java 方法 示例

区域设置类getDisplayCountry()方法 (Locale Class getDisplayCountry() method)



    public final String getDisplayCountry();public String getDisplayCountry(Locale lo);

  • getDisplayCountry() method is available in java.util package.


  • getDisplayCountry() method is used to display the country name for this Locale.


  • getDisplayCountry(Locale lo) method is used to display the country name for the locale and the displayed name will be localized as per based on the given parameter (lo) when possible.

    getDisplayCountry(Locale lo)方法用于显示语言环境的国家/地区名称,并且在可能的情况下,将根据给定的参数(lo)根据显示的名称进行本地化。

  • These methods may throw an exception at the time of displaying the name of the country.


    NullPointerException: This exception may throw when the given parameter is null exists.

    NullPointerException :当给定参数为null时,可能引发此异常。

  • These are non-static methods and it is accessible with the class object and if we try to access these methods with the class name then also we will get an error.




  • In the first case, getDisplayCountry() – It does not accept any parameter.

    在第一种情况下, getDisplayCountry() –它不接受任何参数。

  • In the second case, getDisplayCountry(Locale lo)

    在第二种情况下, getDisplayCountry(Locale lo)

    Locale lo – represents the locale whose localized behavior depends on the displayed name.

    语言环境lo –表示语言环境的本地化行为取决于显示的名称。

Return value:


In both the cases, the return type of the method is String,

在这两种情况下,方法的返回类型均为String 。

  • In the first case, it displays the country name for this locale.


  • In the second case, it displays the country name for the locale based on the given parameter.




// Java program to demonstrate the example
// of getDisplayCountry() method of Locale
import java.util.*;
public class GetDisplayCountryOfLocale {public static void main(String[] args) {// Instantiates Locale
Locale lo1 = Locale.getDefault();
Locale lo2 = new Locale("JAPANESE", "JAPAN");
// Display Locale
System.out.println("lo1: " + lo1);
System.out.println("lo2: " + lo2);
// By using getDisplayCountry() method is
// to return the country name this locale
String co1 = lo1.getDisplayCountry();
System.out.println("lo1.getDisplayCountry(): " + co1);
// By using getDisplayCountry(locale) method is
// to return the country name this locale will
// be localized by the given locale
String co2 = lo1.getDisplayCountry(lo2);
System.out.println("lo1.getDisplayCountry(lo2): " + co2);



lo1: en_US
lo2: japanese_JAPAN
lo1.getDisplayCountry(): United States
lo1.getDisplayCountry(lo2): United States


java 方法 示例

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