

//Adding a Text post 插入文本
FeedItem post = new FeedItem();
post.ParentId = oId; //eg. Opportunity id, custom object id..
post.Body = 'Enter post text here';
insert post;//Adding a Link post 插入链接
FeedItem post = new FeedItem();
post.ParentId = oId; //eg. Opportunity id, custom object id..
post.Body = 'Enter post text here';
post.LinkUrl = '';
insert post;//Adding a Content post 插入文件(上传附件)
FeedItem post = new FeedItem();
post.ParentId = oId; //eg. Opportunity id, custom object id..
post.Body = 'Enter post text here';
post.ContentData = base64EncodedFileData(注意类型-流);
post.ContentFileName = 'sample.pdf';
insert post;


FeeItem Api


The type of FeedItem:

  • TrackedChange—a change or group of changes to a tracked field
  • UserStatus—automatically generated when a user adds a post
  • TextPost—a direct text entry on a feed
  • LinkPost—a URL posting on a feed
  • ContentPost—an uploaded file on a feed
  • PollPost—a poll posted on a feed
  • DashboardComponentSnapshot—a posting of a dashboard snapshot on a feed.
  • ApprovalPost—automatically generated by a feed query on an approval item
  • CollaborationGroupCreated—automatically generated post on a user’s feed when the user creates a public group
  • ActivityEvent—generated event when a user or the API adds a Task associated with a feed-enabled parent record (excluding email tasks on cases) or when a user or the API adds or updates a Task or Event associated with a case record (excluding email and call logging).

    For a recurring Task with CaseFeed disabled, one event is generated for the series only. For a recurring Task with CaseFeed enabled, events are generated for the series and each occurrence.

The following values appear in theTypepicklist for all feed objects but apply only toCaseFeed:

  • CaseCommentPost—generated event when a user adds a case comment for a case object
  • EmailMessageEvent—generated event when an email related to a case object is sent or received
  • CallLogPost—generated event when a user logs a call for a case through the user interface. This event is also generated by CTI calls.
  • ChangeStatusPost—generated event when a user changes the status of a case
  • AttachArticleEvent—generated event when a user attaches an article to a case

查找FeedItem  主键Id

List<FeedItem> flist = [SELECT ID,Title,Body, LinkUrl from FeedItem];


flist = (

FeedItem:{Body=null, Id=0D59000000IjFsxCAF},

FeedItem:{Body=4廷44, Id=0D59000000IjwxXCAR},

FeedItem:{Body=null, Id=0D59000000Ik0C6CAJ},

FeedItem:{Body=466666, Id=0D59000000JAQlyCAH},

FeedItem:{Body=Enter post text here, Id=0D59000000JCxK1CAL},

FeedItem:{Body=Enter post text here, Id=0D59000000JCxhtCAD, LinkUrl=,}



FeedComment fcomment = new FeedComment();
fcomment.FeedItemId = fId; //Id of the FeedItem on which you want to comment
fcomment.CommentBody = 'Enter your comment here';
insert fcomment;|StartTopic=Content%2Fsforce_api_objects_feeditem.htm|SkinName=webhelp

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