里。 你知道那不会很远。 您刚刚有过它。 使用Apple Watch,可以快速轻松地找到丢失的iPhone。

To find your iPhone, you’ll use the “Settings” glance. If the clock face is not currently displaying, press the digital crown until it is. Then, swipe up from the bottom of the watch face to access the Glances.

要查找您的iPhone,您将使用“设置”一目了然。 如果当前未显示钟面,请按数字表冠直到出现。 然后,从表盘底部向上滑动以访问Glances。

You may have several Glances, depending on how many apps you’ve installed on your watch and chosen to show in Glances. If the “Settings” Glance is not currently displaying, swipe to the right until you reach the left-most Glance.

您可能有多个Glance,具体取决于您手表上已安装并选择在Glance中显示的应用数量 。 如果当前未显示“设置”一览表,请向右滑动,直到达到最左侧的一览表。

On the “Settings” Glance, tap the pinging phone button. Your phone will emit a loud pinging sound that will help you locate it.

在“设置”概览上,点击ping通电话按钮。 您的手机会发出很大的砰砰声,这将有助于您定位它。

To return to the clock face, press the digital crown.


NOTE: Your iPhone must be within range of and connected to your Apple Watch for this feature to work.

注意:您的iPhone必须在Apple Watch的范围内,并且已连接到Apple Watch,此功能才能起作用。


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