03【托业口语】- part3 Respond to questions



时间:准备时间 各问题3s,  回答时间 15/15/60



  • 用熟悉的句子
  • 一定的速度读
  • 语法简单
  • 是不是事实没有多大关系
  • 肯定句回答(4-5题): 什么 I don’t like ~~`, I don’t want~~, I hate ~ 最好不要用哦

Q4)when was the last time you had your own bicycle and how often did you use it?



(3)一定的语速:两个句子分开回答,and 前后


EX) I had my bicycle 5 years ago, I used it almost every day.

2, 回答战略

一定注意:质 > 量 !!!!

频度:once a day,  twice a week

时间:last week, two weeks ago

场所:at home, ,at school, near my office

人物:with my family, friends, coworkers

Q5) where is a popular place to ride a bicycle in your city and why?

  • 疑问词有一个,以why结尾的问法?+ because ~

EXXi’an part is a popular place to ride a bicycle, because there have good view and there is less person.

Q6) Do you think riding a bicycle is a good form of exercise? Why or not?

  • 3tips:

(1) 回答顺序:立场 + 2个理由 + 结尾 (是个好方法 + 理由1,理由2 + 所以我认为骑自行车是一个运动的好方法)

(2)idea 练习也重要


  • Can + V
  • Need to do / should do
  • It is + adj + to do
  • Don’t have to do
  • There are + noun

EX) I think riding a bicycle is a good form of exercise, First, I can enjoy the view while riding a bicycle; second, I don’t have to pay regularly (or I don’t have to take a bus)

第二部分: 练习


Q4) which town do you think you live in and how long have you been living there?

  • I live in Seoul and I have been here about 5 years

Q5Do you have a plan to move out in the near future? Why and why not?

  • (1) I don’t have a plan to move out because I like my hometown very much.
  • (2) I have a plan to move out because I am going to graduate from my college

Q6what are important things you would consider when moving to a new place?

  • 立场:there are some important things I would like to consider when moving to a new place.
  • 理由1 + 理由2:First, it needs to be closed to my company; second, it should have a beautiful view.
  • 结尾:So, these are the important things I would like to consider when I ~


Q4) How often do you travel and what transportation do you usually use?

  • I travel once a year. And I usually use an airplane to travel

Q5)When was the last time you used an electronic device to find a route and what did you use?

  • The last time I used the electronic device two months ago. And I used my mobile phone.

Q6)What do you prefer to use between a paper map and an electronic device when you travel? And why?

  • 立场:I prefer to use an electronic device when I travel
  • 理由1+理由2, first, I can pinch in the map and search information conveniently; second, I can check my position.
  • 结尾:So I prefer to use an electronic device to travel

第三部分 总结和整理


what is your favorite movie?

- my favorite movie is Love Letter

how often do you usually go to the movie?

-  I go to the movies  once a year

From whom do you get advice about movies?

-  I get advice about movies from my friend.

2, 回答问题


5w + 1H

who, when, where, what, why + how (how many, how often)

who is your favorite author? - my favorite author is ~

when was the last time you bought a book? - the last time a bought a book is a month ago

where do you usually buy a book? - online, offline, bookstore~

what is the most important factor when you buy a book?  - price, content, author, title~

why do you prefer to buy a book online?  - because it is cheaper, easy ~

how often do you usually buy a book? - once a week ~

(2) 练习


where is your favorite restaurant?

why do you go to that restaurant?

what is your favorite cuisine?


when you went to a library?

why do you use a library rather than a bookstore?

how many books do you usually borrow?

3, 满分战略

What is your favorite book?

-  My favorite book is a science fiction novel. + Since that genre is very interesting and exciting. 
How often do you listen to music?

- I listen to music every morning. I spend time listening to music.

When I go to school. It is in your country? And why?

- The best place to visit in my country is Nam San  Because you can see beautiful cityscapes.  Also, you can enjoy street performance If you're lucky.
 When was the last time you went to see a movie?

