英语教学理论与实践 试题
注 意 事 项
Information for the examlnees:
● this examination consists of 2 parts. They are:
Section工:Basic theories and principles(40 points)
SectionⅡ:Lesson plan (60 points)
● Fhe total marks for this examlnation are 100 points. Time
allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes.
● There will be no extra time to transfer answers to the
Answer Sheet; Therefore, you should write ALL your
answers on the Answer Sheet as you do each task.

SectionⅠ: Basic Theories and Principles 40 points
Questions 1-20 are based on this part.
Directions : Choose the best answer from A, B or C for each questiom Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.

  1. Which of the following should most concern us when designing a syllabus?
    A. Needs of the learners. B. Lacks of the learners.
    C. Wants of the learners.

  2. Which of these methods adopts the humanistic view of the learners?
    A. The Grammar-translation Method.
    B. The Audio-Iingual Method.
    C. The Community Language Learning Method.

  3. Which of the following does not describe an Eclectic Approach?
    A. The teacher follows Humanist Approach strictly.
    B. The teacher mixes up a wide range of methods and approaches.
    C. The teacher tries to incorporate the best aspects of all the research about
    language learning

  4. What syllabus does the following present?

       A. Structural syllabus                    B. Topic syllabusC. Skills syllabus
  5. What does the communication approach treat language as?
    A. A system. B. A means of communication.
    C. A set of habits.

  6. Which of the following is the description of a function?
    A. Ownership. B. Giving directions.
    C. Acting out a play.

  7. Which of the following activities is communicative?
    A. Students do mim-research and questionnaires.
    B. Students act out the dialogue in the textbook.
    C. The teacher asks questions about the reading material.

  8. Which of the following activities belongs to the productive typetl
    A. Students listen to a radio broadcast.
    B. Students read a piece of news to complete a chart.
    C. Students discuss the problem presented in the broadcast.

  9. Which of the following roles does tbe teacher mainly play in a communicative
    A. Controller. B. Facilitator.
    C. Assessor.

  10. Which of the following activities can be adopted at the pre-reading stage?
    A. Re-arranging the materials. B. Brainstorming the topic_
    C. . Writing a summary of the text.

  11. What reading strategy does the following activity mainly help to train’? "Read
    through the following passage within l-2 minutes and then find its main idea. "
    A. Skimming B. Scanning
    C. Inferring

  12. What skill does one need to read between the lines?
    A. Skimming. B. Scanning.
    C. Inferring.

  13. Which of the following activities represent the top-down approach?
    A. Watching related films.
    B. Pre-teaching vocabulary.
    C. Explaining difficult language points in the reading material.

  14. Which listening skill combines listening and writing?
    A. Inferring B. Listening for specific information
    C. Note-taking

  15. To develop the skill of listening for specific information, the teacher asks students to fill in the blanks with the information they hear on the tape. Which stage of listening class is it at now?
    A. Pre-Iistening. B. While-Iistening.
    C. Post-Iistening

  16. What listening skill does the following activity help to train?
    Listen to the following text and answer the multiple-choice question.
    In this dialogue , the speakers are talking about .
    A) going to a picnic B) attending a concert C) having a party
    A. Listening for gist.
    B. Listening for specific information.
    C. Listening for detailed information.

  17. Which three stages can be used in the oral lesson aiming at teaching new language?
    A. Pre-speaking, while speaking, post-speaking.
    B. Presentation, practice, production.
    C. Preview,lecture, practice.

  18. Which stage of the speaking lesson should focus on fluency most?
    A. Presentation.
    B. Practice.
    C. Production.

  19. When a teacher corrects the errors of his/her students, what measures shouldn’t he/she use at first?
    A. To give the students who make the error the first opportunity to correct it.
    B. To get other students to correct it.
    C. To correct the student directly.

  20. What aspect of pronunciation does the following demonstrate?
    — — —↘
    A: I’m a student. ( I’m telling you about myself. )

    B: Yes. ( Go ahead. I’m listening.)
    . . . ↘
    A: I study Chinese literature. (Now, more about myself. )
    - - - ↘
    B: How interesting! '( I see. Tell me more. )
    A. Liaison.
    B. Rhythm.
    C. Pitch.

Section Ⅱ: Lesson Plan 60 points

  1. Directions: In this section, you are presented with a short passage. Read the passage and design three reading activities: one pre-reading activity, one reading activity and one post-reading activity. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet. The requirement of each activity is as the following:

    Pre-reading: prepare for reading
    Reading: read to get the main content of the story
    Post-reading : apply what is learned or make comments
    You may follow the table given after the passage. Make sure the three activities are relatedto each other.
    Reading Material:

Excuse me, you’ re sitting in my seat
The train to Beijing! Yi Wen often dreamed about the train,and about going to the capital. But here it was in front of him. He looked at his brother.
‘Don’t forget where you come from,littLe brother,’Jin said. ‘And watch your bags carefully.’
Yi Wen nodded,unabLe to speak. This ‘was his first long trip by train at the start of
his 7zew life,leaving his village and his home for the last sirteen years.
He held Jin in his arms. With tears in his eyes. Jin pushed Yi Wen away. ‘Go,
brother. Write to us as soon as you get there,OK?’
Yi Wen jumped onto the train. There were people and bags everywhere. He pushed
past them towards his seat.
A young man was sitting in Yi Wen’s seat. He was wearing jeans anda-oery smart
jacket,and was smokingacigarette.
What should he do? Six pairs of eyes looked at Yi Wen,while the man looked out of
the window.
‘Sir, you’ re sitting in my seat. ’Yi Wen said, withanervous smile. The other
people watched with interest.
The man didn,t turn to look at Yi Wen,but just looked out of the window.
Excuse me,‘Ihaveaticket zvith the number of the seat you’re sitting inl’Yi Wen
said inastronger vozce.
‘I was here first. ’said the man, without moving his head. Although he was sitting
down,he looked very tall and strong.
Yi Wen looked at the other passengers for help. 'But…’he started to say.
‘But what7, The man turned and looked at Yi Wen. ‘I’m not moving. ’
Finallyaman wearing glasses spoke inaloud voice. ‘This young man has the ticket
for that seat. You should move. ’
Yi Wen felt brave. ‘See? Please move. I’ve gotalong way to go.’
‘How long?’ the young man asked.
‘To the last stop,Beijing.’
‘I’m getting off before you. Then you can have my seat. ’
‘Where is that?’ asked Yi Wen.
Yi Wen thought Hangzhou was far away.
‘It~s twenty-four hours away from here,’the man with glasses said. Even if it’s
only ten minutes,you should move. ’
Slowly the young man stood up,looked at Yi Wen and dropped his cigarette on the
‘I’ll see you later,’he said,and disappeared down the train。

Activity 1(pre-reading)
Activity 2 (reading)
Activity 3(post-reading)
Backup plan:
(l)Predicted problems
(2)Possible solutions

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