
  • An Evolutionary Approach to Norms
    • 概述
    • norm game

An Evolutionary Approach to Norms


The three most common types of definitions are based upon expectations, values, and behavior.

DEFINITION. A norm exists in a given social setting to the extent that individuals usually act in a certain way and are often punished when seen not to be acting in this way.

To see what rational actors would do in a particular setting, a game theory approach can be used. Game theory assumes the players are fully rational and choose the strategy that gives the highest expected utility over time, given their expectations about what the other players will do.

rationality. Instead, I use an evolutionary approach. This approach is based on the principle that what works well for a player is more likely to be used again while what turns out poorly is more likely to be discarded (Axelrod, 1984).

As in game theory, the players use their strategies with each other to achieve a payoff based upon their own choice and the choices of others. In an evolutionary approach, however, there is no need to assume a rational calculation to identify the best strategy. Instead, the analysis of what is chosen at any specific time is based upon an operationalization of the idea that effective strategies are more likely to be retained than ineffective strategies. Moreover, the evolutionary approach allows the introduction of new strategies as occasional random mutations of old strategies.

The evolutionary principle itself can be thought of as the consequence of any one of three different mechanisms.
It could be that the more effective individuals are more likely to survive and reproduce. This is true in biological systems and in some economic and political systems.
A second interpretation is that the players learn by trial and error, keeping effective strategies and altering ones that turn out poorly.
A third interpretation, and the one most congenial to the study of norms, is that the players observe each other, and those with poor performance tend to imitate the strategies of those they see doing better. In any case, there is no need to assume that the individual is rational and understands the full strategic implications of the situation

The evolutionary approach is inherently probabilistic and involves nonlinear effects. For these reasons, it is often impossible to use deductive mathematics to determine the consequences of a given model. Fortunately, computer simulation techniques (e.g., Cyert and March, 1963) provide a rigorous alternative to deductive mathematics

norm game




到此为止,已经介绍完了Evolutionary Approach到底是一个什么东西

下一部分是讲什么是norm game

然后最后一部分是讲什么是metanorm game

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