- And who did you go with? I went to see a movie yesterday with my brother. And the movie was so funny that we kept laughing while watching it.

 What do you think are the advantages of buying books online. 

- I think there are some advantages to buying books online. First, it is cheaper than buying at an offline bookstore. Second, it is more convenient to buy books because you don't need to move by just clicking a mouse. So I like to buy books online.

 What is the most important factor? When your purchasing home appliances function price or brand.

- The most important factor when I buy home appliances is a brand first. I can't believe the quality by buying the product of a famous brand. Second, it is easy to get repaired service because of the famous brand has many services center around the city.  Therefore, I consider the brand most when purchasing home appliances

 What is your favorite music?

- My favorite music is classical music.  When I listen to classical music, I feel relaxed.

 How often do you go to the gym?

- I go to the gym twice a week.    Because I don't have so much time to go there.

 What are the advantages of shopping online?  

- I think there are several advantages to shopping online. First, the price is usually cheaper than offline shops because they don't need to pay for a clicker and renting a store.  Second, it is much easier  Because of the advantages of technology you don't need to go to the store in person. Instead, only by clicking your mouse, you can buy whatever you want. So I believe it is advantageous to shop online.

第四部分 综合练习


Imagine that a marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about shopping.

Question 4.  When was the last time you bought a tool? And what was it?
 The last time I bought a tear was one month ago, I bought a hammer. I needed to fix a bookshelf, but I didn't have a hammer. So I bought one
 Question 5. Where do you like to buy tools besides the internet?
 There is a hardware store in a shopping mall near my house. The location is convenient and the price are reasonable. So I like to shop there.
 Question 6. What do you think are the advantages to buy brand Named tools?
 I think there are two advantages. First, you can expect a certain level of quality.   Also, it would be easier to get your money back. If there were a problem Since you can find the tool at more shops.  So I like to buy brand name tools.


Imagine that a marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about your tourism.

 Question 4. Which season is best for going on holiday?
 I think fall is the best season for going on holiday. I think four had the best weather because it is not too hot or too cold. Also I like seeing the leaves change color.
 Question 5. How long do you usually go on holiday each year?

I usually go on holiday for two weeks each year. It is all the time. My company gives me. If I could go to holiday more, I would.
 Question 6. If you could travel, would you travel to another country on your next holiday? Why?
 Yes, I would. I see my country everyday. So it is a little boring. It would be much more interesting to see someplace new. Also I like to meet new people and try new food. I guess I like new experiences any time. Anytime I get a chance to try a new experience, I do it is more fun. And I guess it fits my personality.  I am really looking forward to travelling abroad soon.


Imagine that a marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about transportation.

 Question 4. When was the last time you used public transportation?
 Actually I used public transportation today. I usually use public transportation to go to school
 Question 5. Do you prefer to use public transportation or private transportation? Why?
 While I prefer to take public transportation. It is often faster than private transportation. For example. Buses have a special lane which allows them to get through traffic easier than private cars.
 Question 6. What do you think are the advantages of using public transportation?
 Well, I guess there are human advantages. First, public transportation uses less energy than private transportation because it can accommodate many people at a time. Also,  It produces less pollution. There are many eco-friendly buses that use natural gas instead of gasoline. Therefore, I prefer to use public transportation.


Imagine that a marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about media.

 Question 4 How often do you check the news?
 I usually check the news once or twice a day, maybe more. If there is an important story. I think it is important to keep up with current events.
 Question 5 How do you think other people in your community get their news?
 I assume much in the same way I do on the internet, tv, and newspapers. But I assume that most people get their news from internet sites.
 Question 6 What do you think is the advantage of getting your news from different sources?
 Well, obviously. Every source has a different point of view. And the sense of  Politics. If you only get your news from one source, you may have a narrower point of view of what is going on. Some current events are hard to understand unless you can see it from different political perspectives. I would assume that is the main advantage


Imagine that a marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about leadership.

