Easyx 学习记录

1. 创建小球


#include <iostream>
#include <graphics.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
{initgraph(600, 600);fillcircle(400, 120,50);//北fillcircle(320, 200, 50);//西fillcircle(400,200, 25);//中fillcircle(480, 200, 50);//东fillcircle(400, 280, 50);//南_getch();//和getchar一样closegraph();return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <graphics.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>const int x = 300, y = 200, mid_radius = 25,others_radius = 50;int main()
{initgraph(600, 600);fillcircle(x, y-80,others_radius);//北fillcircle(x-80, y, others_radius);//西fillcircle(x,y, mid_radius);//中fillcircle(x+80, y, others_radius);//东fillcircle(x, y+80, others_radius);//南_getch();closegraph();return 0;

2. 实现小球匀速下滑

EasyX 白色小球 匀速下滑动画_哔哩哔哩_bilibili

#include <iostream>
#include <graphics.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
{initgraph(600, 600);int cnt = 0;int x = 300, y = 100, r = 50;while (++cnt < 500) {fillcircle(x, y, r);y += 10;Sleep(200);cleardevice();}_getch();closegraph();return 0;

3. 小球往返运动

EasyX 小球匀速往返运动_哔哩哔哩_bilibili

#include <iostream>
#include <graphics.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>int main()
{initgraph(600, 600);int cnt = 0;int x = 300, y = 100, r = 50;int step = 10;while (true) {fillcircle(x, y, r);if (y >= 550) step = -10;if (y <= 50) step = 10;y += step;//实现加速运动的话,我们只需要每次加上一个变量即可Sleep(30);cleardevice();}_getch();closegraph();return 0;

4. 小球抛物线运动


#include <iostream>
#include <graphics.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cmath>int main()
{double width = 900, height = 600;initgraph(width, height);double x = 300, y = 100, r = 10;double step = 5;/*(1)水平方向:s = v₀×t(2)竖直方向:h = (1 / 2)gt²*/double init_v = 10, t = 0, g = 5;while (true) {fillcircle(x, y, r);double s = init_v * t;double h = 0.5 * g *pow(t,2);x += s;y += h;t += 0.5;if (x >= width - 20 || y >= height - 20) break;Sleep(100);cleardevice();}_getch();closegraph();return 0;

5. 按空格小球弹起一次


#include <iostream>
#include <graphics.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;int main()
{int width = 900, height = 600;initgraph(width, height);int cir_x = 300, cir_y = 570, cir_r = 30;fillcircle(cir_x, cir_y, cir_r);int rec_left = 400, rec_top = 500, rec_right = 430, rec_bottom = height;fillrectangle(rec_left, rec_top, rec_right, rec_bottom);while (1) {if (_kbhit()) {//检测键盘是否有输入char input = _getch();if (input == ' ') {auto ball_jump = [=](int x, int y) mutable {int step = 0;int ty = y;//记录一下原来的位置,我们只跳起一次即可while (1) {if (y >= 570) step = -5;if (y <= 350) step = 5;y += step;fillcircle(x, y, cir_r);fillrectangle(rec_left, rec_top, rec_right, rec_bottom);if (y == ty) break;Sleep(20);cleardevice();}};ball_jump(cir_x, cir_y);}}}_getch();closegraph();return 0;

6. 小球躲避方块游戏演示


#include <cmath>
#include <time.h>
#include <easyx.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <graphics.h>
using namespace std;int main() {double width, height, gravity;double ball_x, ball_y, ball_vy, radius;double rect_left_x, rect_top_y, rect_width, rect_height, rect_vx;width = 600, height = 400, gravity = 0.6;initgraph(width, height);int score = 0;int isBallOnFloor = 1;radius = 20;ball_x = width / 4, ball_y = height - radius;ball_vy = 0;rect_height = 100, rect_width = 20;rect_left_x = width * 3 / 4, rect_top_y = height - radius;rect_vx = -3;while (1) {if (_kbhit()) {char input = _getch();if (input == ' '&& isBallOnFloor == 1) {//如果按下空格,且小球在地面就弹起,赋予向上初速度ball_vy = -17;isBallOnFloor = 0;}}ball_vy += gravity;ball_y += ball_vy; // 小球匀速上升运动if (ball_y >= height - radius ) {//如果出界ball_vy = 0;ball_y = height - radius;//调整位置,避免超出地图isBallOnFloor = 1;}rect_left_x += rect_vx;if (rect_left_x <= 0) {//如果方块到达了最左边rect_left_x = width;//出现在最右边score += 1;rect_height = rand() % int(height / 4) + height / 4;//随机方块高度,且最低height / 4rect_vx = rand() / float(RAND_MAX) * 4 - 7;//随机速度 且最低速度为 -3//rand () 产生 0 - RAND_MAX范围的数//short范围 -32768~32767 RAND_MAX = 0x7fff = 32767}//碰撞检测if ((rect_left_x <= ball_x + radius) && (rect_left_x + rect_width >= ball_x - radius)&& (height - rect_height <= ball_y + radius)) {Sleep(100);score = 0;}cleardevice();fillcircle(ball_x, ball_y, radius);fillrectangle(rect_left_x, height - rect_height, rect_left_x + rect_width, height);TCHAR s[20];_stprintf_s(s, _T("%d"), score);settextstyle(40,0,_T("宋体"));outtextxy(50, 30, s);Sleep(10);}closegraph();return 0;

