
hello, you guys, It’s my great honor to start the way of learning programming, and It’s also my pleasure to be here to share my brief self introduction and make my First Flag.
My name is YANG YING, and you can also call me my English name Angela. I come from Shaanxi province,from near Baoji city, my family lived way out in the country, and now i’m a junior student studying in Xi’an university of science and technology, majoring in fire-fighting engineer.
what did you know about the fire-fighting engineer? I guess you must have thought of the fireman, so let me tell you something about this major,in case you are wondering what the major involves,of course,it isn’t the same thing as fire rescue, it’s the major which as much as about the technology and system of fire protection ,which involves many subjects, such as mathematics, architectural structure, psychology and fire science. and i wanna contribute myself to some intelligent products about fire-fighting,making fire rescue more efficient and safer.so i choose to learn more about programming,and i enjoy playing programming,it’s something real!
You guys won’t believe that, when i was a freshman, I used to think i was unfortunately adjusted to this major, but now I feel that I have a great sense of responsibility to contribute myself to the fire industry in China. but now I aim to be able to make more useful software and products in my professional field though my continuous learning and efforts in programming.
You know ,with the rapid development of our country,fire has caused huge damage to people from all over the world, so people have to pay more attention on fire industry. my professor says i should think about being a postgraduate after college,but I don’t think i can make good performance in that way, what I believe is that we should never forget our original intention, so what i wanna do is to move to another city to look for a work as a professional talent. so I’m going to combine learning and practicing in the way of programming, as the saying goes ,You can earn more than ten thousand a month if you break the keyboard. which means i’ll have to write at least 300 lines of code everyday,it seems to be much difficult for me , but i will stick to achieve this goal.
As for how to learn programming, I think i should make up my mind not to give up firstly, then ,i must write code everyday and ask more if i don’t know how to continue my work, another way i believe is to think more and check more.
In fact,I don’t wanna enter any IT company. What i prefer is to enter a fire protection company after I have learned more knowledge about how to program well and make better contributions to the fire industry with my own strength.
Finally,i wanna express something, you know,the world ain’t not sunshine and rainbows,nobody cares how tough you are,it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it.everyone is gonna hit as hard as life,but it ain’t about how hard you hit,it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward,how much you can take and keep moving forward,that’s how winning is done,so go out to get what you worth and push through the pain you feel,don’t let it stop you ,force it and to grow you .
No any excuses, practice makes pecfect ! Just do it !

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