 Question 4. Have you ever held a position of leadership? If so, what was it? If not, why not?
 No, I have never held a position of leadership. I am not that kind of person. I don't like to have a lot of responsibilities.
 Question 5. What qualities do you think good leaders have?
 I think good leaders need to have two qualities, at least one is an ability to anti identify and solve problems. The other is to have a good heart and care about people.
 Question 6. What do you think are the challenges of being a leader?
 There are a number of  Challenges to being a leader. The first is that it is very stressful. If you are a good leader, other people benefits. But if you're a bad leader,  People do not benefit as much. I think there are many temptations  As a leader to cheat or to just benefit a few people. It takes a person of strong moral character to not be tempted as a leader.


Imagine that a marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about technology.

 Question 4 When was the last time you sent an EMAIL to more than one person(a group email )  And how many people did you send it to?
 Well, the last time I sent an EMAIL to more than one person was last week at work. I think I sent it to six people 
 Question 5. Which do you prefer sending an EMAIL to one person or to many people? Why?
 I don't really have a preference. If I have to EMAIL multiple people, then it is better to send a group EMAIL because it is more convenient through a personal EMAIL that shows more care.
 Question 6. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of sending a group EMAIL?
 I think the main advantage is convenience. You don't have to send  As many emails. So it saves your time. But there are disadvantages, too. Group emails are not as personal or private. Sometimes a personal touch is nice and more favorable. For example,  If I am solicit sitting business through an EMAIL, I would think a personal EMAIL would be more effective than mass EMAILing


Imagine that apart from is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about restaurants.

 Question 4. How often do you eat at a restaurant?
 I usually eat out at least once a day. When I am at work, I usually eat out. And on the weekend I usually go out to eat with my family once or twice
 Question 5 What kind of food do you usually eat at restaurants?
 I usually eat Chinese food because I am Chinese. My favorite food is the noddles. It is delicious.
 Question 6 Which of the following do you consider the most when choosing a restaurant? Flavor? nutrition or convenience? Why?
 I usually consider nutrition. I think it is the most important thing when selecting what to eat, I am more than willing to go a great distance to eat healthily. It is not that important to me. I know that fried food tastes good, but I don't either because they are too high in fat and empty calories.


Imagine that a marketing firm is to research your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about universities.

 Question 4. How far away is the nearest university to you?
 I am not exactly sure. I think there is a university for about 30 minutes by bus from my house. I have only been there once.
 Question 5. When taking a class. Which do you prefer a large class or small classy?
 I prefer large classes because I don't have to participate as much. large class seats tend to be late for classes. And I prefer to just sit and listen to my teacher
 Question 6. If you were to take a class at university, where would you take it?
 I would take a class on business management. I think it would be very useful for my career. If I took a class on business management, I may be able to get a promotion and take on more responsibility. And the lodge that comes with it. I am sure I could make good use of that large paycheck on such things as buying groceries, paying a horse,and taking a vacation.

【主题】leisure activities.

Imagine that a marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about leisure activities.

 Question 4. How often do you meet new people?

Well, I meet new people almost every day. Because I work at  Added to the computer science department.
Question 5. What do you like about meeting new people?

It is always nice to meet someone new when the person is nice meeting the same people all the time can be boring. Meeting new people is interesting and it keeps you fresh.
Question 6. When you meet someone for the first time, what do you like to talk about?

Well, you have to get to know the person. You may want to know what they do, where they live, what are their hobbies and interests? Maybe you want to know something about their family. Then if there is something interesting about person, you can talk about that. For example, they may have an interesting job or they may have traveled someplace interesting.

 Question 4. How often do you buy books?

I don't usually buy books. I usually check out books from a library. Maybe I buy books once or twice a year when I want to buy a present for someone.
 Question 5. Why do you think people in your community by books?
 I think they want to keep the books for a long time. If you own a book, you can read it at any time. Also, books make for good decorations. I think those would be the main reasons.
 Question 6.  which book do you remember the most and why?

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