apple tv 开发

If you have more than one Apple TV in your household, you probably know how annoying it is when you have to install Apple TV apps multiple times on each device. However, with the release of tvOS 11, that’s no longer the case.

如果您的家庭中有多个Apple TV,则可能必须在每台设备上多次安装Apple TV应用程序时才知道这很烦人。 但是,随着tvOS 11的发布,情况已不再如此。

Thanks to iCloud, all Apple TVs that are signed into your Apple ID will sync with each other. So if you download an app on one Apple TV, it will download that same app on all of your other Apple TVs.

多亏了iCloud,所有登录到Apple ID的Apple TV都将彼此同步。 因此,如果您在一个Apple TV上下载一个应用程序,它将在您所有其他Apple TV上下载相同的应用程序。

Keep in mind that this only works for the Apple TV 4 and the newer Apple TV 4K—third-generation Apple TVs and older are exempt. In any case, if this is something you’re interested in doing, here’s how to make it happen.

请记住,这仅适用于Apple TV 4和较新的Apple TV 4K,第三代或更老的Apple TV除外。 无论如何,如果您对此感兴趣,请按以下步骤进行。

Start by opening up the “Settings” app from the home screen of your Apple TV.

首先从Apple TV的主屏幕打开“设置”应用程序。

Click on “Accounts”.


Select “iCloud”.

选择“ iCloud”。

Click on “One Home Screen” to enable the feature.


That’s it! Once you’ve enabled One Home Screen, any apps you download on one Apple TV will also be downloaded on all your other Apple TVs. Your current apps will also sync with your other Apple TV boxes as well.

而已! 启用“一个主屏幕”后,在一台Apple TV上下载的所有应用程序也将在所有其他Apple TV上下载。 您当前的应用程序还将与您的其他Apple TV盒同步。


apple tv 开发

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