








local CreateObjWin
local OnSelectShape
local OnSelectObj
local OnCreateObj
local selectedShape
local selectedObj
local ShowMsgfn ShowMsg msg =
(MessageBox msg title:"Tips"
)fn OnSelectShape =
(if $ == undefined then(selectedShape = undefined)else(local t = superclassof $if t == shape thenselectedShape = $elseselectedShape = undefined)if selectedShape == undefined thenCreateObjWin.selectShapeTxt.text = "no selected shape"else       CreateObjWin.selectShapeTxt.text =
)   fn OnSelectObj =
(if $ == undefined then(selectedObj = undefined)else(selectedObj = $)if selectedObj == undefined thenCreateObjWin.selectObjTxt.text = "no selected shape"else      CreateObjWin.selectObjTxt.text =
)fn OnCreateObj num angleType =
(if selectedShape == undefined then(ShowMsg "please select shape first!"return 0)if selectedObj == undefined then(ShowMsg "please select obj first!"return 0)local space = 1.0/(num-1);for i in 1 to num do(local tempObj = copy selectedObjlocal sp = space*(i-1)local pos = lengthInterp selectedShape spif angleType >1 then(local rota = lengthTangent selectedShape sp local angleDir = -1if angleType == 3 thenangleDir = 1rota = rota * angleDirtempObj.rotation = quat rota.x rota.y rota.z 1)tempObj.pos = pos))rollout CreateObjWin "CreateObjWin" width:246 height:300
(label 'lbl1' "shape:" pos:[17,30] width:40 height:17 align:#leftlabel 'selectShapeTxt' "no selected shape" pos:[70,30] width:93 height:17 align:#leftlabel 'lbl3' "obj:" pos:[16,63] width:40 height:17 align:#leftlabel 'selectObjTxt' "no selected obj" pos:[70,63] width:93 height:17 align:#leftlabel 'lbl5' "num:" pos:[17,99] width:40 height:17 align:#leftedittext 'numInputBox' "" pos:[53,95] width:128 height:23 align:#leftbutton 'createBtn' "create" pos:[59,214] width:107 height:27 align:#leftbutton 'selectShapeBtn' "select" pos:[171,30] width:61 height:17 align:#leftbutton 'selectObjBtn' "select" pos:[171,61] width:61 height:17 align:#leftradiobuttons 'angleBtns' "angle:" pos:[17,137] width:79 height:62 labels:#("none", "positive", "negative") default:1 columns:1 align:#lefton createBtn pressed do(local str = numInputBox.textlocal val = str as numberlocal angleType = angleBtns.stateprint angleTypeif val == undefined or val<=0 thenShowMsg("please input create number")elseOnCreateObj val angleType)on selectShapeBtn pressed doOnSelectShape()on selectObjBtn pressed doOnSelectObj()
createDialog CreateObjWin




在拾取Shape对象的时候,如果拾取的对象不是Shape,将会对后面的步骤产生影响,所以在拾取对象的时候,用superclassof 获取一下当前选择的物体的父类,看是不是 S h a p e 。这里我也是偷懒了,因为用 获取一下当前选择的物体的父类,看是不是Shape。 这里我也是偷懒了,因为用 获取一下当前选择的物体的父类,看是不是Shape。这里我也是偷懒了,因为用读取当前选择的物体,如果同时选择的物体有多个的时候,会返回一个数组,包括下面的选择网格模型也一样。按道理要先判断是否数组然后再进行类型判断的。各位有兴趣可以自己补充一下。


lengthInterp [ <curve_num> ] [ steps: ]


lengthTangent [ <curve_num> ] [steps: ]



pathInterp [ <curve_num> ]
Return a point3 coordinate on the numbered curve (defaults to 1) corresponding to the
parameter value (0.0 to 1.0) that matches the 3ds Max Path controller percentage (vertex-based) interpolation.

lengthInterp [ <curve_num> ] [ steps: ]
Return a point3 coordinate on the numbered curve (defaults to 1)
corresponding to the parameter value (0.0 to 1.0) that is that
fraction along the curve’s total length.

resetLengthInterp ()
Clear length interpolation cache. Use this if
the curve you are length-interpolating along might have been edited
between calls.

curveLength [ <curve_num> ]
Return the arc length of the
numbered curve. This length does not reflect any transform level
scaling performed on the shape.

pathTangent [ <curve_num> ]
Return the tangent
direction vector at the 3ds Max Path (vertex-based) interpolated point
along the specified curve. You can use this function, for example, to
set an object’s direction to follow the curve.

lengthTangent [ <curve_num> ] [steps: ]
Return the tangent direction vector at the arc-length-interpolated
point along the specified curve. You can use this function to set an
object’s direction to follow the curve.

nearestPathParam [ <curve_num> ] [steps: ]
Return the interpolation parameter value (0.0 to 1.0) corresponding to
the point along the curve that is closest to the given
coordinate. The parameter is given as a 3ds MaxPath (vertex-based)
interpolation parameter value. You can then use pathInterp with this
value to find the nearest point’s coordinates, or use one of the
following functions for converting between arc-length parameters and
3ds Max Path percentage parameters.

pathToLengthParam [ <curve_num> ] [steps:]
Return the uniform arc-length length parameter corresponding to the
given 3ds Max Path (vertex-based) parameter for this curve.

lengthToPathParam [ <curve_num> ] [steps: ]
Return the 3ds Max Path (vertex-based) parameter corresponding to
the given uniform arc-length parameter for this curve.


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