独孤求败的风格, 上代码:


* Prepare statement loading from Config

* The ctime on dabase instance config could be used to control the expire * of all prepared statments

* Config ctime = now() could be used to force recompile for each bootstrap,

* date +%s could get the value of current seconds from EPOCH

* stmts will be name => query pairs

* Expired will be recompile automatically, any update on config should update ctime as well


* @author Anthony.chen

* 2010-2012 reserved


class PSTMT{

public static $instances = array();


* Loading the prepare statment from DB Connection

* The stmts is config linked to DB instance with 'stmts' k=>v array


* @return Boolean


public static function prepare($db='default'){

//Getting statment from config

$_config = Pexcel::config('database')->$db;

$_ctime = Arr::get($_config,'ctime',0);

$_configStmts = Arr::get($_config,'stmts',NULL);

if($_configStmts != NULL){//There is statments configured


$_sql = 'select name , EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM prepare_time) as ctime from pg_prepared_statements';

$_pstmts = DB::query(DB::SELECT,$_sql,true)->execute($db)->as_array();


self::$instances[$db] = array();


//Log::debug('Before Commpiling,statement Found');

foreach($_pstmts as $_pstmt){

self::$instances[$db][$_pstmt->name] = $_pstmt->ctime;




//Compile the statments

foreach($_configStmts as $stmtName => $stmtQuery){


if( self::$instances[$db][$stmtName] < $_ctime){

//Log::debug($stmtName.' Expires');


//Log::debug($stmtName.' Exists');







throw new Error_Exception('stmts not in config!');


return True;



* Compile the prepared statment


* @param String $stmtName, Statement name

* @param String $stmtQuery, Statement query

* @param String $db ,Instance name of database


* @return Boolean


public static function compile($stmtName, $stmtQuery,$db ='default'){

if(isset(self::$instances[$db][$stmtName])){ //already Compiled

//Doing Nothing

//Log::debug('DEALLOCATE '.$stmtName);

DB::query(DB::UPDATE,'DEALLOCATE '.$stmtName)->execute($db);


$_ret = DB::query(DB::SELECT,$stmtQuery,False,NULL,$stmtName)->execute($db)->count();

//Log::debug(__FUNCTION__.':compiling the pstat:'.$stmtQuery);

self::$instances[$db][$stmtName] = time();

return True;



* Execute the prepared statement


* @param String $stmtName, Statement Name

* @param Array $params , The parameter to be transfered into query

* @param Boolean $as_object, True to fetch result as object

* @param String $db, Database Instance name


* @return Array of result set


public static function execute($stmtName,$params = array(),$as_object = TRUE,$db = 'default'){


return DB::query(DB::SELECT,NULL,$as_object,$params,$stmtName)->execute($db);


$_config = Pexcel::config('database')->$db;

$_configStmts = Arr::get($_config,'stmts',NULL);

//Compile the prepared statment




return false;


return DB::query(DB::SELECT,NULL,$as_object,$params,$stmtName)->execute($db);




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