7. 扇形绘制与颜色设置

#include <cmath>
#include <time.h>
#include <easyx.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <graphics.h>
using namespace std;int main() {double width, height;width = 900, height = 600;initgraph(width, height);double radius = 100, x = 300, y = 300;// 画圆形的框int left = x - radius, top = y-radius, right = x + radius, bottom = y + radius;double PI = 3.14159265358;double stangle = 0, endangle = PI / 4;//1rad = 180 / π = 57.30°  // 起始弧度  和 终止弧度setbkcolor(WHITE);//先设置颜色、再绘图,才能得到对应颜色的绘制效果。//setbkcolor(RGB(255,255,255)); // 设置背景颜色为白色 RGB模式setlinecolor(RED);setfillcolor(GREEN);cleardevice();//清空背景 才能给背景上色circle(y, y, radius);solidpie(left, top, right, bottom, stangle,endangle);_getch();closegraph();return 0;


  1. 旋转圆盘——动态视觉图


#include <cmath>
#include <time.h>
#include <easyx.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <graphics.h>int main() {double width, height;width = 900, height = 600;initgraph(width, height);double radius = 100, x = 300, y = 300;// 画圆形的框int left = x - radius, top = y-radius, right = x + radius, bottom = y + radius;double PI = 3.14159265358;double stangle = PI / 30, endangle = PI / 20;//黑白的弧度 PI / 60double stangle_2 = 0, endangle_2 = PI / 30;//红青的弧度setbkcolor(WHITE);cleardevice();//清空才能上色// 起始弧度  和 终止弧度//画20组即可达成效果for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++){setfillcolor(GREEN);fillpie(left, top, right, bottom, stangle_2, endangle_2);stangle_2 += PI / 20;endangle_2 += PI / 20;setfillcolor(WHITE);fillpie(left, top, right, bottom, stangle, endangle);stangle += PI / 20;endangle += PI / 20;setfillcolor(RED);fillpie(left, top, right, bottom, stangle_2, endangle_2);stangle_2 += PI / 20;endangle_2 += PI / 20;setfillcolor(BLACK);fillpie(left, top, right, bottom, stangle, endangle);stangle += PI / 20;endangle += PI / 20;}_getch();closegraph();return 0;




8. HSV颜色模型


#include <cmath>
#include <time.h>
#include <easyx.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <graphics.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace std;int main() {double width, height;width = 800, height = 500;initgraph(width, height);setbkcolor(WHITE);cleardevice();double PI = 3.141592653589793;int x = 300, y = 300, r = 100;//圆弧的圆心int left = x - r, top = y - r, right = x + r, bottom = y + r;//外切矩形的左上角和右下角坐标int step = 10;COLORREF color;for (int i = 0; i < 360; i += step) {color = HSVtoRGB(i, 1, 1);setfillcolor(color);fillpie(left, top, right, bottom,i * PI / 180, (i + step) * PI / 180);}_getch();closegraph();return 0;

9. line 线条的绘制

  • 直线逼近曲线,xy对应坐标等距连接即可

#include <cmath>
#include <time.h>
#include <easyx.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <graphics.h>int main() {double width, height;width = 800, height = 500;initgraph(width, height);setbkcolor(YELLOW);cleardevice();int len = 300;int col_x = 100, col_y = 10, col_endx = len + col_x, col_endy = col_y;//横线int row_x = col_x, row_y = col_y, row_endx = row_x, row_endy = len + row_y;//竖线setlinecolor(BLACK);int line_cnt = 10;for (int i = 1; i < line_cnt; i++) {line(col_x, col_y, col_endx, col_endy);col_x += 30;col_endy += 30;}_getch();closegraph();return 0;
  • 然后是11∗1111*1111∗11棋盘的绘制

#include <cmath>
#include <time.h>
#include <easyx.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <graphics.h>int main() {double width, height;width = 800, height = 500;initgraph(width, height);setbkcolor(YELLOW);cleardevice();int len = 300;int col_x = 100, col_y = 10, col_endx = len + col_x, col_endy = col_y;//竖线int row_x = col_x, row_y = col_y, row_endx = row_x, row_endy = len + row_y;//横线setlinecolor(BLACK);int line_cnt = 10;for (int i = 0; i <= line_cnt; i++) {line(col_x, col_y, col_endx, col_endy);line(row_x, row_y, row_endx, row_endy);col_y += 30;col_endy += 30;row_x += 30;row_endx += 30;}_getch();closegraph();return 0;

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