pvs-stdio ue4

What’s the one most required thing while writing a C or C++ or for that matter any other computer program?

编写C或C ++或其他任何计算机程序时最需要做的一件事是什么?

Yes it’s the compiler, how else your machine will understand what you wrote. But if i just give you a C++ compiler and tell you to write firefox browser (Actually written in C++) will you be able to do that ?

是的,它是编译器,否则您的计算机将如何理解您编写的内容。 但是,如果我只是给您一个C ++编译器并告诉您编写firefox浏览器(实际上是用C ++编写),您将能够做到这一点吗?

We can do that but we can’t?


It will take so much time for analysis of errors and bugs in the software if we are just using a compiler, that’s why we have tools like Code analysers.


PVS-Studio is one of such static code analyzers for source codes written in C, C++, C# or Java.

PVS-Studio是使用C,C ++,C#或Java编写的源代码的此类静态代码分析器之一。

静态代码分析器是什么意思? (What Do We Mean by Static Code Analyzer?)

Static program analysis is the analysis of computer software that is performed without actually executing programs.


PVS-Studio is a tool for finding bugs and security weaknesses in your source code of programs, which are written in C, C++, C# and Java. It works under 64-bit systems in Windows, Linux and macOS environments, and can analyze source code intended for 32-bit, 64-bit and embedded ARM platforms.

PVS-Studio是一种工具,用于发现用C,C ++,C#和Java编写的程序源代码中的错误和安全弱点。 它可以在Windows,Linux和macOS环境中的64位系统下运行,并且可以分析用于32位,64位和嵌入式ARM平台的源代码。

PVS-Studio detects large amount of bugs in the source code program. It is especially used to find typos and other errors which no professional developer intend to do. The tool currently checks codes from C, C++ and C#. It runs on windows and it greatly integrates with Visual Studio Code. It can be integrated as a plugin into Microsoft Visual Studio Code. It also supports Linux OS where you can check projects and compile GCC and C Lang.

PVS-Studio在源代码程序中检测到大量错误。 它特别用于查找打字错误和其他专业开发人员不打算做的错误。 该工具当前检查来自C,C ++和C#的代码。 它在Windows上运行,并且与Visual Studio Code极大地集成在一起。 它可以作为插件集成到Microsoft Visual Studio Code中。 它还支持Linux OS,您可以在其中检查项目并编译GCC和C Lang。

It can also be used to check the quality of the code written which is very much important while we are working on large size projects. PVS-Studio can be integrated with SonarQube which allows managers to check the quality of the code written.

它也可以用来检查编写的代码的质量,这在我们从事大型项目时非常重要。 PVS-Studio可以与SonarQube集成在一起,从而使管理人员可以检查所编写代码的质量。

PVS-Studio is used to check many open sourced projects till now. Some of the most highlighted are Android Analysis, Firefox and even the Microsoft Powershell Analysis.

到目前为止,PVS-Studio用于检查许多开源项目。 其中最突出的是Android Analysis,Firefox甚至是Microsoft Powershell Analysis。

A detailed list of softwares which are checked using PVS-Studio is available here.


下载PVS-Studio (Downloading PVS-Studio)

Official website of PVS-Studio is www.viva64.com. You can visit the website and download PVS-Studio. It has a trial period free use but after that you have to purchase a license to keep using it. You can fill the form available on the website for the pricing options available. The download section is here.

PVS-Studio的官方网站是www.viva64.com 。 您可以访问网站并下载PVS-Studio。 它具有免费试用期,但之后您必须购买许可证才能继续使用。 您可以填写网站上的可用价格选项表格。 下载部分在这里

If you want to know more about buying options its available here.


PVS-Studio is available free for use of educational purposes and Individual Developers.


What you have to do to have free access to the tool?


Its easy, you just have to write two specific lines as comments at that start of every file in your project.


# This is an independent Project of an independent developer. Dear PVS-Studio, Please check it.

#这是一个独立开发人员的独立项目。 尊敬的PVS-Studio,请检查一下。

# PVS-Studio Static Code Analyzer for C, C++ and C#: www.viva64.com

#适用于C,C ++和C#的PVS-Studio静态代码分析器:www.viva64.com

For more information you can watch below video.




PVS-Studio provides a detailed documentation which explains all the process of integrating it with Visual Studio Code and other Operating System.

PVS-Studio提供了详细的文档,说明了将其与Visual Studio Code和其他操作系统集成的所有过程。

Documentation can be found here.


翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2019/09/pvs-studio.html

pvs-stdio ue4

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