create or replace package myPack
asv_bookCount integer;procedure p_back(v_stuid borrow.stuid%type,v_bid borrow.bid%type);function f_bookCount(v_stuid student.stuid%type)return integer;
create or replace package body myPack
asprocedure p_back(v_stuid borrow.stuid%type,v_bid borrow.bid%type)asbeginupdate borrow set b_time=to_date(to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd'),'yyyy-mm-dd') where stuid=v_stuid and bid=v_bid;end p_back;function f_bookCount(v_stuid student.stuid%type)return integerasbeginselect count(*) into v_bookCount from borrow whereb_time is null and stuid=v_stuid;return v_bookCount;exceptionwhen others thenreturn 0;end f_bookCount;

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